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CFP: Lawrence Durrell: Text, Hypertext, Intertext (10/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
James Gifford

Please distribute

Agora: <>
Special Issue — Call for Papers
Deadline: October 15, 2003

Lawrence Durrell: Text, Hypertext, Intertext

The editors of Agora seek papers relating to the work of Lawrence Durrell
for a special issue. Submissions may address any aspect of Durrell's works
or of his circle, but those that focus on theoretically informed readings of
the textuality of Durrell’s writings are particularly welcome (contexts,
hypertexts, paratexts, print history, and so on), as are papers that take
advantage of the electronic medium.

CFP: Lawrence Durrell: Text, Hypertext, Intertext (10/15/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
James Gifford

Please distribute

Agora: <>
Special Issue — Call for Papers
Deadline: October 15, 2003

Lawrence Durrell: Text, Hypertext, Intertext

The editors of Agora seek papers relating to the work of Lawrence Durrell
for a special issue. Submissions may address any aspect of Durrell's works
or of his circle, but those that focus on theoretically informed readings of
the textuality of Durrell’s writings are particularly welcome (contexts,
hypertexts, paratexts, print history, and so on), as are papers that take
advantage of the electronic medium.

UPDATE: Environmental Literature (8/31/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm

Update: Please note that the deadline for submissions is now August 31,
2003 and that the journal is accepting articles both focused on the
teaching of environmental literature or on environmental approaches to

CFP: Environmental Literature (08/31/03, journal issue)

This message is being cross-posted; please excuse duplication.

Deadline: August 31, 2003

CFP: The Sounds of Vision: Spectatorship and Aural Perception (9/25/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm

Call for Papers: Journal issue

The Sounds of Vision: Spectatorship and Aural Perception

The musical score, dialogue, and sounds of contemporary screen based
products of the past ten years have addressed a far more aurally
aware spectator, as demonstrated by the increasing complexities of
style and construction of the sound track. What might be some of the
methodological approaches that can account for the direction of the
spectatorial eye via the ear?

CFP: Contemporary Forms and Conditions of Entertainment Media (9/25/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm

Call for Papers: Journal issue

Superhuman, Supernatural, Superlative, or Simply Super Entertainment? :
Contemporary forms and conditions of entertainment media

Materiality aside, the entertainment media possess a refractory
nature: they are often obstinate, stubborn, wayward, perverse, and
disobedient, refusing to be pinned down by critical responses that
seek to homogenize their nature. For this special issue of the
Refractory Journal, we are interested in critical and theoretical
discussions of the forms / conditions / relationships of contemporary
entertainment media products / industries that may include films,
comic books, computer games or theme parks.

CFP: Contemporary Forms and Conditions of Entertainment Media (9/25/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm

Call for Papers: Journal issue

Superhuman, Supernatural, Superlative, or Simply Super Entertainment? :
Contemporary forms and conditions of entertainment media

Materiality aside, the entertainment media possess a refractory
nature: they are often obstinate, stubborn, wayward, perverse, and
disobedient, refusing to be pinned down by critical responses that
seek to homogenize their nature. For this special issue of the
Refractory Journal, we are interested in critical and theoretical
discussions of the forms / conditions / relationships of contemporary
entertainment media products / industries that may include films,
comic books, computer games or theme parks.

CFP: Contemporary Forms and Conditions of Entertainment Media (9/25/03; journal issue)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm

Call for Papers: Journal issue

Superhuman, Supernatural, Superlative, or Simply Super Entertainment? :
Contemporary forms and conditions of entertainment media

Materiality aside, the entertainment media possess a refractory
nature: they are often obstinate, stubborn, wayward, perverse, and
disobedient, refusing to be pinned down by critical responses that
seek to homogenize their nature. For this special issue of the
Refractory Journal, we are interested in critical and theoretical
discussions of the forms / conditions / relationships of contemporary
entertainment media products / industries that may include films,
comic books, computer games or theme parks.

