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CFP: Thinking Class The Adjunct Experience (4/1/07; collection)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 10:53pm

CFP: Thinking Class: The Adjunct Experience We are seeking narratives det=
ailing experiences with and perceptions of part-time teaching at the univ=
ersity level. We do not have any limitations in terms of word count or ge=
nre; please be as candid, passionate, and opinionated as you feel is nece=
ssary in your contribution. Some of the anthology=E2=80=99s themes will i=
nclude, for example, examinations of part time employment through the len=
s of class, the impact of institutional policies on educational practice,=
 and the rigors of teaching part-time online.

CFP: Contemporary Arabic Film (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:52pm
Ken Seigneurie

The Representation of Social Crisis in Contemporary Arabic Film

Special Session Panel Proposal for the 2007 MLA Convention

Presented by Ken Seigneurie

Lebanese American University - Beirut


Whether the object of direct representation in films such as The Yacoubian

Building or diffracted through popular ideology in others such as Dunia,

social issues find their way into Arabic-language films from Iraq to

Morocco. This panel proposes to look at films produced within the past

twenty years as so many windows (clear, broken, smoked or grimy) onto

social and political crises. Two-page abstracts by 15 March treating any of

CFP: Contemporary Arabic Film (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:52pm
Ken Seigneurie

The Representation of Social Crisis in Contemporary Arabic Film

Special Session Panel Proposal for the 2007 MLA Convention

Presented by Ken Seigneurie

Lebanese American University - Beirut


Whether the object of direct representation in films such as The Yacoubian

Building or diffracted through popular ideology in others such as Dunia,

social issues find their way into Arabic-language films from Iraq to

Morocco. This panel proposes to look at films produced within the past

twenty years as so many windows (clear, broken, smoked or grimy) onto

social and political crises. Two-page abstracts by 15 March treating any of

CFP: Rhetoric Panel (3/16/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lori Rios

Call for Papers
South Central Modern Language Association

2007 Conference in Memphis, Tennessee: November 1-3

The SCMLA Rhetoric panel invites proposals (abstracts or full papers) for
the 2007 conference to be held Nov. 1-3, 2007, in Memphis, Tennessee. This
year's "open topic" panel welcomes proposals on any topic related to
rhetoric, including but not limited to the rhetoric of composition pedagogy,
tutoring rhetoric, the rhetoric of disability, feminist rhetoric, and new
(electronic) media rhetoric.

Papers from graduate students are welcome.

Please email 500-word abstracts by March 16, 2007 to: Lori Rios at

CFP: Rhetoric Panel (3/16/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lori Rios

Call for Papers
South Central Modern Language Association

2007 Conference in Memphis, Tennessee: November 1-3

The SCMLA Rhetoric panel invites proposals (abstracts or full papers) for
the 2007 conference to be held Nov. 1-3, 2007, in Memphis, Tennessee. This
year's "open topic" panel welcomes proposals on any topic related to
rhetoric, including but not limited to the rhetoric of composition pedagogy,
tutoring rhetoric, the rhetoric of disability, feminist rhetoric, and new
(electronic) media rhetoric.

Papers from graduate students are welcome.

Please email 500-word abstracts by March 16, 2007 to: Lori Rios at

CFP: Rhetoric Panel (3/16/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lori Rios

Call for Papers
South Central Modern Language Association

2007 Conference in Memphis, Tennessee: November 1-3

The SCMLA Rhetoric panel invites proposals (abstracts or full papers) for
the 2007 conference to be held Nov. 1-3, 2007, in Memphis, Tennessee. This
year's "open topic" panel welcomes proposals on any topic related to
rhetoric, including but not limited to the rhetoric of composition pedagogy,
tutoring rhetoric, the rhetoric of disability, feminist rhetoric, and new
(electronic) media rhetoric.

Papers from graduate students are welcome.

