CFP: New Essays on Philip Roth (10/15/03; collection)
Deadline for abstract submission: 10/15/03
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Deadline for abstract submission: 10/15/03
CALL FOR PAPERS: Unruly Catholic Women
CALL FOR PAPERS: Unruly Catholic Women
Please update the CFP with the following
Call for Papers: Special Issue on
Postcolonialism and Digital Culture
Please update the CFP with the following
Call for Papers: Special Issue on
Postcolonialism and Digital Culture
Please update the CFP with the following
Call for Papers: Special Issue on
Postcolonialism and Digital Culture
CFP - Affect and Literature
CFP - Affect and Literature
Narrative Emotion: Feeling Form and Function
Special Issue of JNT: The Journal of Narrative Theory
Issue Editors: Ingrid Geerken and Jeffrey Pence
Deadline: December 15, 2003
Call for Papers
Theatre Arts Journal: Studies in Scenography and Performance, published by
the Gordon Craig Society for Theatre Research and Tel-Aviv University, is a
semi-annual scholarly peer-reviewed journal, devoted to exploring current
issues in scenography in performing arts. The journal encourages original
scholarly research that examines the visual and audial aspects of
performance – stage, costume, lighting and sound design, theatre
architecture, masks, puppets, and movement as a sensorial element -- and
their contribution to the construction of meaning.
Theatre Arts Journal is pleased to announce the first call for papers in
the following subject areas:
Call for Papers
Theatre Arts Journal: Studies in Scenography and Performance, published by
the Gordon Craig Society for Theatre Research and Tel-Aviv University, is a
semi-annual scholarly peer-reviewed journal, devoted to exploring current
issues in scenography in performing arts. The journal encourages original
scholarly research that examines the visual and audial aspects of
performance – stage, costume, lighting and sound design, theatre
architecture, masks, puppets, and movement as a sensorial element -- and
their contribution to the construction of meaning.
Theatre Arts Journal is pleased to announce the first call for papers in
the following subject areas:
The United States through the Prism of American and British Popular Music.
"I'm so bored with the USA.
But what can I do?"
The Clash, "I'm so Bored with the USA," The Clash, 1977
The United States through the Prism of American and British Popular Music.
"I'm so bored with the USA.
But what can I do?"
The Clash, "I'm so Bored with the USA," The Clash, 1977
Thanks for alerting me to this issue. Here it is:
CFP: Reality Television: Fairy Tale or Feminist Nightmare?
Feminist Media Studies 4(1) Criticism and Commentary Section
Deadline: December 1, 2003
Length: 1,000-1,500 words (5-6 pages typed, double-spaced)
?Big Brother,? ?Survivor,? ?Temptation Island,? ?Joe Millionaire,? ?For
Love or Money,? ?Pop Idol,? ?The Bachelor,? ?Fear Factor,? ?Married by
America,? ?
Thanks for alerting me to this issue. Here it is:
CFP: Reality Television: Fairy Tale or Feminist Nightmare?
Feminist Media Studies 4(1) Criticism and Commentary Section
Deadline: December 1, 2003
Length: 1,000-1,500 words (5-6 pages typed, double-spaced)
?Big Brother,? ?Survivor,? ?Temptation Island,? ?Joe Millionaire,? ?For
Love or Money,? ?Pop Idol,? ?The Bachelor,? ?Fear Factor,? ?Married by
America,? ?
Second Call for Proposals on the Surrealist Game, the Exquisite Corpse:
History or Contemporary Manifestations
Please post to your list-serve.
Call for papers:
Please post to your list-serve.
Call for papers:
"Literature and Ethics: This is an open call for submission proposals
focusing on any of the sub-topics of literature and ethics presented
below for a collection to be published in the fall of 2004. The
objective of the proposed study is to reassess the place of ethics in
literary studies and present and differentiate the many different
issues currently being addressed under the broadly conceived rubric of
Literature and Ethics.
Ethics and historical approaches to literature
The ethos of the text
Ethics and the reader
Literary criticism and ethics
Postcolonial studies and ethics
Cultural studies and ethics
For Fall 2004, _divide_, the University of Colorado's Journal of Writing =
and Ideas, will publish an issue titled "Pax Americana."=20
For Fall 2004, _divide_, the University of Colorado's Journal of Writing =
and Ideas, will publish an issue titled "Pax Americana."=20
For Fall 2004, _divide_, the University of Colorado's Journal of Writing =
and Ideas, will publish an issue titled "Pax Americana."=20
Recent events have led to reappraisals of religion and spirituality.
This creates an opportunity to collect in one volume the different and
differing perspectives and interpretations of what it means to be
religious or spiritual today. Essays intended for an international
audience are therefore solicited for inclusion in a collection
tentatively entitled "Uniqueness and Versatility: Cross-Cultural
Expressions of Spirituality". The book is to bring together innovative
but readable explorations of religious, mythological, cosmological and
theological texts.
Recent events have led to reappraisals of religion and spirituality.
This creates an opportunity to collect in one volume the different and
differing perspectives and interpretations of what it means to be
religious or spiritual today. Essays intended for an international
audience are therefore solicited for inclusion in a collection
tentatively entitled "Uniqueness and Versatility: Cross-Cultural
Expressions of Spirituality". The book is to bring together innovative
but readable explorations of religious, mythological, cosmological and
theological texts.
Recent events have led to reappraisals of religion and spirituality.
This creates an opportunity to collect in one volume the different and
differing perspectives and interpretations of what it means to be
religious or spiritual today. Essays intended for an international
audience are therefore solicited for inclusion in a collection
tentatively entitled "Uniqueness and Versatility: Cross-Cultural
Expressions of Spirituality". The book is to bring together innovative
but readable explorations of religious, mythological, cosmological and
theological texts.
/thirdspace/ Representation and Transgressive Sexualities (due 10/15/03)
Second call & extended deadline. Please distribute widely.
/thirdspace/: the journal for emerging feminist scholars
Special Issue on Representation and Transgressive Sexualities *Extended
deadline: October 15, 2003*
The editors of the premier journal for emerging feminist scholars,
/thirdspace/, invite you to contribute your work for our March 2004
special issue on representation and transgressive sexualities.
Crossings, a counterdisciplinary journal based at Binghamton University, is
seeking submissions for their upcoming issue on dwelling.
Deadline for submissions: 11/15/03
To learn more about the journal, please go to:
All inquiries: Dr. Andy Martino at
CFP: Dwelling Places
Crossings, a counterdisciplinary journal based at Binghamton University, is
seeking submissions for their upcoming issue on dwelling.
Deadline for submissions: 11/15/03
To learn more about the journal, please go to:
All inquiries: Dr. Andy Martino at
CFP: Dwelling Places
Defining the Americas: Media Within/Across Borders
The history of the American continents has long been one of establishing and
crossing borders. From pre-colonial times to the present, people and
cultures define and redefine themselves and their borders, especially in
response to perceived conquest opportunities or threats. As cultural
discourse, media interrogates the construction of identity within and beyond
national or other boundaries.
Defining the Americas: Media Within/Across Borders
The history of the American continents has long been one of establishing and
crossing borders. From pre-colonial times to the present, people and
cultures define and redefine themselves and their borders, especially in
response to perceived conquest opportunities or threats. As cultural
discourse, media interrogates the construction of identity within and beyond
national or other boundaries.