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CFP: Hunting and Fishing Collection (12/1/06; collection)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:15am
Dennis Cutchins

Call for Papers
Editors are seeking articles for a scholarly book on hunting and fishing
traditions and the resulting interactions between animals and humans
tentatively slated to be published by the University of Tennessee Press.
Submissions are welcome from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives
including but not limited to folklore, sociology, popular culture studies,
philosophy, and ecology. Articles should be informed by the author¹s own
discipline but written with a generally educated audience in mind.
Please send a 150-250 word abstract along with a CV on or before December
1st, 2006 via email to:
Dr. Dennis Cutchins

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

UPDATE: Visual Culture and Collaboration: Callaloo Special Issue (12/15/06; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Meta DuEwa Jones

Call for Papers

Note the deadline has been extended to December 15th, 2006!

Special Issue on Visual Culture. In celebration of its 30th =20
anniversary and its commitment to exploring the intersection of =20
literary and visual art, Callaloo will publish an issue that focuses =20
on visual culture and collaboration in the African American context. =20
This special visual culture issue will feature visual and written =20
works that examine the important crossroads=97where literary and visual =20=

art meet=97that Callaloo provides. We seek, then, creative responses, =20=

CFP: Medieval Worlds (grad) (UK) (12/31/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
GW Griffith, English

CALL FOR PAPERS - 'Medieval Worlds'

13th Annual Postgraduate Medieval Conference
16th-17th February 2007
University of Bristol, UK

We are pleased to invite papers from postgraduate medievalists of any
discipline on the theme of Medieval Worlds.

We welcome papers that interpret this broad theme in any illuminating way,
such as (but not limited to) the following:

CFP: Medieval Worlds (grad) (UK) (12/31/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
GW Griffith, English

CALL FOR PAPERS - 'Medieval Worlds'

13th Annual Postgraduate Medieval Conference
16th-17th February 2007
University of Bristol, UK

We are pleased to invite papers from postgraduate medievalists of any
discipline on the theme of Medieval Worlds.

We welcome papers that interpret this broad theme in any illuminating way,
such as (but not limited to) the following:

CFP: Medieval Worlds (grad) (UK) (12/31/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
GW Griffith, English

CALL FOR PAPERS - 'Medieval Worlds'

13th Annual Postgraduate Medieval Conference
16th-17th February 2007
University of Bristol, UK

We are pleased to invite papers from postgraduate medievalists of any
discipline on the theme of Medieval Worlds.

We welcome papers that interpret this broad theme in any illuminating way,
such as (but not limited to) the following:

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the spring 2007 edition of the journal published at

Attach submissions and email to

Deadline: 1 May 2007


 1. Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text
(containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact
information). Please format in Microsoft Word.

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the spring 2007 edition of the journal published at

Attach submissions and email to

Deadline: 1 May 2007


 1. Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text
(containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact
information). Please format in Microsoft Word.

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the spring 2007 edition of the journal published at

Attach submissions and email to

Deadline: 1 May 2007


 1. Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text
(containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact
information). Please format in Microsoft Word.

CFP: Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am

Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the spring 2007 edition of the journal published at

Attach submissions and email to

Deadline: 1 May 2007


 1. Articles must be attached to a brief cover letter in the email text
(containing the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact
information). Please format in Microsoft Word.

CFP: Poe and Periodical Culture (3/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Stephen Rachman

Poe and Periodical Culture. This panel is calling for papers having
to do with any aspect of Poe's work with newspapers and magazines,
esp. papers engaging with recent scholarship that has addressed such
areas as authorship, literary nationalism, the culture of reprints,
copyright, mass production, marginalia, etc.

Send 250-word abstracts to Stephen Rachman
<> or Marcy J. Dinius
<> by March 1, 2007.

CFP: Poe and Periodical Culture (3/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Stephen Rachman

Poe and Periodical Culture. This panel is calling for papers having
to do with any aspect of Poe's work with newspapers and magazines,
esp. papers engaging with recent scholarship that has addressed such
areas as authorship, literary nationalism, the culture of reprints,
copyright, mass production, marginalia, etc.

Send 250-word abstracts to Stephen Rachman
<> or Marcy J. Dinius
<> by March 1, 2007.

CFP: Poe and Periodical Culture (3/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Stephen Rachman

Poe and Periodical Culture. This panel is calling for papers having
to do with any aspect of Poe's work with newspapers and magazines,
esp. papers engaging with recent scholarship that has addressed such
areas as authorship, literary nationalism, the culture of reprints,
copyright, mass production, marginalia, etc.

