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CFP: Gender and Illness (3/31/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:25pm
gender forum

For the completion of a special issue on "Gender and Illness," the
multidisciplinary online journal "gender forum"
(, affiliated with the University of
Cologne, Germany, seeks 2-3 articles discussing the intersection and
mutual implications of gender and illness. We welcome contributions all

CFP: Community and Healing (1/15/07; ABAL, 5/28/07-5/30/07)

Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 12:00am
Michelle Jeanette Coupal

Bridging Communities=3A Community and Healing
Call for Participants

The Association of Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature (ABAL) in conjun=
ction with the 2007 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences invites y=
our participation in our annual conference=2E

Date=3A May 28-30=2C 2007
Place=3A University of Saskatchewan=2C Saskatoon

CFP: Community and Healing (1/15/07; ABAL, 5/28/07-5/30/07)

Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 12:00am
Michelle Jeanette Coupal

Bridging Communities=3A Community and Healing
Call for Participants

The Association of Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature (ABAL) in conjun=
ction with the 2007 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences invites y=
our participation in our annual conference=2E

Date=3A May 28-30=2C 2007
Place=3A University of Saskatchewan=2C Saskatoon

CFP: Community and Healing (1/15/07; ABAL, 5/28/07-5/30/07)

Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 12:00am
Michelle Jeanette Coupal

Bridging Communities=3A Community and Healing
Call for Participants

The Association of Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature (ABAL) in conjun=
ction with the 2007 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences invites y=
our participation in our annual conference=2E

Date=3A May 28-30=2C 2007
Place=3A University of Saskatchewan=2C Saskatoon

CFP: Community and Healing (1/15/07; ABAL, 5/28/07-5/30/07)

Sunday, December 10, 2006 - 12:00am
Michelle Jeanette Coupal

Bridging Communities=3A Community and Healing
Call for Participants

The Association of Bibliotherapy and Applied Literature (ABAL) in conjun=
ction with the 2007 Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences invites y=
our participation in our annual conference=2E

Date=3A May 28-30=2C 2007
Place=3A University of Saskatchewan=2C Saskatoon

UPDATE: Captivity Narratives (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm



The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14â€"17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rowlandson may have set a classroom standard for captivity narratives in
American literature but there are other stories to be considered.

In addition to those captured by Native Americans, slave narratives also
tell stories of life in captivity. And, captivity narratives are not limited to
an American tradition; many folk and fairy tales preceded them in other

UPDATE: Captivity Narratives (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm



The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14â€"17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Rowlandson may have set a classroom standard for captivity narratives in
American literature but there are other stories to be considered.

In addition to those captured by Native Americans, slave narratives also
tell stories of life in captivity. And, captivity narratives are not limited to
an American tradition; many folk and fairy tales preceded them in other

UPDATE: 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference at LSU (12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Matthew Landers

The deadlines for the 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference have been
extended to December 15th. The following cfps are effected by this
change. Please keep in mind that the conference takes place during the
Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans, so be prepared to have a great

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

UPDATE: 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference at LSU (12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Matthew Landers

The deadlines for the 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference have been
extended to December 15th. The following cfps are effected by this
change. Please keep in mind that the conference takes place during the
Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans, so be prepared to have a great

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

CFP: General Literature Panels (12/15/06; EGSA LSU, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota. Selected
Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and Right
(2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

CFP: General Literature Panels (EGSA LSU 12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

CFP: General Literature Panels (12/15/06; EGSA LSU, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota. Selected
Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and Right
(2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

CFP: General Literature Panels (EGSA LSU 12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

UPDATE: 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference at LSU (12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Matthew Landers

The deadlines for the 17th Annual EGSA Mardi Gras Conference have been
extended to December 15th. The following cfps are effected by this
change. Please keep in mind that the conference takes place during the
Mardi Gras festivities in New Orleans, so be prepared to have a great

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

UPDATE: Film Exhibition and Theater Preservation (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/4/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm


New Submission Deadlineâ€"December 15, 2006

The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14â€"17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Join a group that has gathered annually since 2000 to discuss research
accomplishments for the year and to participate in an area that always welcomes
newcomers with fresh ideas on exhibition history and the future of film
exhibition today, as well as the efforts of theatre preservationists who save
history for all us. The focus, then, is the history and future of film exhibition
as well as the good work of those who save movie theatres for all of us to

UPDATE: Film Exhibition and Theater Preservation (12/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/4/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm


New Submission Deadlineâ€"December 15, 2006

The 28th Annual Meeting of the SW/TX PCA/ACA
February 14â€"17, 2007
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Join a group that has gathered annually since 2000 to discuss research
accomplishments for the year and to participate in an area that always welcomes
newcomers with fresh ideas on exhibition history and the future of film
exhibition today, as well as the efforts of theatre preservationists who save
history for all us. The focus, then, is the history and future of film exhibition
as well as the good work of those who save movie theatres for all of us to

CFP: THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FACT: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction (12/15/06; journal issue)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:59pm
Marc Wiseman

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE FACT: A Journal of Literary Nonfiction, a journal =
based out of Loyola Marymount University, invites submissions of =
nonfiction literary memoir, essay, commentary, non-fiction narrative =
poetry, black and white art and photography for its 2nd issue. =
Reception of our inaugural was outstanding, in fact, one of our =
author's, Malina Sarah Saval, was picked up for a book deal by Basic =
Books after they heard her read at our publication party in New York. We =
encourage everyone to submit and take part of this ground breaking =
literary experience.=20

CFP: The University & the Community - Exploring the Connections (1/10/07; 2/9/07-2/10/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Richard Van Heertum

5th Annual CAFE Conference
Call for Proposals
February 9-10, 2007
University of California Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA


"The University and the Community: Exploring the Connection"

Proposals are invited for the 5th Annual CAFE Conference, sponsored by the
Paulo Freire Institute, UCLA. The theme for this year's conference is the
connection between the university and the community, particularly the ways
schools can work with and for the community in efforts to create a more
democratic, equitable and socially-just world.


CFP: Margaret Fuller Studies (1/15/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/278/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Larry Reynolds

Submissions are invited for two sessions hosted by the Margaret Fuller Society
at the American Literature Association Meeting, Westin Copley Place in
Boston, MA, 24-27 May 2007.

Call for papers (2 sessions)

1) First session: Open topic
20-minute papers may be on any aspect of Fuller's life and works, including her
relations to other writers, social movements, and cultural contexts.

CFP: Margaret Fuller Studies (1/15/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/278/07)

Saturday, December 9, 2006 - 11:58pm
Larry Reynolds

Submissions are invited for two sessions hosted by the Margaret Fuller Society
at the American Literature Association Meeting, Westin Copley Place in
Boston, MA, 24-27 May 2007.

Call for papers (2 sessions)

1) First session: Open topic
20-minute papers may be on any aspect of Fuller's life and works, including her
relations to other writers, social movements, and cultural contexts.
