CFP: Realism in European Film Theory and Cinema (2/20/06; collection)
Realism in European Film Theory and Cinema (2/20/06; collection)
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Realism in European Film Theory and Cinema (2/20/06; collection)
Realism in European Film Theory and Cinema (2/20/06; collection)
> CFP: Langston Hughes reference book (no deadline; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
> libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume reference book
> on Langston Hughes, focusing on critical analysis of his works. The
> ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Hughes's life and
> works, and an ability to write clearly and succinctly for students in
> CFP: Langston Hughes reference book (no deadline; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
> libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume reference book
> on Langston Hughes, focusing on critical analysis of his works. The
> ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Hughes's life and
> works, and an ability to write clearly and succinctly for students in
> CFP: Langston Hughes reference book (no deadline; book)
> Facts On File, a New York publisher of reference books for schools and
> libraries, is seeking a scholar to write a one-volume reference book
> on Langston Hughes, focusing on critical analysis of his works. The
> ideal author will have a Ph.D., broad knowledge of Hughes's life and
> works, and an ability to write clearly and succinctly for students in
The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets
This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be
held at
(dis)junctions, the University of California
Riverside's 13th
Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 7-8,
Contributors are invited to submit critical works on
the 20th cent. American poets known as L=A-N=G=U=A=G=E
poets. Papers on any writer considered to be a member
of this school are invited, as are pieces exploring
any issue or discussion surrounding L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E
Also encouraged are creative works in the unique style
of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets.
The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets
This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be
held at
(dis)junctions, the University of California
Riverside's 13th
Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 7-8,
Contributors are invited to submit critical works on
the 20th cent. American poets known as L=A-N=G=U=A=G=E
poets. Papers on any writer considered to be a member
of this school are invited, as are pieces exploring
any issue or discussion surrounding L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E
Also encouraged are creative works in the unique style
of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets.
The L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E Poets
This call for papers is for a proposed panel to be
held at
(dis)junctions, the University of California
Riverside's 13th
Annual Humanities Graduate Conference on April 7-8,
Contributors are invited to submit critical works on
the 20th cent. American poets known as L=A-N=G=U=A=G=E
poets. Papers on any writer considered to be a member
of this school are invited, as are pieces exploring
any issue or discussion surrounding L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E
Also encouraged are creative works in the unique style
of the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poets.
- We have extended the deadline date to Feb 3rd
- Please also note the contact email has changed.
Announcing the First Annual InterDisciplines Graduate Student Conference at
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.
Inter-disciplining the Body
- We have extended the deadline date to Feb 3rd
- Please also note the contact email has changed.
Announcing the First Annual InterDisciplines Graduate Student Conference at
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.
Inter-disciplining the Body
- We have extended the deadline date to Feb 3rd
- Please also note the contact email has changed.
Announcing the First Annual InterDisciplines Graduate Student Conference at
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.
Inter-disciplining the Body
The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine=20
Howells's relationships with women, broadly defined. Possible paper=20
topics may include Howells's own personal life, his fiction and=20
criticism, literary friendships, writings on marriage and sexuality, or=20
editorial work.=20
Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words=20
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by=20
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity=20
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.=20
Dr. Claudia Stokes
Assistant Professor of English
The William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine=20
Howells's relationships with women, broadly defined. Possible paper=20
topics may include Howells's own personal life, his fiction and=20
criticism, literary friendships, writings on marriage and sexuality, or=20
editorial work.=20
Please send by January 8, 2006 paper proposals no longer than 500 words=20
and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by=20
post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1 Trinity=20
Place, San Antonio, TX 78212.=20
Dr. Claudia Stokes
Assistant Professor of English
What makes together? notes on the life of political collectivities
CASAZine #3: Borders, Markets, Movements
Through the work of listening to others, of hearing the force of their
pain and the energy of their anger, of learning to be surprised by all
that one feels oneself to be against; through all of this, a 'we' is
formed and an attachment is made.
-Sarah Ahmed
What makes together? notes on the life of political collectivities
CASAZine #3: Borders, Markets, Movements
Through the work of listening to others, of hearing the force of their
pain and the energy of their anger, of learning to be surprised by all
that one feels oneself to be against; through all of this, a 'we' is
formed and an attachment is made.
