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CFP: Formalist Literary Theory in America (3/15/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Alfred J. Drake

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference
November 2-3, 2007
Western Washington University
Bellingham, Washington

  "The New Criticism: Formalist Literary Theory and Practice in America."

Paper proposals sought for an approved special-session panel on American
New Criticism. Proposals may address issues ranging from the theory and
practice of American formalist critics to the history and impact of
formalism in higher education. (Proposals that address movements and
authors beyond the panel's American context may also be considered.)

CFP: Formalist Literary Theory in America (3/15/07; PAMLA, 11/2/07-11/3/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Alfred J. Drake

Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference
November 2-3, 2007
Western Washington University
Bellingham, Washington

  "The New Criticism: Formalist Literary Theory and Practice in America."

Paper proposals sought for an approved special-session panel on American
New Criticism. Proposals may address issues ranging from the theory and
practice of American formalist critics to the history and impact of
formalism in higher education. (Proposals that address movements and
authors beyond the panel's American context may also be considered.)

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Theorizing Genre Fiction (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

CFP: Literature & Fashion (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Catherine R Mintler

Call for Papers: "Literature & Fashion" Panel
RMMLA Conference, Calgary Alberta, October 4-6, 2007.
          * * * * * * *
The focus of the 2007 RMMLA panel on "Literature & Fashion" is open regarding genre and period; however, we are specifically interested in papers that explore the "materiality" of clothing in shaping the context of identity and in shaping the practices that continually [trans]form identity--or, adversely, impede its transformation or essentialize it--for either/both wearer and observer.
* performance (in any of its many [dis]guises)

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

Critical theory, while long present in English departments within critical studies of literature, has been largely missing from the teaching of creative writing. However, recent applications of theory to creative writing studies have allowed unexpected and rewarding results. With this in mind, participants are invited to submit works that deal with the application of critical theory of creative writing.

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

Critical theory, while long present in English departments within critical studies of literature, has been largely missing from the teaching of creative writing. However, recent applications of theory to creative writing studies have allowed unexpected and rewarding results. With this in mind, participants are invited to submit works that deal with the application of critical theory of creative writing.

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

UPDATE: Creative Writing Theory (grad) (2/16/07; (dis)junctions, 4/6/07-4/7/07)

This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be held at (dis)junctions 2007: Malappropriation Nation at the University of California Riverside’s 14th Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 6-7, 2007.

Critical theory, while long present in English departments within critical studies of literature, has been largely missing from the teaching of creative writing. However, recent applications of theory to creative writing studies have allowed unexpected and rewarding results. With this in mind, participants are invited to submit works that deal with the application of critical theory of creative writing.

UPDATE: UD LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose (2/26/07; 3/13/07-3/14/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

“LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose.”

Call for Papers for the University of Dayton’s LitFest, April 13th and
14th, 2007

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton’s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, April 13th and
14th, 2007. Organized by Department of English graduate students, the UD
LitFest has brought academic and creative submissions together since 2001.
We seek papers about the following:

UPDATE: UD LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose (2/26/07; 3/13/07-3/14/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

“LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose.”

Call for Papers for the University of Dayton’s LitFest, April 13th and
14th, 2007

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton’s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, April 13th and
14th, 2007. Organized by Department of English graduate students, the UD
LitFest has brought academic and creative submissions together since 2001.
We seek papers about the following:

UPDATE: UD LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose (2/26/07; 3/13/07-3/14/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

“LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose.”

Call for Papers for the University of Dayton’s LitFest, April 13th and
14th, 2007

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton’s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, April 13th and
14th, 2007. Organized by Department of English graduate students, the UD
LitFest has brought academic and creative submissions together since 2001.
We seek papers about the following:

UPDATE: UD LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose (2/26/07; 3/13/07-3/14/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

“LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose.”

Call for Papers for the University of Dayton’s LitFest, April 13th and
14th, 2007

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton’s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, April 13th and
14th, 2007. Organized by Department of English graduate students, the UD
LitFest has brought academic and creative submissions together since 2001.
We seek papers about the following:

UPDATE: UD LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose (2/26/07; 3/13/07-3/14/07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm

“LitFest 2007: The Digital Revolution in Poetry and Prose.”

Call for Papers for the University of Dayton’s LitFest, April 13th and
14th, 2007

You are invited to submit paper or panel proposals for the University of
Dayton’s LitFest, to be held at the University of Dayton, April 13th and
14th, 2007. Organized by Department of English graduate students, the UD
LitFest has brought academic and creative submissions together since 2001.
We seek papers about the following:

CFP: Future Spaces/Scottish Places (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Caroline McCracken-Flesher

Proposed Special Session for 2007 MLA (Chicago)

Future Spaces, Scottish Places
Science fiction and fantasy worlds in Iain Banks, Conan
Doyle, Alasdair Gray, George MacDonald. David Lindsay,
Naomi Mitchison. Earlier authors and other genres too.

1p proposals and vitae by 1 March to
Caroline McCracken-Flesher (

CFP: Future Spaces/Scottish Places (3/1/07; MLA '07)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
Caroline McCracken-Flesher

Proposed Special Session for 2007 MLA (Chicago)

Future Spaces, Scottish Places
Science fiction and fantasy worlds in Iain Banks, Conan
Doyle, Alasdair Gray, George MacDonald. David Lindsay,
Naomi Mitchison. Earlier authors and other genres too.

1p proposals and vitae by 1 March to
Caroline McCracken-Flesher (

CFP: Essays on Guy Maddin (4/1/07; collection)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
David Church

    Contributors are currently sought for a collection of scholarly essays devoted to the films of Guy Maddin, one of the most distinctive, outlandish, and personal filmmakers. Though Maddin's international reputation has grown steadily over the past two decades, in-depth academic analyses of his work have been relatively few in number. This collection will attempt to redress that deficiency by bringing new material alongside several previously published essays, offering multiple perspectives on all things Maddin.
    Possible topics include:
  * postmodernism and its relatives (pastiche, irony, ambivalence, etc.)
  * themes of amnesia/incest/necrophilia

CFP: Essays on Guy Maddin (4/1/07; collection)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
David Church

    Contributors are currently sought for a collection of scholarly essays devoted to the films of Guy Maddin, one of the most distinctive, outlandish, and personal filmmakers. Though Maddin's international reputation has grown steadily over the past two decades, in-depth academic analyses of his work have been relatively few in number. This collection will attempt to redress that deficiency by bringing new material alongside several previously published essays, offering multiple perspectives on all things Maddin.
    Possible topics include:
  * postmodernism and its relatives (pastiche, irony, ambivalence, etc.)
  * themes of amnesia/incest/necrophilia

CFP: Essays on Guy Maddin (4/1/07; collection)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
David Church

    Contributors are currently sought for a collection of scholarly essays devoted to the films of Guy Maddin, one of the most distinctive, outlandish, and personal filmmakers. Though Maddin's international reputation has grown steadily over the past two decades, in-depth academic analyses of his work have been relatively few in number. This collection will attempt to redress that deficiency by bringing new material alongside several previously published essays, offering multiple perspectives on all things Maddin.
    Possible topics include:
  * postmodernism and its relatives (pastiche, irony, ambivalence, etc.)
  * themes of amnesia/incest/necrophilia

CFP: Essays on Guy Maddin (4/1/07; collection)

Sunday, January 28, 2007 - 8:00pm
David Church

    Contributors are currently sought for a collection of scholarly essays devoted to the films of Guy Maddin, one of the most distinctive, outlandish, and personal filmmakers. Though Maddin's international reputation has grown steadily over the past two decades, in-depth academic analyses of his work have been relatively few in number. This collection will attempt to redress that deficiency by bringing new material alongside several previously published essays, offering multiple perspectives on all things Maddin.
    Possible topics include:
  * postmodernism and its relatives (pastiche, irony, ambivalence, etc.)
  * themes of amnesia/incest/necrophilia