UPDATE: Oprah Anthology (11/30/03; collection)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca Lyne

Update: deadline is Nov. 30, 2003

CFP: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting academic papers for an anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic cult
of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth and
early twenty-first centuries. As she show nears its much anticipated
end--though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable--it
seem appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluate the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Oprah Anthology (11/30/03; collection)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca Lyne

Update: deadline is Nov. 30, 2003

CFP: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting academic papers for an anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic cult
of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth and
early twenty-first centuries. As she show nears its much anticipated
end--though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable--it
seem appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluate the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

UPDATE: Oprah Anthology (11/30/03; collection)

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:02pm
Tolley-Stokes, Rebecca Lyne

Update: deadline is Nov. 30, 2003

CFP: Oprah Anthology

We are soliciting academic papers for an anthology on the phenomenon of
Oprah. It is undeniable that Oprah Winfrey has transcended the iconic cult
of celebrity to become a Western cultural force of the late-twentieth and
early twenty-first centuries. As she show nears its much anticipated
end--though its endless reproduction in syndication seems inevitable--it
seem appropriate to produce an anthology that evaluate the multifaceted
influences and implications of Oprah.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

CFP: Book Reviews: Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (10/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:31am
Elizabeth Hale

The editors of the Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (AVSJ) are
soliciting reviews of the following books, for a forthcoming issue of the
journal to be published in December 2003.

The Australasian Victorian Studies Journal is published in December each
year by the Australasian Victorian Studies Association whose
inter-disciplinary nature it reflects: articles from disciplines as diverse
as archeology, architecture,art, economics, history, landscape gardening,
literature, medicine, philosophy, psychology, science, sociology,
spiritualism, town planning and theatre are likely to appear in its pages.
The journal is refereed and each issue is normally devoted to a theme.

CFP: Book Reviews: Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (10/31/03; journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:31am
Elizabeth Hale

The editors of the Australasian Victorian Studies Journal (AVSJ) are
soliciting reviews of the following books, for a forthcoming issue of the
journal to be published in December 2003.

The Australasian Victorian Studies Journal is published in December each
year by the Australasian Victorian Studies Association whose
inter-disciplinary nature it reflects: articles from disciplines as diverse
as archeology, architecture,art, economics, history, landscape gardening,
literature, medicine, philosophy, psychology, science, sociology,
spiritualism, town planning and theatre are likely to appear in its pages.
The journal is refereed and each issue is normally devoted to a theme.

CFP: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/3/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:29am
Kieryn McKay


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites
contributors for its second edition, to be themed 'blue.'

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

CFP: Philament: Blue Edition (grad) (10/3/03; e-journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:29am
Kieryn McKay


Philament, an online peer-reviewed journal of postgraduate scholarship in
the fields of cultural studies and the literary arts, now invites
contributors for its second edition, to be themed 'blue.'

Included below are dictionary and textual possibilities for how 'blue' might
be incorporated into a creative or academic piece. These lists are by no
means exhaustive.

CFP: Robert Stone Anthology (9/30/03; collection)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:28am
Charles Russell

I am soliciting academic articles for a collection of essays devoted to
the fiction of Robert Stone. Essays on individual works, as well as
general thematic discussions of Stone’s novels and short stories are
invited. I would welcome treatments of the political dimension of his
work, the image and role of women in the fiction, the historical
topicality of his novels; religious and existentialist themes, and
discussions of the margins of culture his characters explore.

Please send 2-3 page abstracts by September 30 to

Charles Russell, Chair
Department of English
Rutgers University
Newark, NJ 07302

(973) 353-5279, ext. 501

or to

UPDATE: Grammar in Composition Instruction (8/15/03; e-journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:26am
Eva Bednarowicz

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing
Digressions, Fall 2003 Issue
Deadline:~ August 15, 2003

[The deadline for responses to this call is August 15th, 2003. I apologize for
the Augustt 1 typo from the previous posting.]

Lore: An E-journal for Teachers of Writing, is an online forum edited by TAs,
adjuncts, assistant professors, and others charged with the teaching of
first-year composition, and it is published by Bedford/St. Martin's Press.~
It can be found at [

UPDATE: Academic Exchange Extra (e-journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:23am
Elizabeth Haller




Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject, or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

UPDATE: Academic Exchange Extra (e-journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:23am
Elizabeth Haller




Submissions are invited from undergraduates, graduates, and educators for
Academic Exchange Extra (Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Haller). Extra presents
ideas, research methods, and pedagogical theories leading to effective
instruction and learning regardless of level, subject, or context. We also
seek cogent essays, poetry and fiction.

UPDATE: Atenea: Violence &amp; Aggression (8/15/03; journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:20am

update: deadline extended

Atenea is a multidisciplinary bilingual journal on the humanities and=20
social sciences, published twice a year by the University of Puerto Rico =
at Mayaguez. It features essays, books reviews, and some fiction and=20
poetry. The editorial board invites submissions for publication for a=20
special issue (June 2004) on the topic of violence and aggression.=20
Essays may focus on any aspect of the topic, including (but not limited=20
to) representations, causes, functions, history. Submissions in either=20
English or Spanish are welcome (see the guidelines below):

CFP: European Film (11/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am

Call for Papers

re: 'Studies in European Cinema'

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new refereed
international journal 'Studies in European Cinema' (Intellect) in 2004.

This journal is dedicated to the best work currently being produced on
European Film, European film culture, the changing nature and film output
of Europe itself. It is distinctive in bringing together discussions on a
range of European cinemas, and by the timing and positioning of the
discussions within both a cultural and an historical context.

Areas of interest include:

* All aspects of European film and European film culture;

CFP: European Film (11/30/03; journal issue)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am

Call for Papers

re: 'Studies in European Cinema'

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new refereed
international journal 'Studies in European Cinema' (Intellect) in 2004.

This journal is dedicated to the best work currently being produced on
European Film, European film culture, the changing nature and film output
of Europe itself. It is distinctive in bringing together discussions on a
range of European cinemas, and by the timing and positioning of the
discussions within both a cultural and an historical context.

Areas of interest include:

* All aspects of European film and European film culture;

CFP: The Christopher Isherwood Review (2/1/04; journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am

The Christopher Isherwood Review, a new scholarly journal to be published
annually by the Christopher Isherwood Foundation
(, seeks essay submissions for its inaugural
issue in Fall 2004. The publication of this first issue will coincide with
the centennial of Isherwood's birth. Essays offering new insights
into any of Isherwood's works, drawing on contemporary critical
theory, are particularly encouraged. Essays may also focus on the work of
writers closely associated with Isherwood as long as a connection is made
to Isherwood's texts. Essays should be between 5,000 and 7,000

CFP: Mary Astell: Gender, Reason, Faith (10/5/03; collection)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
William Kolbrener

The editors of the volume in progress, _Mary Astell: Gender, Reason,
Faith_, propose to move the study of Astell to a mature phase, and to
accommodate a variety of disciplinary perspectives so that the broad
span of Astell's work can be understood in its manifold contexts. The
editors of the volume are soliciting essays not only on Astell's
already canonized works, but on the full range of her political,
theological, philosophical, and poetic writings. The volume, however,
will not eschew the more traditional scholarly interest in Astell's
concerns about gender; rather, it aspires to reveal how Astell's
reflections on gender were always mediated through her diverse set of

UPDATE: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
Karen McNally


Scope, a fully refereed online journal of film studies, edited by staff and
postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies at the University
of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of 1,000 to 1,500 words and
review essays of 2,500 to 3,000 words to be included in forthcoming issues.
We are interested in both recently released movies and retrospective reviews
of older films (especially if these films have just been released on video
or DVD, or have been the focus of renewed critical attention).

CFP: Mary Astell: Gender, Reason, Faith (10/5/03; collection)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
William Kolbrener

The editors of the volume in progress, _Mary Astell: Gender, Reason,
Faith_, propose to move the study of Astell to a mature phase, and to
accommodate a variety of disciplinary perspectives so that the broad
span of Astell's work can be understood in its manifold contexts. The
editors of the volume are soliciting essays not only on Astell's
already canonized works, but on the full range of her political,
theological, philosophical, and poetic writings. The volume, however,
will not eschew the more traditional scholarly interest in Astell's
concerns about gender; rather, it aspires to reveal how Astell's
reflections on gender were always mediated through her diverse set of

CFP: Mary Astell: Gender, Reason, Faith (10/5/03; collection)

Thursday, August 7, 2003 - 12:19am
William Kolbrener

The editors of the volume in progress, _Mary Astell: Gender, Reason,
Faith_, propose to move the study of Astell to a mature phase, and to
accommodate a variety of disciplinary perspectives so that the broad
span of Astell's work can be understood in its manifold contexts. The
editors of the volume are soliciting essays not only on Astell's
already canonized works, but on the full range of her political,
theological, philosophical, and poetic writings. The volume, however,
will not eschew the more traditional scholarly interest in Astell's
concerns about gender; rather, it aspires to reveal how Astell's
reflections on gender were always mediated through her diverse set of
