James on James (MLA)
The Henry James Society
Modern Language Association Convention
8-11 January 2026
The Henry James Society invites proposals for the following panel.
James on James
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The Henry James Society
Modern Language Association Convention
8-11 January 2026
The Henry James Society invites proposals for the following panel.
James on James
“A Day”: 2nd Annual Goth Music and Subculture Conference
Deadline: May 22, 2025
Conference Date: August 16, 2025
Format: Online (via Zoom, Pacific)
Abstract: 150 words + 100 word biographical statement + Time Zone
Submit to: Noah Gallego, California State Polytechnic University @ noahrgallego@gmail.com
Contact: Noah Gallego @noahrgallego@gmail.com
30 Years of Saturn: 2nd Annual W. G. Sebald Symposium
Deadline: April 4, 2025
Symposium Date: May 11, 2025
Format: Online (via Zoom, Pacific Time)
Abstract: 150 words + short biographical statement + time zone
Submit to: Noah Gallego @ noahrgallego@gmail.com
Contact: Noah Gallego, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona @noahrgallego@gmail.com
Geoanthropology: Metabolism, Legal Imagination, and Geopraxis
Conference Call
9–11 June 2025
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
Geoanthropology aims to integrate concepts from Earth system science and the Anthropocene debate, such as planetary boundaries, synchronic geological markers, and earth states, with the theory and history of phenomena such as extractivism and technology, biopolitics and exploitation, and modernity and legal thought. This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the utility of three concepts for the geoanthropological framework: metabolism, legal imagination, and geopraxis.
Call for Papers: IEEE QSW 2025
When and Where: July 7-12, 2025 in Helsinki, Finland
Website: https://services.conferences.computer.org/2025/qsw/
The Audre Lorde Travel Grant for Summer 2025
The Spelman Archives is pleased to offer two travel awards of $2,500.00 each for two
currently enrolled PhD students to research in the Audre Lorde Papers during Summer
2025. This award will support research and public engagement with Lorde’s papers and
expand scholarship centering the lives and work of Black queer women.
About the Spelman Archives:
The primary mission of the Spelman Archives is to collect, preserve, organize, and make
available for research historically significant documents and other materials which reflect
This panel seeks presentations on Technical and Professional writing, whether in the college classroom or in the world at large. The panel will be interdiscplinary - we invite proposals from those working in business writing, engineering communication, health science writing, and other fields.
The panel will be in-person only and take place during the MMLA's annual convention, which is taking place from November 14-16 on the campus of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For more informationa about the organization and the conference, see: https://www.luc.edu/mmla/convention/futureconventionplans/
This panel seeks presentations on uses of generative AI in the college classroom, with a particular focus on approaches that combine theory and practice. Especially welcome are presentations that are built around transferable skills and activities/assignments in different disciplines.
The panel will be in-person only and take place during the MMLA's annual convention, which is taking place from November 14-16 on the campus of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. For more informationa about the organization and the conference, see: https://www.luc.edu/mmla/convention/futureconventionplans/
Call for Papers: Edited Collection on Sai Paranjpye
ReFocus: the Films of Sai Paranjpye
Contact Email: Tanushree Ghosh
Deadline for Abstracts: May 30th, 2025
Middle Cinema, Realism, and Everyday Life: Rethinking the Cinema of Sai Paranjpye
Edited Collection: Haunted by Hydrocarbons: Petrogothic and Petrohorror in the Contemporary Imagination
Deadline for proposal submission: August 31, 2025
Editors: Madalynn L. Madigar (Cherokee Nation, University of Oregon), Jennifer Schell (University of Alaska, Fairbanks)
Contact Email: mmadigar@uoregon.edu, jschell5@alaska.edu
For this edited collection, we invite proposals for essays that focus on and engage with petrogothic and petrohorror, emerging fields that examine the textual artifacts of hydrocarbon cultures through the lens of gothic and horror studies.
Sydney, Australia and Zoom 25-26 September 2025
PopCRN (the Popular Culture Network) will be holding a free conference in Sydney and online exploring representations of food in popular cultures in history and today, on 25 and 26 September 2025.
Delicious, Nutritious and Fictitious: Food in Popular Culture is asymposium that aims to interrogate the ways that food, recipes, cooking, eating and nutrition are evident in popular culture. This may be representations of food in television, film, literature, art, music, as text, narrative, discourse or any other scholarly form or genre.
PopCRN (the Popular Culture Network) is back with a virtual conference exploring all things Disney, to be held online on Thursday 24th and Friday 25th of July 2025.
Since the Walt Disney was founded his eponymous film studio in 1923, the Disney brand has been a mainstay of popular entertainment. The iconic Micky and Minnie Mouse head the line-up of an impressive array of characters and actors that have become cultural icons. Today Disney is a conglomerate of entertainment businesses, investing in theme parks, sports television, a cruise line, resort destinations, National Geographic Expeditions, clothing, games, and publishing.
PopCRN (the Popular Culture Network) will be holding a free virtual symposium exploring the 1950s in popular culture. Held online on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of March 2025.
The 1950s was the decade where the world began to recover from the tragedy of the Second World War. This conference aims to explore both the popular culture of the 1950s, and how the 1950s have been depicted in the popular culture of other eras.
Un)welcome Imaginaries: (Non-)Fiction Literature on Fundamental Rights
International Interdisciplinary Conference (online)
12-13th December 2025
Faculty of English, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Poland)
Call for papers
From its origins in South African debates about the direction of the anti-apartheid movement, to its reinvention by Cedric Robinson as a theory of race and capital’s world-historical enmeshment, to its contemporary status as a master signifier for left-antiracist critique, racial capitalism is here to stay. Across fields and theories, archives and methods, it circulates as the authorizing ballast for any number of arguments: that capitalism differentiates rather than homogenizes; that anticapitalist politics must proceed from the existential grounding wire of alternative cosmologies; that race names the persistence of feudal social relations in the conceptual, libidinal, and political infrastructures of global modernity.
“Approaching Dystopia”
Call for Papers
Graduate Students in English Interdisciplinary Conference 2025
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, April 5 - 6, 2025
After the Catastrophe. Contemporary Post-Apocalyptic Narratives”
Call for contribution: https://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/announcement/view/123
The Superhero Project: 9th Global Meeting
Friday 5th to Sunday 7th September 2025
The View Hotel, Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom
“Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before, I hope you do now. Cuz I’m Spider-Man. And I’m not the only one. Not by a long shot”. – Miles Morales, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
The English Editor of Modern Language Review (https://www.mhra.org.uk/series/MLR), the flagship journal of the Modern Humanities Research Association (https://www.mhra.org.uk), and one of the oldest in its field, invites original and compelling contributions from emerging and established scholars on any aspect or period of Anglophone literature.
Contributions can take two forms:
Chapter submissions are invited for an edited collection, Marlowe X Theory.
We invite conference proposals for the University of Connecticut First-Year Writing Program’s Conference on the Teaching of Writing, taking place in Storrs on Thursday, April 24th and Friday, April 25th, 2025. Proposal submissions are due on Saturday, February 1st, 2025, and can be submitted through this form.
We are seeking critical papers from all academic disciplines on the Korean Wave for an edited collection titled Cosmopolitan Korean Wave.
Textiles and the texture of ideas in early modern Europe (1589-1801): How the craft and its products interacted with philosophy, literature and the visual arts
Joint project: University of Naples L’Orientale - Université de Haute-Alsace, Mulhouse. Two joint conferences will be organized:
1. Conference 1: Textiles: The texture of ideas in early modern Europe (1589-1801). Designs, patterns, craftsmanship and the early modern imagination – Will be Held at Procida Island (University of Naples L’Orientale), 8-14 September 2025.
2. Conference 2: The circulation of textile designs, patterns, skills and representations in early modern Europe – Will be held at Université de Haute Alsace – Mulhouse, June 2026.
Half a century later, the seeds Alice Walker planted with her seminal essay “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens” (1974) continue to blossom today in aesthetic conversations. In Search of a Beautiful Freedom: New and Selected Essays (2023), whose title is inspired in part by Alice Walker’s In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983), Farah Jasmine Griffin asserts, “That book helped to shape many of us formed as intellectuals and writers in its wake.
The ongoing interdependence between the United Kingdom and the United States dates back further than the "Special Relationship" popularized by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill in 1946. In the early decades of their independence, the United States maintained strong cultural ties with the United Kingdom (cf.
CFP for proposed panel, “Modernist Mind Sciences”
Inviting proposals for papers to be included on a panel on the “modernist mind sciences” that consider the cognitive, neuroscientific, and psychological contexts for modernist creative practice: fiction and nonfiction, manifestoes, poetry, material culture, and experimental media. Papers might address the “infrastructures” of mind contemporaneous with the “modernist” literary and artistic historical period; papers may also consider contemporary cognitive and neuroscientific frameworks for understanding modernist aesthetics, modernist institutions, and broader cultural systems.
The formation of the United Nations in 1945 was intended to forestall global wars and inaugurate global peace. Despite its efforts and those of other international and regional organizations, wars have persisted in the 21st century. For instance, in Africa, countries are engulfed in the vortex of armed conflicts from the struggle between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) to the farmers-herders conflict in Nigeria and the Somali government/Al-Shabab Islamist militant group conflict. This violence is echoed in the post-election tensions between the military and insurgents (Allied Democratic Forces) in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, just like the post-Tigray War conflicts in Ethiopia.
Contesting Place: Practices of (Un)Doing
26th - 27th June 2025
In the context of new political confrontations, ecological challenges, and heightened social polarizations, conflicts in practices of place are intensifying. Encounters with place across the humanities and social sciences often focus on matters of identification and delineation: that is, on making and doing place. Yet, every emplacement entails displacement. Understanding places as configurations of conflict raises questions on the entanglements of (un)doing that this conference seeks to centre, by exploring de-stabilisation, dis-location, and de-identification as practicing place.
A Two-Day International Conference on
March 20-21,2025
Organised by SRM University,Andhra Pradesh, India
Concept Note
Horror Studies Now: A Two-Day Conference (29-30 May 2025, Northumbria University, UK)
Researchers working in the broad field of “Horror Studies”, are invited to submit abstracts about their research for an in-person conference, hosted by the Horror Studies Research Group at Northumbria University (https://research.northumbria.ac.uk/horrorstudies), on 29-30 May 2025.