-Sarah Ahmed
CALL FOR PAPERS: Responding to Molly in Irish Literature
For the South Central Modern Language Association Annual Conference
SCMLA Annual Conference, October 26th-28th, 2006
Radisson Plaza Hotel, October 26-28, 2006
CALL FOR PAPERS: Responding to Molly in Irish Literature
For the South Central Modern Language Association Annual Conference
SCMLA Annual Conference, October 26th-28th, 2006
Radisson Plaza Hotel, October 26-28, 2006
Please note: the due date has been extended from Dec. 31st, 2005 to Jan.
15th, 2006. Also, please see our website at:
NYU Graduate Student Conference
Sponsored by the deparments of Comparative Literature and German
Making Friendship: Bonds, Boundaries, Becomings
April 6-8, 2006
Please note: the due date has been extended from Dec. 31st, 2005 to Jan.
15th, 2006. Also, please see our website at:
NYU Graduate Student Conference
Sponsored by the deparments of Comparative Literature and German
Making Friendship: Bonds, Boundaries, Becomings
April 6-8, 2006
Please note: the due date has been extended from Dec. 31st, 2005 to Jan.
15th, 2006. Also, please see our website at:
NYU Graduate Student Conference
Sponsored by the deparments of Comparative Literature and German
Making Friendship: Bonds, Boundaries, Becomings
April 6-8, 2006
African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana
May 17-21, 2006
Calls for papers
Panel title: "Historical Catharsis and Genealogical Consciousness in African Literature"
African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana
May 17-21, 2006
Calls for papers
Panel title: "Historical Catharsis and Genealogical Consciousness in African Literature"
African Literature Association
32nd Annual Meeting and Conference
Accra, Ghana
May 17-21, 2006
Calls for papers
Panel title: "Historical Catharsis and Genealogical Consciousness in African Literature"
Panel Topic: Issues in Creative Writing Rocky Mountain MLA Convention
October 12 - October 14, 2006 DoubleTree Resort Hotel at Reid Park in
Tucson, Arizona
Deadline: March 1, 2006
Our panel can encompass a wide range of presentations on "issues
in"--broadly defined to include the pedagogy of creative writing, the
writing life, and other professional issues to do with the academic
discipline of creative writing, specific or general. This session is
distinct from the poetry and fiction readings held at RMMLA. In order to
be considered for the issues in creative writing panel at RMMLA 2006, please
send an abstract, CV, and cover letter by March 1 to:
Kelan L. Koning
Submissions are invited for a special issue of the _Graduate Journal
of Asia-Pacific Studies_: 'Navigating the Future: Asia-Pacific
Submissions are invited for a special issue of the _Graduate Journal
of Asia-Pacific Studies_: 'Navigating the Future: Asia-Pacific
Submissions are invited for a special issue of the _Graduate Journal
of Asia-Pacific Studies_: 'Navigating the Future: Asia-Pacific
Call for essays on Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and
Sciences, for publication as a special section in Academic Exchange
Quarterly 10 no 2 (Summer 2006). Guest Editor, Jennifer Way, Associate
Professor, Art History, Manuscripts from graduate students
and college and university faculty are especially welcomed. For details,
including instructions for submission, please consult Deadline: end of February
2006. Early submission is encouraged.
Call for essays on Teaching Methodologies in the Humanities and
Sciences, for publication as a special section in Academic Exchange
Quarterly 10 no 2 (Summer 2006). Guest Editor, Jennifer Way, Associate
Professor, Art History, Manuscripts from graduate students
and college and university faculty are especially welcomed. For details,
including instructions for submission, please consult Deadline: end of February
2006. Early submission is encouraged.
Sorry for repeating the message but much of the former mail
has been changed as illegible.
We are pleased to inform you that between May 13th and May
15th, 2006, Katedra Teorii Literatury [Department of Theory
of Literature] of Instytut Teorii Literatury, Teatru i Sztuk
Audiowizualnych [Institute of the Theory of Literature,
Theatre and Audio-Visual Arts] of Uniwersytet Lodzki [the
University of Lodz] organizes an international conference
devoted to:
Space of a Garden â€" Space of Culture