Send 250-word abstracts to Stephen Rachman
<> or Marcy J. Dinius
<> by March 1, 2007.

CFP: Time/Passages (grad) (1/15/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
IU English Department GSAC

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

CFP: Time/Passages (grad) (1/15/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
IU English Department GSAC

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

CFP: Time/Passages (grad) (1/15/07; 3/22/07-3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
IU English Department GSAC

We are issuing a Call for Proposals for scholarly and
creative submissions for a National Interdisciplinary
Graduate Student Conference entitled "Time/Passages"
to be held at Indiana University in Bloomington from
March 22-24, 2007.

CFP: Tracing Debt in Literature and Culture (grad) (12/31/06; 3/29/07-3/31/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Katharina Natalia Piechocki

This is an announcement for the NYU Comparative Literature department's
annual graduate student conference, which will be take place between
March 29 (Thurs.) to March 31 (Sat.), 2007. The CFP is posted below. If
you have any questions please contact the organizers at

Foreclosure and Forgiveness: Tracing Debt in Literature and Culture

A Graduate Student Conference
Sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature
New York University
March Thurs. 29 - Sat.31, 2007

Call for Papers

CFP: Tracing Debt in Literature and Culture (grad) (12/31/06; 3/29/07-3/31/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Katharina Natalia Piechocki

This is an announcement for the NYU Comparative Literature department's
annual graduate student conference, which will be take place between
March 29 (Thurs.) to March 31 (Sat.), 2007. The CFP is posted below. If
you have any questions please contact the organizers at

Foreclosure and Forgiveness: Tracing Debt in Literature and Culture

A Graduate Student Conference
Sponsored by the Department of Comparative Literature
New York University
March Thurs. 29 - Sat.31, 2007

Call for Papers

CFP: College of Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference - Feminism, Activism and the Academy (1/7/07; 3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am



The Women's Studies Committee at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY
invites you to join Activist/Scholar/Publisher Barbara Smith and
Authors/Activists Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards for the First
Annual Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference on Saturday, March
24, 2007.


This year, we invite scholarly papers, practical workshops and dialogues
by and between feminist and womanist activists, writers and scholars on
themes related to Feminism, Activism and the Academy.=20


CFP: College of Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference - Feminism, Activism and the Academy (1/7/07; 3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am



The Women's Studies Committee at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY
invites you to join Activist/Scholar/Publisher Barbara Smith and
Authors/Activists Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards for the First
Annual Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference on Saturday, March
24, 2007.


This year, we invite scholarly papers, practical workshops and dialogues
by and between feminist and womanist activists, writers and scholars on
themes related to Feminism, Activism and the Academy.=20


CFP: College of Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference - Feminism, Activism and the Academy (1/7/07; 3/24/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am



The Women's Studies Committee at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY
invites you to join Activist/Scholar/Publisher Barbara Smith and
Authors/Activists Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards for the First
Annual Saint Rose Women's Studies Regional Conference on Saturday, March
24, 2007.


This year, we invite scholarly papers, practical workshops and dialogues
by and between feminist and womanist activists, writers and scholars on
themes related to Feminism, Activism and the Academy.=20


CFP: AHCT El Paso, Spanish Comedia (11/26/06; 3/1/07-3/3/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Lottman, Maryrica

Call for papers re: Ana Caro's *Valor, agravio y mujer,* especially =
those focusing on its recent production at Washington's GALA Theater =
under the direction of Hugo Medrano. Please send abstracts by Friday =
Nov. 26th to Maryrica Ortiz Lottman, Assistant Professor of Spanish, =

CFP: AHCT El Paso, Spanish Comedia (11/26/06; 3/1/07-3/3/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
Lottman, Maryrica

Call for papers re: Ana Caro's *Valor, agravio y mujer,* especially =
those focusing on its recent production at Washington's GALA Theater =
under the direction of Hugo Medrano. Please send abstracts by Friday =
Nov. 26th to Maryrica Ortiz Lottman, Assistant Professor of Spanish, =

CFP: Everyday Life (grad) (12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Monday, November 13, 2006 - 4:14am
nicky agate

The Department of French at New York University announces its annual =20
Graduate Conference, =93Un/Common Experience: The Dross and the Glory =20=

of Everyday Life=94.

February 16-17, 2007

=93How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.=94Annie =20=

Dillard, The Writing Life

  =93How are we to speak of these =91common things,=92 how to track them =
down rather, flush them out, wrest them from the dross in which they =20
remain mired, how to give them a meaning, a tongue, to let them, =20
finally, speak of what is, of what we are?=94 Georges Perec, Species of =20=

Places and Other Pieces
