CFP: New England Saga Society at Kalamazoo (9/15/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5/7/06)
The New England Saga Society is currently seeking papers for two sponsored
sessions at the 2006 41st International Congress at Kalamazoo in 2006.
Session I: The Problem of Revenge: Cultural Critiques in the Icelandic Sagas
The theme of Icelandic nationalism is undeniably important in the sagas, but
readers must not neglect the inherent cultural critiques which arise as
well. NESS will take up this discussion in a session that asks what
critiques we might find in the sagas, especially with regards to the
constant and violent feuds that erupt over Iceland's medieval landscape.
Session II: The World of Women in the Icelandic Sagas