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CFP: Gender and Victorian Reform (6/1/06; 10/20/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Rose, Anita R.

Call for Papers
The Victorians Institute
October 20, 21, 2006
Converse College
Spartanburg, SC

>From Mrs. Jellyby to Edwin Chadwick:
 Gender and Reform in Victorian Culture

Keynote speaker: Alison Booth, University of Virginia
Author: "How to Make it as a Woman"

Possible topics may include:

UPDATE: Transatlantic Stevenson (1/15/06; 7/18/06-7/20/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm


Deadline for submissions extended to January 15th 2006


New conference site web address:

Update new conference information:

The Plenary speaker will be Professor Jenni Calder. Her paper entitled "I Should
Like to Be an American: Scots in the USA. There will also be an accompanying
exhibition of the some of the Library's rare first editions of Stevenson's

CFP: Women Writing War (1/10/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Abbey Zink

CFP: Women Writing War (SSAWW, Philadelphia, Nov. 8-11, 2006)

      Margaret Fuller, Edith Wharton, and Martha Gellhorn are among notable
American women writers who have written extensively about war. Proposals
are sought for a panel at the 2006 SSAWW conference in Philadelphia
(11/8-11/11/06) that explores the ways in which American women writers have
responded to war. Of particular interest are proposals that investigate
cross-genre practices. Possible topics include the following: war
reportage as literature, war in popular fiction, and war and travel
writing. E-mail one-page proposal and brief biographical statement to
Abbey Zink at by Jan. 10th.

CFP: Identities, Sexualities, Diversities (UK) (1/20/06; 7/14/06-7/15/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
S J Gillis

*apologies for cross-posting*

*please circulate widely*


Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) 19th Annual Conference

July 14-15th, 2006

University of Bradford, UK


The focus of the Conference will be on making links between theory and action, academics and activists. Conference themes will be interdisciplinary, and reflect both United Kingdom and International diversities. Streams include but do not restrict papers to identity, sexuality, diversity and:

* Social care
* European studies
* Race, ethnicity,
* Disability and ability
* Heterosexuality, sexuality, identity
* Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual identity
* Criminal Justice

CFP: Identities, Sexualities, Diversities (UK) (1/20/06; 7/14/06-7/15/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
S J Gillis

*apologies for cross-posting*

*please circulate widely*


Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) 19th Annual Conference

July 14-15th, 2006

University of Bradford, UK


The focus of the Conference will be on making links between theory and action, academics and activists. Conference themes will be interdisciplinary, and reflect both United Kingdom and International diversities. Streams include but do not restrict papers to identity, sexuality, diversity and:

* Social care
* European studies
* Race, ethnicity,
* Disability and ability
* Heterosexuality, sexuality, identity
* Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual identity
* Criminal Justice

CFP: Women Writing War (1/10/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Abbey Zink

CFP: Women Writing War (SSAWW, Philadelphia, Nov. 8-11, 2006)

      Margaret Fuller, Edith Wharton, and Martha Gellhorn are among notable
American women writers who have written extensively about war. Proposals
are sought for a panel at the 2006 SSAWW conference in Philadelphia
(11/8-11/11/06) that explores the ways in which American women writers have
responded to war. Of particular interest are proposals that investigate
cross-genre practices. Possible topics include the following: war
reportage as literature, war in popular fiction, and war and travel
writing. E-mail one-page proposal and brief biographical statement to
Abbey Zink at by Jan. 10th.

CFP: Identities, Sexualities, Diversities (UK) (1/20/06; 7/14/06-7/15/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
S J Gillis

*apologies for cross-posting*

*please circulate widely*


Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) 19th Annual Conference

July 14-15th, 2006

University of Bradford, UK


The focus of the Conference will be on making links between theory and action, academics and activists. Conference themes will be interdisciplinary, and reflect both United Kingdom and International diversities. Streams include but do not restrict papers to identity, sexuality, diversity and:

* Social care
* European studies
* Race, ethnicity,
* Disability and ability
* Heterosexuality, sexuality, identity
* Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual identity
* Criminal Justice

CFP: Identities, Sexualities, Diversities (UK) (1/20/06; 7/14/06-7/15/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
S J Gillis

*apologies for cross-posting*

*please circulate widely*


Feminist and Women's Studies Association (UK & Ireland) 19th Annual Conference

July 14-15th, 2006

University of Bradford, UK


The focus of the Conference will be on making links between theory and action, academics and activists. Conference themes will be interdisciplinary, and reflect both United Kingdom and International diversities. Streams include but do not restrict papers to identity, sexuality, diversity and:

* Social care
* European studies
* Race, ethnicity,
* Disability and ability
* Heterosexuality, sexuality, identity
* Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transsexual identity
* Criminal Justice

CFP: Stagecraft and Witchcraft (2/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Amy Wygant


Forthcoming Special Issue on Stagecraft and Witchcraft

Call for articles

Contributions are sought from scholars working in French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and English Studies for a Special Issue on the historical and literary intersections of stagecraft and witchcraft.

CFP: Stagecraft and Witchcraft (2/1/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Amy Wygant


Forthcoming Special Issue on Stagecraft and Witchcraft

Call for articles

Contributions are sought from scholars working in French, German, Russian, Spanish, Italian and English Studies for a Special Issue on the historical and literary intersections of stagecraft and witchcraft.

CFP: Fairy Tales (1/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm

Call For Papers - Cabinet des F=E9es
Cabinet des F=E9es is a journal of fairy tale retellings, previously purely=20=
an on-line journal, now going print under the imprimature of Prime Books, wi=
th both literary and academic components. Cabinet des F=E9es is seeking sub=
missions of fairy tales, fairy tale related art, and fairy tale related arti=
cles for our second issue, scheduled for publication in Spring 2006. Stories=
 may be old tales in new skins or new tales in old skins; whichever they are=
, they must be fairy tales. We prefer art that has been inspired by any of t=
he classic or literary tales, conforming to the style of traditional fairy t=

CFP: Fairy Tales (1/15/06; journal issue)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm

Call For Papers - Cabinet des F=E9es
Cabinet des F=E9es is a journal of fairy tale retellings, previously purely=20=
an on-line journal, now going print under the imprimature of Prime Books, wi=
th both literary and academic components. Cabinet des F=E9es is seeking sub=
missions of fairy tales, fairy tale related art, and fairy tale related arti=
cles for our second issue, scheduled for publication in Spring 2006. Stories=
 may be old tales in new skins or new tales in old skins; whichever they are=
, they must be fairy tales. We prefer art that has been inspired by any of t=
he classic or literary tales, conforming to the style of traditional fairy t=

CFP: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects (1/10/06; 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm

April 21-22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
State University of New York at Buffalo

Panel Proposal Deadline: 1/10/06
Individual Paper Deadline: 2/15/06

CFP: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects (1/10/06; 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm

April 21-22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
State University of New York at Buffalo

Panel Proposal Deadline: 1/10/06
Individual Paper Deadline: 2/15/06

CFP: Gender Across Borders II: Research Subjects (1/10/06; 4/21/06-4/22/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm

April 21-22, 2006
Institute for Research & Education on Women and Gender
State University of New York at Buffalo

Panel Proposal Deadline: 1/10/06
Individual Paper Deadline: 2/15/06

CFP: Ruskin and the Idea of Influence (UK) (2/10/06; 5/13/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Dickinson, Rachel

The University of Lancaster's Ruskin Programme and the University of Salford invite contributions for RUSKIN AND THE IDEA OF INFLUENCE, the first of three, annual, one-day seminars, to be held on 13 May 2006 at the University of Salford's Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Research Centre. These seminars are part of the collaborative AHRC funded project on 'Ruskin, Cultural Tourism and Popular Access', directed by Professors Keith Hanley (Lancaster), John Walton (Central Lancashire), and Brian Maidment (Salford).

CFP: Ruskin and the Idea of Influence (UK) (2/10/06; 5/13/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Dickinson, Rachel

The University of Lancaster's Ruskin Programme and the University of Salford invite contributions for RUSKIN AND THE IDEA OF INFLUENCE, the first of three, annual, one-day seminars, to be held on 13 May 2006 at the University of Salford's Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Research Centre. These seminars are part of the collaborative AHRC funded project on 'Ruskin, Cultural Tourism and Popular Access', directed by Professors Keith Hanley (Lancaster), John Walton (Central Lancashire), and Brian Maidment (Salford).

CFP: Ruskin and the Idea of Influence (UK) (2/10/06; 5/13/06)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 - 1:39pm
Dickinson, Rachel

The University of Lancaster's Ruskin Programme and the University of Salford invite contributions for RUSKIN AND THE IDEA OF INFLUENCE, the first of three, annual, one-day seminars, to be held on 13 May 2006 at the University of Salford's Communication, Cultural and Media Studies Research Centre. These seminars are part of the collaborative AHRC funded project on 'Ruskin, Cultural Tourism and Popular Access', directed by Professors Keith Hanley (Lancaster), John Walton (Central Lancashire), and Brian Maidment (Salford).