Please email 500-word abstracts by March 16, 2007 to: Lori Rios at

CFP: Popular Culture in Scandinavia (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Andrew Nestingen

The Scandinavian Discussion Section's executive committee invites
paper proposals on any aspect of popular culture in Scandinavian
literature or film for the 2007 MLA meeting in Chicago. Papers on
genre, multiculturalism, or globalization and popular culture are of
particular interest.

Please send an abstract (200 words max.) and a one-page c.v. as soon
as possible, but no later than 15 March 2007, to:

Hard copies may be addressed to:

Andrew Nestingen
University of Washington
Dept. of Scandinavian Studies
Box 353420
Seattle, WA 98195-3420

Tel. + 206 543 0643
Fax. + 206 685 9173

CFP: Science and Literature (3/31/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Elizabeth Klaver

Call for Papers
Permanent Session of the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference,
Cleveland, OH 11/8/07-11/11/07
Conference Theme: "Reconsidering Realisms"

Panel Topic: Medical Science and Literature

CFP: Science and Literature (3/31/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Elizabeth Klaver

Call for Papers
Permanent Session of the Midwest Modern Language Association Conference,
Cleveland, OH 11/8/07-11/11/07
Conference Theme: "Reconsidering Realisms"

Panel Topic: Medical Science and Literature

CFP: Literature of Social Protest (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Leni Marshall

Please reply to Michael Bennett directly (

Session of the Radical Caucus of the MLA

Teaching Social Protest
Teaching literary and cultural texts about social (environmental
justice, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-imperialist, ...) movements,
intentional communities, anti-capitalist struggles, utopian
ideas. Oaxaca, Stonewall, Combahee River Collective, SDS,
Zapatistas, Brook Farm, ....

1-2 page abstracts by 15 Mar; Michael Bennett (

CFP: Literature of Social Protest (3/15/07; MLA '07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Leni Marshall

Please reply to Michael Bennett directly (

Session of the Radical Caucus of the MLA

Teaching Social Protest
Teaching literary and cultural texts about social (environmental
justice, anti-racist, anti-sexist, anti-imperialist, ...) movements,
intentional communities, anti-capitalist struggles, utopian
ideas. Oaxaca, Stonewall, Combahee River Collective, SDS,
Zapatistas, Brook Farm, ....

1-2 page abstracts by 15 Mar; Michael Bennett (

CFP: Men and Marriage (4/13/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lubovich, Maglina

We are currently soliciting abstracts for the 2007 M/MLA permanent section,
Gender Studies: Male.

This panel seeks theoretical treatments of the relationship between
men/masculinities and marriage in literature, film, drama, art and popular
culture from any historical period. We welcome papers that will complicate
our understanding of this relationship and history. Topics might include
domestic men, feminist or queer critiques of marriage, fictions of
miscegenation or anti-miscegenation, bachelors and marriage, etc.

CFP: Men and Marriage (4/13/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lubovich, Maglina

We are currently soliciting abstracts for the 2007 M/MLA permanent section,
Gender Studies: Male.

This panel seeks theoretical treatments of the relationship between
men/masculinities and marriage in literature, film, drama, art and popular
culture from any historical period. We welcome papers that will complicate
our understanding of this relationship and history. Topics might include
domestic men, feminist or queer critiques of marriage, fictions of
miscegenation or anti-miscegenation, bachelors and marriage, etc.

CFP: Men and Marriage (4/13/07; M/MLA, 11/8/07-11/11/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Lubovich, Maglina

We are currently soliciting abstracts for the 2007 M/MLA permanent section,
Gender Studies: Male.

This panel seeks theoretical treatments of the relationship between
men/masculinities and marriage in literature, film, drama, art and popular
culture from any historical period. We welcome papers that will complicate
our understanding of this relationship and history. Topics might include
domestic men, feminist or queer critiques of marriage, fictions of
miscegenation or anti-miscegenation, bachelors and marriage, etc.

