Hawthorne and Food: CFP for the 2025 ALA
“Hawthorne and Food: A Tasty Affair”
CFP for the American Literature Association Conference, May, 2025 in Boston
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“Hawthorne and Food: A Tasty Affair”
CFP for the American Literature Association Conference, May, 2025 in Boston
Reinventing The Witch: Witchcraft and Sorcery in 21st Century Fiction and Film
“Under Strong Interest” by McFarland’s "Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy" Series
Editors’ Introduction
Call for papers
Frauds & Fakes in Words and Music
University of Richmond, Virginia, May 29–31, 2025
Russell Crowe’s talents were globally recognized in the early 2000s after he appeared in a slate of well-received films – L.A. Confidential, Gladiator, and A Beautiful Mind, among others – that earned him critical acclaim. Nevertheless, in the years following these productions, he has continued to be a part of numerous projects with international and creative appeal. Alongside his films are his associations with Roman soccer teams – established in Spera’s (2023) chapter in my recent volume on Gladiator (https://vernonpress.com/book/1213) – his social media presence, and his musical performances.
This call for papers seeks one specific chapter on Medusa for a volume intended for the series, Villains and Creatures.
Each chapter of the volume is intended to be an overview of depictions of Medusa in specific kinds of media; nevertheless, the arguments/theses of each chapter should still be original, using past works and research to develop a current (new) perspective on Medusa.
The chapter needed involves Modern Drama.
Chapters will be due in June 2025. Chapters should be approximately 5,000 to 6,500 words, with Chicago-style endnotes and a bibliography page.
The twentieth anniversary of Ridley Scott’s Gladiator (2000) was an important moment in film history, for it not only marked a great film and work of art, but it also reminded audiences how peplum and historical epics still mattered. The edited collection “A Hero Will Endure”: Essays at the Twentieth Anniversary of ‘Gladiator’ (2023) provided insights on the film two decades after its release.
Yet now there is a sequel with a November 2024 release. This CFP therefore serves to build on the work done in the 2023 essays and provide a further avenue of exploration for connections between the two films as well as innovative readings of Gladiator 2 on its own.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
REVISED DEADLINE: Special Issue of Surveillance & Society on Literature and Surveillance now accepting submissions until 12 January 2025.
Call for Papers: Surveillance and Literature
Special Issue of Surveillance & Society
Edited by Steph Brown, University of Arizona
Submission deadline: January 12, 2025 for publication September 2025
This special issue asks: what does literature, and the study of literature, offer our shared understanding of surveillance? And what can literature tell us about surveillance and its entanglement with the arts?
NEW ACADEMIA: An International Journal of English Language, Literature and Literary Theory (Online ISSN 2347-2073)
Vol. 14 Issue 1 Jan. 2025
New Academia is a peer reviewed and refereed journal published quarterly by Interactions Forum. The Journal strives to publish research work of high quality related to Literature written in English Language across the World, English language and literary theory. The aim of the journal is to give space to scholars and researchers to publish their works.
We are always keen to receive submissions from scholars, academicians and researchers in the form of Research Papers, Articles, Poems, Short Stories, Interviews and Book Reviews.
ASLE 2025: Collective Atmospheres, July 8-11, 2025
University of Maryland, College Park
Panel: National Cinemas of Agriculture
This proposed panel at ASLE 2025 seeks proposals that explore the ideal of national cinema in the global landscape, with specific emphasis on the cinematic representations of agriculture, rural life, and their connections to (post)colonial and Indigenous foodways.
Call for Journal Articles Now Open Sensing Euphoric and Dysphoric Atmospheres (Volume 4) Following our symposium, we invite authors to submit papers for publication consideration.
Our fifth annual online event addressed the theme of ‘sensing euphoric and dysphoric atmospheres’ in festive, celebratory, and ritual cultures. Taking an embodied perspective, we seek journal articles that focus on the role of corporeal perception in making sense of lived experience.
Call for Papers update
International Conference
Neobaroque and/in the Contemporary World
University of Wrocław, Poland 08-09 May 2025
***Extended Deadline***
Nothing on Leila (1997) please!!!
ReFocus: The International Directors Series, published by Edinburgh University Press invites scholars, researchers, and practitioners to submit papers for a title dedicated to the influential works of Dariush Mehrjui (1939-2023), a seminal figure in Iranian cinema. Known for his profound impact on the New Wave of Iranian cinema, Mehrjui’s films blend social commentary, philosophical inquiry, and aesthetic innovation. This title aims to explore the multifaceted dimensions of Mehrjui’s oeuvre, examining his contributions to film art and his role in shaping Iranian and global cinema.
Topics of Interest
CFP Convalescence in 19th- and 20th-century anglophone literature
26-27 June 2025, CRINI, Nantes Université & Daulat Ram College, Delhi University
Organisers: Leslie de Bont, Aude Petit-Marquis, Sanna Melin Schyllert, Deepshikha Mahanta Bortamuly, Violina Borah
Webpage: https://labrc.co.uk/mythic-muse/
Mythic Muse: Writing Poetry with Mythology
An 8-week poetic inquiry course blending creative writing with research
When: 7 Wednesdays from January 15-March 5 (no class on Feb 19), 2025
19:00-21:00 (London Time)
Where: Online
Course Overview:
Conference Panel: Faulkner and Digital Yoknapatawpha
The Digital Yoknapatawpha project is organizing a panel for Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 2025: “Faulkner’s Bodies”, July 20-24, 2025, Oxford, MS. We are seeking papers from anyone who has used Digital Yoknapatawpha (https://faulkner.iath.virginia.edu/) for their research or in the classroom. The presentation format is open. In years past, presentations have featured:
For sign-up forms, consult: https://beyondtrauma.yolasite.com/
The Beyond Trauma Conference (June 9, 10, & 11, 2025; Nice, France) aims to gather an international and interdisciplinary group of scholars to share their research (ethnographies, theories, and clinical practice) on post-traumatic states from resistance and resilience to retribution and growth. More specifically, we propose to focus less on trauma and PTSD and more on modes of healing that so often involve the arts for trauma survivors.
Special Issue “World Mythology and Ecocriticism: Remembering Nature as a Sacred Teacher”
A special issue of Humanities.
Conference online: 23-24 January 2025
Conference: 23-24 January 2025 (online)
Call for Papers for WLA’s guaranteed panel at the 2025 American Literature Association Meeting (Boston, May 21-24) This year’s general call seeks proposals related to any aspect of the study of Western literature, regardless of period. Papers on single texts or single authors are welcome, though comparative, transnational, and/or multiethnic approaches are especially encouraged. Graduate students are encouraged to apply. For consideration, please submit an abstract (250-400 words) to Travis Franks (travis.franks@usu.edu) by DECEMBER 31, 2024.
Call for Proposals: "TRANS∗Media”Harvard Graduate Music Forum 2025 ConferenceCambridge, MA | February 28–March 1, 2025
∗Deadline extended to January 5th, 2025 at 11:59PM!∗
This call has expired!
The Human Catalyst: Ecological Crises and Their Cinematic Echoes
The African American Literature and Culture Society invites abstracts (of no more than
250 words) for presentations at the annual conference of the American Literature
Association (http://americanliteratureassociation.org/). We will also consider a limited
number of panel proposals (of no more than 500 words).
The Fourth International Conference of the Modernist Studies in Asia Network (MSIA)
MSIA 2025 – Modernism and Language
June 26-27, 2025
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
Keynote Speakers
Call for Papers
Sino Queer Translation:
Sexualities across Languages, Cultures, and Media
Edited by Hongwei Bao and Yahia Ma
Keynote Speakers:
Dr. John Carlos Rowe, the USC Associates’ Professor of the Humanities and Professor of English, American Studies and Ethnicity, and Comparative Literature, the University of Southern California
Dr. Lan Duong, Associate Professor of Cinema & Media Studies, the University of Southern California
Dr. Long Bui, Professor of Global and International Studies, the University of California, Irvine
Dr. Pheng Cheah, Professor of Rhetoric, the University of California, Berkeley
From campaigns against disenfranchisement to protests against sexual and gender-based violence, feminism has historically combined dissent—against exclusion, subordination, and prevailing power structures—with a focus on the imperative for social and political transformation. This issue of Rejoinder explores the history of feminist dissent and how it has shifted through the decades, both for activists and academics. In addition to a historical focus, we seek to address contemporary manifestations of dissent within feminism, exploring who successfully forges narratives that challenge feminism’s dominant iteration(s)—and what accounts for their success.
Call for Papers: Nineteenth-Century Women Writers, Astronomy, and Gender
The Handbook of Body Horror
Dear Scholars, Educators, and Practitioners,
Due to numerous requests, we are pleased to extend the submission deadline for abstracts for the book Soft Skills Unscripted: Lessons from Literature and Films to 30 January 2025.
We kindly urge all contributors to carefully review the theme of the book and ensure that your abstract aligns with the subject. The anthology seeks to explore how literature and films provide valuable insights into soft skills development, bridging the gap between academic perspectives and practical applications.
We look forward to receiving your thoughtful and subject-relevant submissions. For more details
Warm regards,
Editorial Team