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CFP: STYLE: Annual Resources Number (5/15/02 and ongoing; journal issue)

Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 6:15pm
David Gorman

Are you working on something that pertains to literary, linguistic, or
rhetorical criticism, theory, or scholarship but that does not fit the
standard genres of the essay or the review? If so you may want to know
about the annual Resources issue that the journal STYLE will inaugurate
with its vol. 36, no. 4 (Winter 2002). Submissions of the following
kinds would be among those of interest:
 --annotated bibliographies or bibliographic essays on topics in
stylistics, poetics, and related fields, whether historically or
theoretically oriented;
 --interviews with leading theorists, critics, and other innovators;
 --translations making important essays and other contributions
available in English;

CFP: STYLE: Annual Resources Number (5/15/02 and ongoing; journal issue)

Saturday, February 23, 2002 - 6:15pm
David Gorman

Are you working on something that pertains to literary, linguistic, or
rhetorical criticism, theory, or scholarship but that does not fit the
standard genres of the essay or the review? If so you may want to know
about the annual Resources issue that the journal STYLE will inaugurate
with its vol. 36, no. 4 (Winter 2002). Submissions of the following
kinds would be among those of interest:
 --annotated bibliographies or bibliographic essays on topics in
stylistics, poetics, and related fields, whether historically or
theoretically oriented;
 --interviews with leading theorists, critics, and other innovators;
 --translations making important essays and other contributions
available in English;

CFP: Journal of Cognitive Liberties (journal)

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 7:53pm
Sharon O'Toole Dubois

Journal of Cognitive Liberties Call for Papers:

The peer-reviewed Journal of Cognitive Liberties is a scholarly open
forum for expressing thoughts on the importance of cognitive liberty-the
fundamental human right to experience multiple modes of thought and to
engage in independent, insightful, and creative mental processes free of
government prohibition.

The Journal of Cognitive Liberties seeks to define and vitalize the
public debate over human autonomy and mental emancipation. Our
international focus is on new and old drugs, techniques, and
technologies that have the potential to enhance, augment, or restrict
freedom of thought.

CFP: Journal of Cognitive Liberties (journal)

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 7:53pm
Sharon O'Toole Dubois

Journal of Cognitive Liberties Call for Papers:

The peer-reviewed Journal of Cognitive Liberties is a scholarly open
forum for expressing thoughts on the importance of cognitive liberty-the
fundamental human right to experience multiple modes of thought and to
engage in independent, insightful, and creative mental processes free of
government prohibition.

The Journal of Cognitive Liberties seeks to define and vitalize the
public debate over human autonomy and mental emancipation. Our
international focus is on new and old drugs, techniques, and
technologies that have the potential to enhance, augment, or restrict
freedom of thought.

CFP: Humanities Journal Submission: McNeese Review (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 7:41pm

The McNeese Review

Call for Papers

The McNeese Review, published since 1948, serves as a forum for articles and
essays in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Review also
publishes a limited amount of creative writing. The editorial policy and
reviewing processes of the The McNeese Review are formulated and supervised
by an editorial board comprised of faculty in the College of Liberal Arts at
McNeese State University.

CFP: Humanities Journal Submission: McNeese Review (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, February 20, 2002 - 7:41pm

The McNeese Review

Call for Papers

The McNeese Review, published since 1948, serves as a forum for articles and
essays in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The Review also
publishes a limited amount of creative writing. The editorial policy and
reviewing processes of the The McNeese Review are formulated and supervised
by an editorial board comprised of faculty in the College of Liberal Arts at
McNeese State University.

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:34pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). The project has been
ongoing for about a year, and the volume is scheduled to appear in 2004.
There are still a number of essays (including some major authors, poems and
topics) to be assigned.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large topic essays, a copy of the
book. All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors
will appear in the back of the book.

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:34pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). The project has been
ongoing for about a year, and the volume is scheduled to appear in 2004.
There are still a number of essays (including some major authors, poems and
topics) to be assigned.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large topic essays, a copy of the
book. All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors
will appear in the back of the book.

CFP: Essays for Companion to 20th C. American Poetry (no deadline noted; collection)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:34pm
Kimmelman, Burt

I am editing A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry (for Facts on
File, Inc., a publisher that enjoys very wide distribution in libraries,
colleges and high schools, as well as bookstores). The project has been
ongoing for about a year, and the volume is scheduled to appear in 2004.
There are still a number of essays (including some major authors, poems and
topics) to be assigned.

The volume will be peer reviewed. Payment for essays will be in
presentational offprints and, too, for the large topic essays, a copy of the
book. All essays will carry the author's name, and a list of contributors
will appear in the back of the book.

