CFP: World War I in America: Violence, Crime, Masculinity, Genre (12/1/06; 6/7/07-6/10/07)
Call for papers: World War I in America: Violence, Crime, Masculinity, Genre
I am looking for papers to include on a panel at the ³Space Between²
conference in Annapolis MD, June 7-10, 2007. See conference information at
the bottom of this email.
This panel will explore the relationship(s) between two things that are not
usually connected: World War I and the rise of crime, real and imagined, in
America. Papers might consider war's relationship to the actual rise of
violence in America in the 1920s and 30s, or to the burgeoning popularity of
crime fiction, gangster movies, and film noir. Did the war breed
criminality? Why? Are soldiers future ³criminals²? Or do they have a