UPDATE: Crisis in the Academy (3/1/06; 4/21/06)
The University of Connecticut
Crisis in the Academy
Call for Papers - Deadline extended to March 1, 2006
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The University of Connecticut
Crisis in the Academy
Call for Papers - Deadline extended to March 1, 2006
Dance Matters
The School of Media, Communication and Culture at
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India is pleased to
announce a two-day symposium titled Dance Matters on
August 10-11 2006. This symposium proposes to bring
to the forefront innovative approaches that have
placed dance at the center of scholarly research on
body, ritual, culture, identity, history, gender, and
power. Selected papers from the symposium will be
published in a book.
Dance Matters
The School of Media, Communication and Culture at
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India is pleased to
announce a two-day symposium titled Dance Matters on
August 10-11 2006. This symposium proposes to bring
to the forefront innovative approaches that have
placed dance at the center of scholarly research on
body, ritual, culture, identity, history, gender, and
power. Selected papers from the symposium will be
published in a book.
Dance Matters
The School of Media, Communication and Culture at
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India is pleased to
announce a two-day symposium titled Dance Matters on
August 10-11 2006. This symposium proposes to bring
to the forefront innovative approaches that have
placed dance at the center of scholarly research on
body, ritual, culture, identity, history, gender, and
power. Selected papers from the symposium will be
published in a book.
Dance Matters
The School of Media, Communication and Culture at
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India is pleased to
announce a two-day symposium titled Dance Matters on
August 10-11 2006. This symposium proposes to bring
to the forefront innovative approaches that have
placed dance at the center of scholarly research on
body, ritual, culture, identity, history, gender, and
power. Selected papers from the symposium will be
published in a book.
Deadline extended:
Theorizing the 'First Wave' Globally
Theorizing feminisms globally, from late 19th to mid 20th centuries, emphasizing sexuality and class, interrogating Western periodization ('first wave'). Abstracts by March 10, 2006 to Pamela Caughie (pcaughi_at_luc.edu) and Kanika Batra (kanikabat_at_yahoo.com).
Deadline extended:
Theorizing the 'First Wave' Globally
Theorizing feminisms globally, from late 19th to mid 20th centuries, emphasizing sexuality and class, interrogating Western periodization ('first wave'). Abstracts by March 10, 2006 to Pamela Caughie (pcaughi_at_luc.edu) and Kanika Batra (kanikabat_at_yahoo.com).
Deadline extended:
Theorizing the 'First Wave' Globally
Theorizing feminisms globally, from late 19th to mid 20th centuries, emphasizing sexuality and class, interrogating Western periodization ('first wave'). Abstracts by March 10, 2006 to Pamela Caughie (pcaughi_at_luc.edu) and Kanika Batra (kanikabat_at_yahoo.com).
Deadline extended:
Theorizing the 'First Wave' Globally
Theorizing feminisms globally, from late 19th to mid 20th centuries, emphasizing sexuality and class, interrogating Western periodization ('first wave'). Abstracts by March 10, 2006 to Pamela Caughie (pcaughi_at_luc.edu) and Kanika Batra (kanikabat_at_yahoo.com).
Call for Papers: Revenge Fiction. Proposed Special Session for MLA
'06 (Philadelphia, 12/27-12/30/06).
What is the place of revenge in the history of the novel? What formal
opportunities and challenges does it present? What cultural work do
revenge narratives do? 500-word abstracts by March 15. E-mail
submissions to Daniel Hack: dhack_at_buffalo.edu (preferably not as
Accepted panelists must be MLA members by April 1.
Daniel Hack
Associate Professor & Associate Chair
Department of English
University at Buffalo
306 Clemens Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
(716) 645-2575 x1038
Papers will address issues pertaining to mental, sensory, and physical disabilities in literature. Proposals should include name, institutional affiliation, contact information, and AV equipment needs. Proposals should be received no later than April 1, 2006 by Natalie Trice at ntrice_at_langate.gsu.edu or English Department, George State University, General Classroom Building, 38 Peachtree Center Avenue, Suite 923, Room 911, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3083.
The Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas (ABC-CLIO Transatlantic
Relations Series) seeks proposals for and entries in three areas:
1) Latin American and African writers, artists, major political figures,
and major scholars, whose works have a visible transatlantic influence
or dimension. Entries are typically 500-750 words each and must be
completed by April 30th, 2006.
2) A 1500-word overview of Latin American Literature with a
transatlantic emphasis.
The Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas (ABC-CLIO Transatlantic
Relations Series) seeks proposals for and entries in three areas:
1) Latin American and African writers, artists, major political figures,
and major scholars, whose works have a visible transatlantic influence
or dimension. Entries are typically 500-750 words each and must be
completed by April 30th, 2006.
2) A 1500-word overview of Latin American Literature with a
transatlantic emphasis.
The Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas (ABC-CLIO Transatlantic
Relations Series) seeks proposals for and entries in three areas:
1) Latin American and African writers, artists, major political figures,
and major scholars, whose works have a visible transatlantic influence
or dimension. Entries are typically 500-750 words each and must be
completed by April 30th, 2006.
2) A 1500-word overview of Latin American Literature with a
transatlantic emphasis.
The Encyclopedia of Africa and the Americas (ABC-CLIO Transatlantic
Relations Series) seeks proposals for and entries in three areas:
1) Latin American and African writers, artists, major political figures,
and major scholars, whose works have a visible transatlantic influence
or dimension. Entries are typically 500-750 words each and must be
completed by April 30th, 2006.
2) A 1500-word overview of Latin American Literature with a
transatlantic emphasis.
2006 Film and History League Conference
"The Documentary Tradition"
www.filmandhistory.org <http://www.filmandhistory.org/> =20
Call for Papers
Area: John Ford/John Huston/William Wyler
Call for Papers: "Experimental Poetics in Contemporary Chicago: Poetry
and Theory."
A panel at the 48th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language
November 9-12, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois. Deadline 4/15/06
Call for Papers: "Experimental Poetics in Contemporary Chicago: Poetry
and Theory."
A panel at the 48th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language
November 9-12, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois. Deadline 4/15/06
Call for Papers: "Experimental Poetics in Contemporary Chicago: Poetry
and Theory."
A panel at the 48th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language
November 9-12, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois. Deadline 4/15/06
The Literary Discussion Circle of the South Atlantic Modern Language
Association invites submissions for a panel on "Theory and
Representation in
the War on Terror" at SAMLA's annual convention, 10-12 November 2006, in
Charlotte, North Carolina.
As the so-called "war on terror" continues without an end in sight, this
aims to theorize the war and its repercussions on politics and culture,
as well as examine representations of the war in contemporary literary
and cultural texts.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to:
The Literary Discussion Circle of the South Atlantic Modern Language
Association invites submissions for a panel on "Theory and
Representation in
the War on Terror" at SAMLA's annual convention, 10-12 November 2006, in
Charlotte, North Carolina.
As the so-called "war on terror" continues without an end in sight, this
aims to theorize the war and its repercussions on politics and culture,
as well as examine representations of the war in contemporary literary
and cultural texts.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to:
The Literary Discussion Circle of the South Atlantic Modern Language
Association invites submissions for a panel on "Theory and
Representation in
the War on Terror" at SAMLA's annual convention, 10-12 November 2006, in
Charlotte, North Carolina.
As the so-called "war on terror" continues without an end in sight, this
aims to theorize the war and its repercussions on politics and culture,
as well as examine representations of the war in contemporary literary
and cultural texts.
Possible paper topics include, but are not limited to:
Call for Papers, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) at
the University of California, Riverside, CA, November 10-11, 2006. Panel
entitled "Reading British Literature as Cultural Criticism."
Proposals for 15-20-minute papers are invited for a session devoted to
assessing literature read as cultural criticism or cultural studies. Papers on
literary theory arguing for, against, or beyond this approach to literature, or
papers that apply this type of criticism are all welcome. Send your
one-page proposal and one-page CV by e-mail to Jean Arnold, English Department,
California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San
Call for Papers, Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) at
the University of California, Riverside, CA, November 10-11, 2006. Panel
entitled "Reading British Literature as Cultural Criticism."
Proposals for 15-20-minute papers are invited for a session devoted to
assessing literature read as cultural criticism or cultural studies. Papers on
literary theory arguing for, against, or beyond this approach to literature, or
papers that apply this type of criticism are all welcome. Send your
one-page proposal and one-page CV by e-mail to Jean Arnold, English Department,
California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San
Get Lit: A Call for papers
The Wiregrass Literacy and Literature Festival of the Deep South:
September 14-16, 2006
At Valdosta State University in South Georgia
Get Lit: A Call for papers
The Wiregrass Literacy and Literature Festival of the Deep South:
September 14-16, 2006
At Valdosta State University in South Georgia
Update is for last sentence of CFP
The Food Memoir: Tales of Family and Culture
An Increasingly popular subgenre of autobiography, a form of
autobiography that Paul John Eakin calls the "relational life story,"
the food memoir (by M.F.K. Fisher, Leslie Li, and Ruth Reichl, for
example) intertwines narratives of family life, travel, and
cross-cultural experiences with recipes and the author's representation
of an evolving self. Essays about published memoirs of 7 to 8 pages or
250-word abstracts are welcome.
Thanks very much.
Barbara Waxman
Update is for last sentence of CFP
The Food Memoir: Tales of Family and Culture
An Increasingly popular subgenre of autobiography, a form of
autobiography that Paul John Eakin calls the "relational life story,"
the food memoir (by M.F.K. Fisher, Leslie Li, and Ruth Reichl, for
example) intertwines narratives of family life, travel, and
cross-cultural experiences with recipes and the author's representation
of an evolving self. Essays about published memoirs of 7 to 8 pages or
250-word abstracts are welcome.
Thanks very much.
Barbara Waxman
Get Lit: A Call for papers
The Wiregrass Literacy and Literature Festival of the Deep South:
September 14-16, 2006
At Valdosta State University in South Georgia
We have now extended the deadline for abstracts to 31 March 2006 and
confirmed our plenary speakers. See full revised CFP below.
Literary London 2006: Representations of London in Literature
An Interdisciplinary Conference
Hosted by The Department of English, Maritime Campus, University of
Greenwich, London.
13th to 14th July 2006
Plenary speakers: Professor Jack Lynch (Rutgers University), Professor
Jonathan Schneer (Georgia Institute of Technology), Professor David
Skilton (Cardiff University)
Call for Papers