CFP: Iconic Places and Characters in 20th Century American Cultures (3/30/07; 10/18/07-10/19/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Leni Marshall

**I'm posting this for a friend.**
Please Send All Queries and Submissions To


"The River is a Strong Brown God"
Iconic Places and Characters in 20th Century American Cultures

The second meeting of a continuing series entitled
  An American Century: 1901-2000
In honor of Sinclair Lewis and Ida K. Compton
October 18-19, 2007
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud, Minnesota

CFP: Fantasy Matters (5/31/07; 11/16/07-11/18/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm

Call for Papers: Fantasy Matters conference, November 16-18, 2007
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2007

Fantasy literature is everywhere these days. Whether it's Eragon at the box
office or the latest Harry Potter at the bookstore, fantasy literature
seems to have captured the public's imagination and run away with it. In
spite of, or perhaps because of this popularity, however, fantasy
literature still isn't taken as seriously as other, more "canonical"

CFP: Fantasy Matters (5/31/07; 11/16/07-11/18/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm

Call for Papers: Fantasy Matters conference, November 16-18, 2007
University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2007

Fantasy literature is everywhere these days. Whether it's Eragon at the box
office or the latest Harry Potter at the bookstore, fantasy literature
seems to have captured the public's imagination and run away with it. In
spite of, or perhaps because of this popularity, however, fantasy
literature still isn't taken as seriously as other, more "canonical"

UPDATE: Imagining South Asia (3/31/07; journal issue)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Amardeep Singh


Special Topic Issue of South Asian Review 2007
Topic: "Imagining South Asia"
Deadline Extended: March 31st, 2007


The South Asian Review, the refereed journal of the South Asian
Literary Association, is soliciting essays for the 2007 Special Topic
issue, volume 28, Number 1, devoted to "Imagining South Asia."

UPDATE: Imagining South Asia (3/31/07; journal issue)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Amardeep Singh


Special Topic Issue of South Asian Review 2007
Topic: "Imagining South Asia"
Deadline Extended: March 31st, 2007


The South Asian Review, the refereed journal of the South Asian
Literary Association, is soliciting essays for the 2007 Special Topic
issue, volume 28, Number 1, devoted to "Imagining South Asia."

UPDATE: Imagining South Asia (3/31/07; journal issue)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Amardeep Singh


Special Topic Issue of South Asian Review 2007
Topic: "Imagining South Asia"
Deadline Extended: March 31st, 2007


The South Asian Review, the refereed journal of the South Asian
Literary Association, is soliciting essays for the 2007 Special Topic
issue, volume 28, Number 1, devoted to "Imagining South Asia."

UPDATE: Imagining South Asia (3/31/07; journal issue)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Amardeep Singh


Special Topic Issue of South Asian Review 2007
Topic: "Imagining South Asia"
Deadline Extended: March 31st, 2007


The South Asian Review, the refereed journal of the South Asian
Literary Association, is soliciting essays for the 2007 Special Topic
issue, volume 28, Number 1, devoted to "Imagining South Asia."

CFP: Thomas Pynchon (France) (4/20/07; 6/1/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Georges-Claude GUILBERT

One-day conference
Reading Thomas Pynchon's latest novel, _Against the

Friday June 1, 2007
Organized by the GRAAT
Universite Francois Rabelais
Tours, France

Call for papers

CFP: Thomas Pynchon (France) (4/20/07; 6/1/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Georges-Claude GUILBERT

One-day conference
Reading Thomas Pynchon's latest novel, _Against the

Friday June 1, 2007
Organized by the GRAAT
Universite Francois Rabelais
Tours, France

Call for papers

CFP: Fashion and Aesthetics (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Saturday, March 3, 2007 - 9:51pm
Fortunato, Paul

CFP: Fashion and Aesthetics (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07 - 10/6/07)=20
We invite submissions for a panel at the
Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Conference, in Calgary, =
October 2007.
We invite a wide variety of topics, but are particularly interested in=20
the following:=20
fashion and theories of art=20
clothing as a sign or as language=20
clothing as both mask and means of self-expression=20
economics of clothing, consumer culture and art=20
fashion design=20
costume, theater, film, and fashion=20
fashion and celebrity culture=20
Please send brief abstract, bio paragraph, and contact information to
the session chair at your earliest convenience:
