Annulet Folio: American Poetry & Poetics, 2008–2025
Annulet seeks proposals for a Spring 2025 folio: “American Poetry & Poetics, 2008–2025”
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Annulet seeks proposals for a Spring 2025 folio: “American Poetry & Poetics, 2008–2025”
Deadline for Proposals: October 1
Session: 2:00 pm (Central) November 22, online via Zoom
Medieval topics tend to intrigue elementary, middle-school, and high-school students. In a teaching environment where time is precious, how do teachers approach the Middle Ages? This session seeks papers addressing issues, opportunities, and innovations in the K-12 classroom to inform the larger community of K-12 teachers and post-secondary educators about how the topic is approached at the K-12 level.
Submit full session proposals or paper proposals (no more than 300 words) to no later than October 1, 2024.
Deadline for Proposals: September 11
Session: 2:00 pm (Central) October 18
In the last few decades, courses on the Middle Ages and medieval studies programs have been either cut or severely restricted in the United States. In fact, recently a variety of humanities programs have been on the chopping block, forcing and providing an opportunity for specialists in medieval studies to integrate our specialties into other courses. This year’s Illinois Medieval Association Symposium seeks to explore issues incorporating medieval studies into our curricula. We seek papers that deal with problems/solutions, opportunities, and innovations. Single papers (20-minute length) and, especially, full sessions are encouraged.
Dear Colleagues,
We have the pleasure to invite you to submit articles for our next issue, due April 2025. We receive papers on Literature (not that of ancient Greece or Rome), Media Studies, Film Studies, Visual and Performative Arts, and Teaching (Language and Literature). Papers in said areas need to focus on the following themes: Nationalism/Post-nationalism, Colonialism/Postcolonialism/Decolonization, Race, Gender Studies, Ethnicity, and Identity.
We are: CEEOL, Ulrichsweb, MLA Directory of Periodicals, DOAJ, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS, SCOPUS. We also archive our journal in the Internet Archive.
“NOVEL LANGUAGES” The Biennial Conference of the Society for Novel Studies
Hosted by Duke University (Organizers: Aarthi Vadde and Sarah Quesada)
Location: Durham Convention Center in beautiful Downtown Durham, North Carolina!
Dates: May 29-June 1, 2025
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Abstracts due November 15, 2024 to the conference website
Keynote speakers:
▪ Laura Pelaschiar, Università di Trieste
▪ Paul Fagan, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München
▪ Fritz Senn, Zürich James Joyce Foundation
Organisers: Franca Ruggieri, Fabio Luppi, Enrico Terrinoni, Serenella Zanotti
The James Joyce Italian Foundation invites proposals for the Sixteenth Annual Conference in Rome to celebrate Joyce’s 144th birthday.
The Emily Dickinson International Society, in collaboration with the Wenshan Conference, invites proposals for papers and panels at its international conference “Dickinson and Ecologies,” scheduled to take place at the Department of English, College of Foreign Languages & Literature, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, from Thursday, June 19 to Sunday, June 22, 2025.
Special Issue Call for Papers
Bandung: Journal of the Global South
Link to download the CFP:
Coloniality, (In)justice, and the literature of the Global South
Goutam Karmakar (lead guest editor)
Honorary Research Associate
Faculty of Arts and Design
Durban University of Technology
“Revolutions are the locomotives of history,” wrote Marx 175 years ago in The Class Struggles in France, where the working and peasant classes were struggling against the capitalist system. Today, not only have the conditions of human beings failed to improve, but the rise of neo-capitalism and its imperial power has led to the rebirth of slavery in countries such as Congo and Libya, the complete destruction of third-world nations like Palasteine and Haiti by neocolonialism, and the further isolation of the working class across the globe.
A special issue of Gothic Studies guest edited by the Internet Ghost Collective (Chera Kee, Erika Kvistad, Line Henriksen, and Megen de Bruin-Molé)
By popular demand, PopCRN will be hosting a conference about Barbie, the popular culture phenomenon. The free, online event will be held on Wednesday 27th and Thursday 28th of March 2024.
As the editor of the digital edition of the Encyclopedia of Hispanic-American Literature (Facts on File), I'm inviting scholars to contribute essays of approximately 1500-2000 words on one of the authors listed below. The digital edition has been contracted with Facts on File and is a peer-reviewed volume scheduled to be published in 2025. Much of the volume is completed, with a few outstanding biographies that need to be assigned.
Alcoholism has ruined many families, individuals and relationships. Its impact has not been restricted to just the physical health of the person but has often caused irrevocable harm to the mental health of the individual as well as those associated with the individual, making it as much a health hazard as a social concern. There are several states in India that ban the sale and use of alcohol and are designated dry states. Hooch tragedies are commonly reported.
Call for Papers
ASAT's 67th Annual Conference
“Harmony & Discord”
Now Open: Submissions of abstracts for presentations and panels are now open for the 2024 ASAT conference, which will take place from November 14 - 16 on the campus of Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Following the success of our conference in 2022, the SFF will be organising a further two-day online event in partnership with Anglia Ruskin University on 7-8 December 2024.
The theme of the conference will be Women in the Black Fantastic and will mark the 40th anniversary of Octavia E. Butler winning both the Hugo Award for Best Short Story and the Nebula Award for Best Novelette.
Keynote Speakers: Nyasha Mugavazi and Ebony Elizabeth Thomas
Entries are invited for the 2024 Forum Essay Prize, on the subject of: ‘The Art(s) of Delight’
Forum for Modern Language Studies are looking for bold, visionary and persuasive essays that use academic research to pursue innovative questions. The winning essay will be that judged by the panel to have best addressed the topic with flair, ambition and resonance.
Abstract Deadline: Friday, November 15, 2024
Chapter Drafts Deadline: June 15, 2025
Essays sought for a peer-reviewed edited collection focused on Brian De Palma’s film, Phantom of the Paradise.
Call for papers:
For the first edition of Epitaphs, we invite writers, artists and academics to submit their short form Gothic or Horror work on the following theme:
Dark Ecologies.
Welcoming submissions to 'Reconceptions of European Literary History' at ICMS Kalamazoo, 8-10 May 2025. This 2-part series will comprise of the following sessions:
I. How Do We Study Historical Text Traditions? (Paper Session)
Archives have become a site of contestation because of their status as “an imperial project of domination and affirmation” (Ištok 2016). It is specifically the case in the English-speaking world. The revelation in 2011 of the hiding and culling by British colonial authorities of “incriminating documents from former colonies in the months before each one became politically independent” (Diptée 2024) is a case in point. In this deliberate and pernicious meddling with archives, now known as “Operation Legacy”, the “mother country” aimed to tone down — if not silence — colonial violence and display a more humanist facet that was supposed to undergird the liberation of British territories from colonial shackles (Cobain 2016).
Seminar Stream proposed for the 2025 Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, which will be held virtually, May 29 - June 1, 2025.Kindly note that in the ACLA format, you are expected to attend and engage with other presentations in your seminar. This entails a commitment of circa 2 hours over the course of 2-3 days on the dates above. Please do not submit a paper if you are not willing to make this commitment.
Children As the Future: Rights & Representations
Being good makes one a target. History rattles off instances of virtuous individuals cracked by circumstance and at the mercy of a world that seeks its own ends apart from a universal pattern anchored in the Divine. Should one register shock, then, at the violence directed at those whose faces reflect the goodness of God, for the world “hated me first” Christ reminds his disciples. No, we cannot feign surprise. Nor can we fail to act. When Mordecai implored Esther to approach the king on pain of death, he did so with the assurance that God would provide regardless of her choice, and yet, he asked her, “... who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such as time as this?” Yes, God will provide, and perhaps we are that provision.
Published by Penn State University Press, Theatre and Performance Notes and Counternotes(TPNC) is a theatre and performance studies generalist journal of short-to-medium length research articles, response articles, and discussion articles.
[NOTE: Our first issue, 1.1, has been published (and you can access this issue here: Our second issue, 1.2, is currently in production and will come out later this year.]
TPNC operates via rolling submissions, so there is no specific deadline to submit your article.
The Belvedere Research Journal (BRJ), a peer-reviewed, open-access e-journal, invites new submissions. We are interested in articles that shed light on the visual culture of the former Habsburg Empire and Central Europe broadly defined from the medieval period to the present. Contributions that position Austrian art practices within a wider international framework are particularly welcome. We value innovative art historical approaches, such as challenging established narratives or exploring transnational exchanges that highlight the interconnected and cross-cultural nature of the art world.
Scholarly Collection: Call for Contributors
Working Title: Calling it by its Name: Analyses of White U.S. Literature
The origin myths of nations, regions, and cities provided an obvious appeal in the Middle Ages and Renaissance to those interested in the deep histories of the places where they lived and were born. While such stories were used to bolster local or national prestige, many origin myths also stretch across borders, inscribing deep connections between places: Britain claimed Trojan origins through Brutus’ foundation, but so too did the French, the Norse, and even the Dutch; and Noah’s offspring were believed to have been the originators of different peoples across Europe.
ACIS West: Celebrating 40 Years
University of Montana, Missoula
September 19-21, 2024
Call for Papers: "Womanism, Afrofuturism in the Paradigm Era"
Hosted by the Department of English, Howard University
The Department of English at Howard University invites scholars, researchers, and educators to submit abstracts for our forthcoming virtual conference on "Womanism, Afrofuturism in the Paradigm Shift Era." This second annual conference will explore contemporary approaches to the study of Womanism and Afrofuturism during this transformative period in American history.
Conference Themes:
We encourage submissions on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
Literary Works and Authors:
NeMLA's 56th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, March 6 to March 9, 2025
Julia Bruehne (University of Bremen)
Matthew Lovett (University of Pittsburgh)
Resurgens Theatre Company, along with the Georgia State University Department of English, is pleased to announce our third biennial conference on early modern verse drama by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, “A Marlowe for All Seasons.” We’re calling for papers that examine some aspect of Christopher Marlowe’s plays in performance, from the Elizabethan era through the current day, but also welcome topics involving Marlovian influence on the development of Renaissance drama and/or early modern print culture. The conference will be held on its NEW DATE, September 13 and 14, 2024, at the historic Pythagoras Masonic Temple (108 E.