CFP: Interdisciplinary: Fin de Siecle Seminar, 1870-1920 (UK) (6/1/03; 2003-4)
Fin de Siècle Seminar: Call for Papers
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Fin de Siècle Seminar: Call for Papers
CFP -- The Acorn, Journal of The Octavia Hill Society
Deadline November 15, 2003
The third issue of the Acorn, the Journal of the Octavia Hill Society =
has room for several papers of 3,000 to 6,000 words. We publish papers =
on a range of topics touching upon the work of Octavia Hill and her =
fellow workers. For more information address email inquiries to Tina =
Hummel, Editor at
Please see our website at
Contributions are invited for a collection of academic essays on The Rocky
Horror Picture Show and popular culture with appropriate publishing house
interest. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
RHPC and cult films
RHPC fandom, performance, and viewing practices
RHPC and youth culture
RHPC and the Gothic
RHPC and other cinematic genres, including the horror film and the musical
RHPC and popular music
RHPC and pornography
RHPC in the context of 1970s American and world culture
RHPC's current popularity and significance
Queer and feminist approaches to RHPC
RHPC on Broadway
Call for Chapters
'The Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media'
General Editor: Graeme Harper, Director, Centre for Advanced Development in
the Creative Industries, University of Wales (Bangor)
This international volume contracted by Continuum Books
( requires chapters by keen experts on various
aspects of the above topic.
Some chapters have been contracted; however, various suggested areas
(below), and suggestions for others, are open. The volume aims to offer a
definitive look at sound in film and the visual media, and will be used by
researchers and students alike.
Contributions are invited for a collection of academic essays on The Rocky
Horror Picture Show and popular culture with appropriate publishing house
interest. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
RHPC and cult films
RHPC fandom, performance, and viewing practices
RHPC and youth culture
RHPC and the Gothic
RHPC and other cinematic genres, including the horror film and the musical
RHPC and popular music
RHPC and pornography
RHPC in the context of 1970s American and world culture
RHPC's current popularity and significance
Queer and feminist approaches to RHPC
RHPC on Broadway
Call for Chapters
'The Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media'
General Editor: Graeme Harper, Director, Centre for Advanced Development in
the Creative Industries, University of Wales (Bangor)
This international volume contracted by Continuum Books
( requires chapters by keen experts on various
aspects of the above topic.
Some chapters have been contracted; however, various suggested areas
(below), and suggestions for others, are open. The volume aims to offer a
definitive look at sound in film and the visual media, and will be used by
researchers and students alike.
Green Letters
Deadline: 1 October 2003
Green Letters, the journal of ASLE-UK (the Association for the Study of
Literature and Environment, UK Branch), is devoted to exploring
interdisciplinary interfaces between humans and the natural environment.
Green Letters
Deadline: 1 October 2003
Green Letters, the journal of ASLE-UK (the Association for the Study of
Literature and Environment, UK Branch), is devoted to exploring
interdisciplinary interfaces between humans and the natural environment.
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS - The Transdisciplinary Journal of Emergence
SDA Bocconi Business School (Milan, Italy) announces the forthcoming online
publication of the first issue of "The transdisciplinary journal of
emergence" ( TJE is an English-language on-line journal
that will be published semi-annually starting from September 2003. We are
seeking contributions for the second (Spring 2004) issue, to be sent by
December 1st, 2003.
Contributions are sought to a collection of essays on the subject of
Polish-Jewish relations in the aftermath of the Shoah. We are
particularly interested in including texts that mobilize a wide range of
theoretical vocabularies, including philosophical, psychoanalytic, and
literary approaches (e.g. post-structuralism and deconstruction;
Levinas-inspired ethics; Freudian and post-Freudian approaches to
trauma, mourning, witnessing etc.; cultural studies work on race,
national identity and ethnicity, to name but a few).
Contributions are sought to a collection of essays on the subject of
Polish-Jewish relations in the aftermath of the Shoah. We are
particularly interested in including texts that mobilize a wide range of
theoretical vocabularies, including philosophical, psychoanalytic, and
literary approaches (e.g. post-structuralism and deconstruction;
Levinas-inspired ethics; Freudian and post-Freudian approaches to
trauma, mourning, witnessing etc.; cultural studies work on race,
national identity and ethnicity, to name but a few).
Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the fall 2003 edition of its peer reviewed e-journal.
Please see the call for papers link at
for the guidelines and more information.
Submissions and queries to
Deadline 15 October 2003.
Americana: The Journal of American Popular Culture (1900-present) invites
submissions for the fall 2003 edition of its peer reviewed e-journal.
Please see the call for papers link at
for the guidelines and more information.
Submissions and queries to
Deadline 15 October 2003.
Call for Papers
Citizens of the World:
Using Media to Introduce Globalization across the Curriculum
Call for Papers
Citizens of the World:
Using Media to Introduce Globalization across the Curriculum
Call for Papers
Citizens of the World:
Using Media to Introduce Globalization across the Curriculum
Call for Papers
Citizens of the World:
Using Media to Introduce Globalization across the Curriculum
"RETRO-FUTURES" (Spring 2004)
Psalms in the Early Modern World
Proposals are invited for a volume on Psalms in the Early Modern World.
We seek essays from a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary
approaches that examine the uses and effects of Psalms throughout the
early modern world, including (but not limited to):
Psalms in the Early Modern World
Proposals are invited for a volume on Psalms in the Early Modern World.
We seek essays from a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary
approaches that examine the uses and effects of Psalms throughout the
early modern world, including (but not limited to):
Psalms in the Early Modern World
Proposals are invited for a volume on Psalms in the Early Modern World.
We seek essays from a wide range of disciplines and interdisciplinary
approaches that examine the uses and effects of Psalms throughout the
early modern world, including (but not limited to):
CFP: Translation in Children's Literature; e-Journal, deadline May 15.
Please note that the deadline for abstracts (300-500 words) for the
collection Murder and the Other has been changed to June 15 (originally
5/15). Also note that I am only asking for abstracts at this point and
that full-length essays will be required after I have contacted presses
with possible table of contents, etc.
Julie H. Kim
Associate Professor
English Department
Northeastern Illinois University
(773) 442-5825
Call for Papers: Connections between US/Caribbean, Canadian Caribbean
sound, performance poetry, and music
Call for Papers: Connections between US/Caribbean, Canadian Caribbean
sound, performance poetry, and music
Call for Papers: Connections between US/Caribbean, Canadian Caribbean
sound, performance poetry, and music
Call for Papers: Connections between US/Caribbean, Canadian Caribbean
sound, performance poetry, and music
The editors of the newly revived Johnsonian News Letter solicit short
articles (maximum 1500 words) on teaching Johnson in the 21st century.
Possible approaches to the topic include but are not limited to: discussions
of how to integrate Johnson into survey courses on 18th C literature,
descriptions of courses devoted mostly or solely to the study of Johnson,
reflections on Johnson's relevance to the broader college or university
curriculum, accounts of students' reactions to and engagement with Johnson,
reflections on once popular courses titles such as "The Age of Johnson" or
"Johnson and his Circle," and considerations of Johnson's place in secondary
England and the Iberian Peninsula in the Late Middle Ages
England and the Iberian Peninsula in the Late Middle Ages