CFP: Preschool Culture: Theory and Practice (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:26pm
Benjamin Lefebvre

Perhaps more than other children's literature and film, preschool books
and television programs tend to be rooted in teaching the very young
something or other -- letters, numbers, colours, music, sports, values.

What is not clear is just what sort of research on cognitive and emotional
development supports these pedagogic efforts.

Are some books and television shows better than others at promoting
development and acuity in small children, and, if so, why?

What does research in developmental and behavioural paediatrics and in
social learning tell us about optimizng infant development, about the role
of observational learning, about how to promote moral reasoning and
language development?

CFP: Preschool Culture: Theory and Practice (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:26pm
Benjamin Lefebvre

Perhaps more than other children's literature and film, preschool books
and television programs tend to be rooted in teaching the very young
something or other -- letters, numbers, colours, music, sports, values.

What is not clear is just what sort of research on cognitive and emotional
development supports these pedagogic efforts.

Are some books and television shows better than others at promoting
development and acuity in small children, and, if so, why?

What does research in developmental and behavioural paediatrics and in
social learning tell us about optimizng infant development, about the role
of observational learning, about how to promote moral reasoning and
language development?

CFP: Designing Children (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:26pm
Benjamin Lefebvre

Canadian Children's Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse,
a refereed journal founded in 1975, invites papers on the subject of
Design/Designing for Children. We welcome papers that examine the
design of children's books and posters, toys and games, television and
videos, theatre and performances, newspapers and magazines,
museums and libraries, parks and playworlds. We hope to highlight the
designer's crucial role in conceiving of and shaping our ideas about what
we think expresses a child's imagination, meets a child's needs, and
defines what is special about their province and perspective. Some of the
questions we hope to address are as follows:

CFP: Designing Children (no deadline; journal issue)

Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 4:26pm
Benjamin Lefebvre

Canadian Children's Literature / Littérature canadienne pour la jeunesse,
a refereed journal founded in 1975, invites papers on the subject of
Design/Designing for Children. We welcome papers that examine the
design of children's books and posters, toys and games, television and
videos, theatre and performances, newspapers and magazines,
museums and libraries, parks and playworlds. We hope to highlight the
designer's crucial role in conceiving of and shaping our ideas about what
we think expresses a child's imagination, meets a child's needs, and
defines what is special about their province and perspective. Some of the
questions we hope to address are as follows:

CFP: Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity (no abstract deadline noted; collection)

Monday, February 11, 2002 - 7:14pm
Laura A Winkiel

Call for Abstracts

Essay Collection Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity
This collection seeks a select group of essays that interpret modernism as
one phenomenon of an uneven modernity, that is, a modernism emerging at
different times and places within such contradictory forces as technology,
diaspora, global capitalism, nationalism, and poly-lingualism. We are
especially seeking essays that probe the interlocking of cultural
aesthetics and geo-politics, taking into consideration the local and global
dimensions of a particular modernism.

CFP: Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity (no abstract deadline noted; collection)

Monday, February 11, 2002 - 7:14pm
Laura A Winkiel

Call for Abstracts

Essay Collection Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity
This collection seeks a select group of essays that interpret modernism as
one phenomenon of an uneven modernity, that is, a modernism emerging at
different times and places within such contradictory forces as technology,
diaspora, global capitalism, nationalism, and poly-lingualism. We are
especially seeking essays that probe the interlocking of cultural
aesthetics and geo-politics, taking into consideration the local and global
dimensions of a particular modernism.

CFP: Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity (no abstract deadline noted; collection)

Monday, February 11, 2002 - 7:14pm
Laura A Winkiel

Call for Abstracts

Essay Collection Geomodernisms: 'Race,' Modernism, Modernity
This collection seeks a select group of essays that interpret modernism as
one phenomenon of an uneven modernity, that is, a modernism emerging at
different times and places within such contradictory forces as technology,
diaspora, global capitalism, nationalism, and poly-lingualism. We are
especially seeking essays that probe the interlocking of cultural
aesthetics and geo-politics, taking into consideration the local and global
dimensions of a particular modernism.

CFP: The American Journal of Print (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 11:34pm
Scott M. Korb

The American Journal of Print seeks articles, essays, interviews on all
topics, provided they are explorations of the topics themselves and not
personal essays about why you are interested in Topic A, B, C, and so on.
This is a relatively new journal (Volume One was released in May 2001), and
editions are published sporadically (although the aim is quarterly). Our
website has more information, and is updated with new content bi-weekly.
Please see

CFP: The American Journal of Print (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 11:34pm
Scott M. Korb

The American Journal of Print seeks articles, essays, interviews on all
topics, provided they are explorations of the topics themselves and not
personal essays about why you are interested in Topic A, B, C, and so on.
This is a relatively new journal (Volume One was released in May 2001), and
editions are published sporadically (although the aim is quarterly). Our
website has more information, and is updated with new content bi-weekly.
Please see

CFP: New Online Journal for Trickster Research (ongoing; e-journal)

Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 10:40pm
c. w. spinks

Call for Papers at Trickster's Way

 an online journal dedicated to trickster research. It is a peer-reviewed
publication which seeks to extend the scholarship about the trickster figure
to its interdisciplinary and intellectual limits. Although trickster, of
course, will resist such cultural ambitions, this journal and the essays it
publishes will try to respect the delicate balance between fixing trickster
and killing trickster. We wish to keep him/her alive and well and living in
the shadow of our hearts.

CFP: New Online Journal for Trickster Research (ongoing; e-journal)

Wednesday, February 6, 2002 - 10:40pm
c. w. spinks

Call for Papers at Trickster's Way

 an online journal dedicated to trickster research. It is a peer-reviewed
publication which seeks to extend the scholarship about the trickster figure
to its interdisciplinary and intellectual limits. Although trickster, of
course, will resist such cultural ambitions, this journal and the essays it
publishes will try to respect the delicate balance between fixing trickster
and killing trickster. We wish to keep him/her alive and well and living in
the shadow of our hearts.

CFP: AMERICANA: Rewriting American History (e-journal)

Saturday, February 2, 2002 - 3:48pm

AMERICANA is a peer reviewd e-journal dedicated to American Cultural
and Literary Studies. It accepts submissions from all research fields
related with American Literature, Culture, Society and History.

AMERICANA hopes to provide an intellectual canvas where the cultural
spaces and experiences of American Studies are theorized and rigorously
explored within both global and local contingencies of the present and

CFP: AMERICANA: Rewriting American History (e-journal)

Saturday, February 2, 2002 - 3:48pm

AMERICANA is a peer reviewd e-journal dedicated to American Cultural
and Literary Studies. It accepts submissions from all research fields
related with American Literature, Culture, Society and History.

AMERICANA hopes to provide an intellectual canvas where the cultural
spaces and experiences of American Studies are theorized and rigorously
explored within both global and local contingencies of the present and

CFP: Journal of the Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:42pm

The Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society is accepting submissions for possible
publication in the Society journal. Submissions may include critical papers,
notes, creative writing, or any material of interest to readers of Beddoes.

Send hard copy submissions to:
Shelley Rees
Department of English
University of North Texas
P.O. Box 311307
Denton, TX 76203-1307

Send electronic submissions (as MS Word attachments, please) to:

Receipt of materials acknowledged electronically--please provide an e-mail

CFP: Journal of the Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:42pm

The Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society is accepting submissions for possible
publication in the Society journal. Submissions may include critical papers,
notes, creative writing, or any material of interest to readers of Beddoes.

Send hard copy submissions to:
Shelley Rees
Department of English
University of North Texas
P.O. Box 311307
Denton, TX 76203-1307

Send electronic submissions (as MS Word attachments, please) to:

Receipt of materials acknowledged electronically--please provide an e-mail

CFP: Journal of the Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society (ongoing; journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:42pm

The Thomas Lovell Beddoes Society is accepting submissions for possible
publication in the Society journal. Submissions may include critical papers,
notes, creative writing, or any material of interest to readers of Beddoes.

Send hard copy submissions to:
Shelley Rees
Department of English
University of North Texas
P.O. Box 311307
Denton, TX 76203-1307

Send electronic submissions (as MS Word attachments, please) to:

Receipt of materials acknowledged electronically--please provide an e-mail

CFP: Beethoven Forum (journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:40pm
Stephen Hinton

Beethoven Forum: Call for Papers and Reviews

The editors of Beethoven Forum, the leading journal of Beethoven
scholarship, are pleased to announce that the journal will now be
published twice a year by the University of Illinois Press. Our first
issue, volume 9, number 1, will appear in April, 2002.

CFP: Beethoven Forum (journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:40pm
Stephen Hinton

Beethoven Forum: Call for Papers and Reviews

The editors of Beethoven Forum, the leading journal of Beethoven
scholarship, are pleased to announce that the journal will now be
published twice a year by the University of Illinois Press. Our first
issue, volume 9, number 1, will appear in April, 2002.

CFP: In Medias Res (e-journal)

Wednesday, January 30, 2002 - 7:37pm
In Medias Res

_In Medias Res: An Electronic Journal for the Public Intellectual_
< provides a forum for intellectuals,
academics and artists alike, to comment on influential issues and important
events in the world as they happen.

The editors are seeking brief considered pieces from a variety of
perspectives and disciplines, as well as reviews of recently published
books, art exhibits, theatrical performances, musical recordings, films and
so on. The editors are especially interested to receive articles and
reviews on, but not limited to, the following topics:
