all recent posts

CFP: Canadian Literature and Film (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Grenier-Winther, Joan

CFP ~ Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association - 61st annual convention,
Oct. 4-6, 2007

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


RMMLA Session: Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Seeking papers on all topics related to Canadian literature and/or film.

Depending on submissions, papers may be grouped into two or more
thematic sections.

See <> for complete CFP and
membership information.


Please send 300-word abstracts (email submission OK) by March 1, 2007

CFP: Canadian Literature and Film (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Grenier-Winther, Joan

CFP ~ Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association - 61st annual convention,
Oct. 4-6, 2007

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


RMMLA Session: Canadian Literature and Film (Open Topic)


Seeking papers on all topics related to Canadian literature and/or film.

Depending on submissions, papers may be grouped into two or more
thematic sections.

See <> for complete CFP and
membership information.


Please send 300-word abstracts (email submission OK) by March 1, 2007

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

CFP: Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures (grad) (1/5/07; McGill, 3/10/07-3/11/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Katie Musgrave


O brave new world:

Epochal Legacies and Identity in _Renaissance_ and _Early Modern_ Literatures

Panel to be hosted by McGill University's 13th Annual Graduate
Conference on Language and Literature (New Worlds, Lost Worlds:
Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature), in Montreal QC, March
10-11, 2007.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with &quot;nature writing.&quot; In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with &quot;nature writing.&quot; In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

UPDATE: Environmental Science Fiction (1/10/07; ASLE, 6/12/07-6/16/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm

ASLE 2007 Proposed Roundtable, or Panel Environmental Science Fiction: Genre and Possibility Ecocriticism has indeed branched out to include literatures not typically associated with &quot;nature writing.&quot; In an effort to continue this extension of ecocriticism into other genres, this roundtable/panel will explore the contributions of science fiction (SF) to environmental thought and ecological understandings. 250-word proposals are invited for a roundtable/panel that will examine SF as a literature well-suited to express the concerns of environmentalism and to explore humanity's place in ecological systems.

CFP: Technical Communication - Open Topic (3/1/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Stephen Severn

The Technical Writing panel of the South Central Modern Language =
Association (SCMLA) seeks papers for the 2007 annual convention.


The topic is open. We are, however, particularly interested in =
presentations that address questions of documentation and sourcing in =
technical and professional communication. Submissions from newer =
scholars are also especially welcome.


Please email 500 word abstracts to Dr. Stephen E. Severn at = by 1March 2007. If desired, hard copies may be =
mailed to


Dr. Stephen E. Severn

Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages

West Texas A&M University


CFP: Technical Communication - Open Topic (3/1/07; SCMLA, 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006 - 10:25pm
Stephen Severn

The Technical Writing panel of the South Central Modern Language =
Association (SCMLA) seeks papers for the 2007 annual convention.


The topic is open. We are, however, particularly interested in =
presentations that address questions of documentation and sourcing in =
technical and professional communication. Submissions from newer =
scholars are also especially welcome.


Please email 500 word abstracts to Dr. Stephen E. Severn at = by 1March 2007. If desired, hard copies may be =
mailed to


Dr. Stephen E. Severn

Department of English, Philosophy and Modern Languages

West Texas A&M University


UPDATE: Critical Literacy in Secondary Classrooms (1/6/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:47am

Deadline Extended: Critical Literacy in Secondary Classrooms (1/6/07;
journal issue)

Short (10 page) papers are sought for the winter issue (volume 43) of
Statement, the journal of CLAS, the Colorado Language Arts Society.
Practical, teacher-oriented articles on any aspect of critical
literacy in the secondary classroom will be considered.

Please see the CLAS homepage and click on Statement to read the full
call and to download McLaughlin and DeVoogd's article "Critical
Literacy as Comprehension: Expanding Reader Response."

email queries or articles to the editor: Gloria Eastman,

UPDATE: Critical Literacy in Secondary Classrooms (1/6/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:47am

Deadline Extended: Critical Literacy in Secondary Classrooms (1/6/07;
journal issue)

Short (10 page) papers are sought for the winter issue (volume 43) of
Statement, the journal of CLAS, the Colorado Language Arts Society.
Practical, teacher-oriented articles on any aspect of critical
literacy in the secondary classroom will be considered.

Please see the CLAS homepage and click on Statement to read the full
call and to download McLaughlin and DeVoogd's article "Critical
Literacy as Comprehension: Expanding Reader Response."

email queries or articles to the editor: Gloria Eastman,

CFP: Queerness and Violence (2/19/07; 6/2/07)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:46am
Cathy Hannabach

CFP: Queerness and Violence

Queer Studies Graduate Symposium
University of California, Davis
June 2, 2007

The war on terror has become the monolithic face of violence in dominant
cultural discourse at the same time that hate crime legislation has been
positioned as a marker of progress for the gay rights movement. Both of
these moves create an obsession with safety while simultaneously ignoring
other violences, such as police violence, domestic violence, the prison
industrial complex, and violences produced by medical establishments,
that continuously take and harm lives.

UPDATE: Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving (grad) (1/15/07; journal issue)

Saturday, December 16, 2006 - 1:46am
Arsova, Jasmina

*Please note that our new, extended deadline for submissions is January =
15, 2007.*

Mester, the graduate student academic journal of the Department of =
Spanish and Portuguese at UCLA, invites scholarly articles for its =
Special Issue XXXVI (2007) devoted to:

        Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving

We welcome all submissions that address questions or ideas related but =
not limited to the following concepts in language, literature and visual =
expressions of the Luso-Hispanic world:
