all recent posts

CFP: A Cabinet of Curiosities (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Nhora Lucía Serrano

" A Cabinet of Curiosities: Objectifying the Human from the
Renaissance to the 21st
Panel for the 2006 American Comparative Literature Association Annual
March 23 - 26, 2006
Princeton University
Deadline for papers: November 30, 2005

We invite papers for the seminar panel, "A Cabinet of Curiosities:
Objectifying the Human from the Renaissance to the 21st Century," as
part of the American Comparative Literature Association's (ACLA) 2006
Annual Meeting: The Human and Its Others.

UPDATE: Children's Lit Association Conference (11/30/05; 6/8/06-6/11/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
jackie e stallcup

Please excuse cross-posting as I wish to get this out as widely as

UPDATE: Please note the NEW SITE for this conference! We are still in
the greater Los Angeles area, but the conference will be held
in MANHATTAN BEACH at the Manhattan Beach Marriott.

Deadline is approaching for proposals: November 30, 2005

Children's Literature Association's 33rd Annual Conference
Manhattan Beach, California
June 8-11 2006

CFP: War and the West (1/15/06; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Matt Evertson


War and the West
17th Annual Mari Sandoz Heritage Society Conference
March 30 to April 1, 2006
Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center
Chadron State College
Chadron, Nebraska

CFP: War and the West (1/15/06; 3/30/06-4/1/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Matt Evertson


War and the West
17th Annual Mari Sandoz Heritage Society Conference
March 30 to April 1, 2006
Mari Sandoz High Plains Heritage Center
Chadron State College
Chadron, Nebraska

CFP: Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists and Novels (no deadline; collection)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Sollars, Michael D.

Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists and Novels

As the chief editor of The Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists =
Novels, I am seeking manuscripts from contributors who are familiar =
with the
work. The manuscripts will focus on novelists and novels from the 20th
century. The novels that will be collected in this extensive volume =
have been written in a language other than English but subsequently
translated into English. I am attaching a list of available writing
assignments. Please review the below list and email me with your =

Best regards,

CFP: Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists and Novels (no deadline; collection)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Sollars, Michael D.

Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists and Novels

As the chief editor of The Compendium of 20th Century World Novelists =
Novels, I am seeking manuscripts from contributors who are familiar =
with the
work. The manuscripts will focus on novelists and novels from the 20th
century. The novels that will be collected in this extensive volume =
have been written in a language other than English but subsequently
translated into English. I am attaching a list of available writing
assignments. Please review the below list and email me with your =

Best regards,

CFP New York: City in Motion, Interdisciplinary Conference (1/10/06; 3/10/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Lori Jirousek

New York Institute of Technology in Manhattan invites presentation proposals
for the Interdisciplinary Conference:


New York: City in Motion


This day-long conference will take place on Friday, March 10, 2006, in
NYIT's state-of-the-art conference facility near Columbus Circle. The
organizers welcome and encourage technology-enhanced presentations.


We seek presenters who will share their scholarship and perspectives on the
City of New York as examined through the ideas of movement, mobility, and
transformation. Panels and presentations may address motion either
literally or figuratively as suggested by but not limited to the following


CFP New York: City in Motion, Interdisciplinary Conference (1/10/06; 3/10/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Lori Jirousek

New York Institute of Technology in Manhattan invites presentation proposals
for the Interdisciplinary Conference:


New York: City in Motion


This day-long conference will take place on Friday, March 10, 2006, in
NYIT's state-of-the-art conference facility near Columbus Circle. The
organizers welcome and encourage technology-enhanced presentations.


We seek presenters who will share their scholarship and perspectives on the
City of New York as examined through the ideas of movement, mobility, and
transformation. Panels and presentations may address motion either
literally or figuratively as suggested by but not limited to the following


CFP New York: City in Motion, Interdisciplinary Conference (1/10/06; 3/10/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Lori Jirousek

New York Institute of Technology in Manhattan invites presentation proposals
for the Interdisciplinary Conference:


New York: City in Motion


This day-long conference will take place on Friday, March 10, 2006, in
NYIT's state-of-the-art conference facility near Columbus Circle. The
organizers welcome and encourage technology-enhanced presentations.


We seek presenters who will share their scholarship and perspectives on the
City of New York as examined through the ideas of movement, mobility, and
transformation. Panels and presentations may address motion either
literally or figuratively as suggested by but not limited to the following


UPDATE: Gender and Citizenship (11/28/05; 3/24/06-3/25/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Petra Lina Orloff

Deadline has already passed, but has been extended to
11/28/05. Decisions will be announced at the beginning of

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:46:27 EST

CFP: Resistance to Tyranny: Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature (2/17/06; NYCEA, 4/28/06-4/29/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Jennifer Griffiths

* Call for Papers *
The New York College English Association Conference
Marymount College of Fordham University
Tarrytown, NY April 28-29, 2006
Resistance to Tyranny:
Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature
In an interview with Amnesty International, Chilean writer and activist Ariel Dorfman
explains that, despite efforts to silence survivors of human rights violations, "Somehow the
stories do come out, those voices do come out. I am not their voice: I make a space for
those voices, a bridge." Dorfman's insights raise questions about the role of literature in
the struggle for human rights. How do writers represent often unspeakable crimes against

CFP: The Faust Legend and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Iclal Vanwesenbeeck

        CFP: The Faust Legend and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA,

Dr.Iclal C. Vanwesenbeeck
Assistant Professor, English
240 Fenton Hall
Office phone: 673-3859

UPDATE: Gender and Citizenship (11/28/05; 3/24/06-3/25/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Petra Lina Orloff

Deadline has already passed, but has been extended to
11/28/05. Decisions will be announced at the beginning of

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:46:27 EST

CFP: Resistance to Tyranny: Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature (2/17/06; NYCEA, 4/28/06-4/29/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Jennifer Griffiths

* Call for Papers *
The New York College English Association Conference
Marymount College of Fordham University
Tarrytown, NY April 28-29, 2006
Resistance to Tyranny:
Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature
In an interview with Amnesty International, Chilean writer and activist Ariel Dorfman
explains that, despite efforts to silence survivors of human rights violations, "Somehow the
stories do come out, those voices do come out. I am not their voice: I make a space for
those voices, a bridge." Dorfman's insights raise questions about the role of literature in
the struggle for human rights. How do writers represent often unspeakable crimes against

UPDATE: Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06-3/24/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm

Below is an updated text for the CFP for the Samuel Delany conference.

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work. As such, it will be the first event of its kind
in the United States.

CFP: Cassola Conference on Teaching Communication (12/1/05; 4/7/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Wendy Wagner

Johnson & Wales University

8th Annual Cassola Conference on Teaching Communication: Communication

With Keynote Address by Michael Corrente, (writer/director, Federal
Hill, Outside Providence)

April 7, 2006


The Cassola Conference Committee invites you to submit a proposal for
this year's conference entitled "Communication Matters." As teachers and
researchers, we know communication matters, but what matters in
communication? Or to examine another aspect of the process, why does
communication matter?=20


UPDATE: Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06-3/24/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm

Below is an updated text for the CFP for the Samuel Delany conference.

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work. As such, it will be the first event of its kind
in the United States.

UPDATE: Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06-3/24/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm

Below is an updated text for the CFP for the Samuel Delany conference.

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work. As such, it will be the first event of its kind
in the United States.

CFP: Resistance to Tyranny: Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature (2/17/06; NYCEA, 4/28/06-4/29/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Jennifer Griffiths

* Call for Papers *
The New York College English Association Conference
Marymount College of Fordham University
Tarrytown, NY April 28-29, 2006
Resistance to Tyranny:
Representing the Struggle for Human Rights in Literature
In an interview with Amnesty International, Chilean writer and activist Ariel Dorfman
explains that, despite efforts to silence survivors of human rights violations, "Somehow the
stories do come out, those voices do come out. I am not their voice: I make a space for
those voices, a bridge." Dorfman's insights raise questions about the role of literature in
the struggle for human rights. How do writers represent often unspeakable crimes against

UPDATE: Gender and Citizenship (11/28/05; 3/24/06-3/25/06)

Thursday, November 3, 2005 - 5:46pm
Petra Lina Orloff

Deadline has already passed, but has been extended to
11/28/05. Decisions will be announced at the beginning of

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Thu Nov 03 2005 - 12:46:27 EST
