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CFP: Doctor Who (10/1/06; PCA/ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Barbara A Silliman


We are organizing at least one (but hopefully more) panel(s) on DOCTOR WHO
for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area of the Popular Culture Association
for the 2007 conference of the ACA/PCA in Boston, Massachusetts, April 4-7,

UPDATE: "Prefixing" - An Interdisciplinary Work-in-Progress Conference (Australia) (9/17/06; 9/24/06-9/26/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Michele Yamada

PLEASE NOTE: There are several open slots for presentations at our
conference due to last-minute cancellations.

CFP: "Prefixing" - An Interdisciplinary Work-in-Progress Conference
(09/17/06; 09/24/06-09/26/06)

Conference Date: Sunday, September 24 - Tuesday, September 26, 2006

For consideration, please send a 200 to 300-word abstract as well as
a 50-word bio (on the same page in Times New Roman font/size 12, please)
to our conference organisers immediately at

UPDATE: "Prefixing" - An Interdisciplinary Work-in-Progress Conference (Australia) (9/17/06; 9/24/06-9/26/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Michele Yamada

PLEASE NOTE: There are several open slots for presentations at our
conference due to last-minute cancellations.

CFP: "Prefixing" - An Interdisciplinary Work-in-Progress Conference
(09/17/06; 09/24/06-09/26/06)

Conference Date: Sunday, September 24 - Tuesday, September 26, 2006

For consideration, please send a 200 to 300-word abstract as well as
a 50-word bio (on the same page in Times New Roman font/size 12, please)
to our conference organisers immediately at

CFP: Adolescence in Film and TV (11/1/06; ACA, 4/4/07-4/7/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Kylo Hart

Call for Papers: Adolescence in Film and Television

The "Adolescence in Film and Television" Area Chair of the American
Culture Association seeks individual-paper proposals for presentation
at the 2007 National Conference of the Popular Culture Association and
American Culture Association, to be held at Boston Marriott Copley
Place (Boston, Massachusetts) April 4-7, 2007.

UPDATE: Rethinking the Theory Course (9/22/06; NEMLA; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Robin DeRosa

EXTENDED DEADLINE: CFP: Rethinking the Theory Course (9/15/06; NEMLA;
3/1-4/07 in Baltimore)

The Northeast Modern Language Association's 38th annual convention will be
held in Baltimore, Maryland from March 1-4, 2007.

This panel will explore innovative ways to teach critical theory at the
undergraduate level. How can instructors present difficult theory in a way
that is accessible to students? What supplementary texts can instructors use
to complement the theory? What writing assignments can help students
practice applying theory without encouraging them to think formulaically?

UPDATE: Rethinking the Theory Course (9/22/06; NEMLA; 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Robin DeRosa

EXTENDED DEADLINE: CFP: Rethinking the Theory Course (9/15/06; NEMLA;
3/1-4/07 in Baltimore)

The Northeast Modern Language Association's 38th annual convention will be
held in Baltimore, Maryland from March 1-4, 2007.

This panel will explore innovative ways to teach critical theory at the
undergraduate level. How can instructors present difficult theory in a way
that is accessible to students? What supplementary texts can instructors use
to complement the theory? What writing assignments can help students
practice applying theory without encouraging them to think formulaically?

UPDATE: Early Middle English Society (9/15/06; Kalamazoo, 5/10/07-5/13/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Sharon K. Goetz

(Revised deadline: 15 September)

Sponsored Sessions (2) of the 42nd International Congress on Medieval
10-13 May 2007
Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI

Early Middle English Society I: Women and Devotion
Coordinator: Dorothy Kim (

CFP: Music, Cultures and Literature in the South (10/15/06; SASA, 2/14/07-2/18/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

      The Southern American Studies Association (SASA) is
inviting paper or complete panel proposals for its biannual
meeting to be hosted by the University of Mississippi,
February 14-18, 2007 in conjunction with the annual Living
Blues Symposium. The theme of the conference is "Blues
Tunes / Blues Texts: Music, Cultures and Literature in the
Global South." This truly interdisciplinary meeting that
brings together scholars of literature, culture and music
with musicians, radio industry insiders and fans of the
blues will consider ways in which literature and music shape
the living cultures of the global, post-regional South.
 Possible paper topics relating to the conference theme

CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Ximena Gallardo

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Area, SW/TX PCA/ACA
  2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 28th Annual Conference, The Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, Albuquerque, NM, February 14-17, 2007.
  The Area Chairs of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area would like to invite paper and panel proposals on any aspect of science fiction and fantasy.
  Please send queries, 250 word paper proposals, and 500 word panel proposals, including full contact info for all participants, to
  Ximena Gallardo
  Deadline for proposal submissions: November 15, 2006.

CFP: Music, Cultures and Literature in the South (10/15/06; SASA, 2/14/07-2/18/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

      The Southern American Studies Association (SASA) is
inviting paper or complete panel proposals for its biannual
meeting to be hosted by the University of Mississippi,
February 14-18, 2007 in conjunction with the annual Living
Blues Symposium. The theme of the conference is "Blues
Tunes / Blues Texts: Music, Cultures and Literature in the
Global South." This truly interdisciplinary meeting that
brings together scholars of literature, culture and music
with musicians, radio industry insiders and fans of the
blues will consider ways in which literature and music shape
the living cultures of the global, post-regional South.
 Possible paper topics relating to the conference theme

CFP: Music, Cultures and Literature in the South (10/15/06; SASA, 2/14/07-2/18/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

      The Southern American Studies Association (SASA) is
inviting paper or complete panel proposals for its biannual
meeting to be hosted by the University of Mississippi,
February 14-18, 2007 in conjunction with the annual Living
Blues Symposium. The theme of the conference is "Blues
Tunes / Blues Texts: Music, Cultures and Literature in the
Global South." This truly interdisciplinary meeting that
brings together scholars of literature, culture and music
with musicians, radio industry insiders and fans of the
blues will consider ways in which literature and music shape
the living cultures of the global, post-regional South.
 Possible paper topics relating to the conference theme

CFP: Science Fiction and Fantasy (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Ximena Gallardo

Call for Papers: Science Fiction and Fantasy Area, SW/TX PCA/ACA
  2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association 28th Annual Conference, The Hyatt Regency Conference Hotel, Albuquerque, NM, February 14-17, 2007.
  The Area Chairs of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Area would like to invite paper and panel proposals on any aspect of science fiction and fantasy.
  Please send queries, 250 word paper proposals, and 500 word panel proposals, including full contact info for all participants, to
  Ximena Gallardo
  Deadline for proposal submissions: November 15, 2006.

CFP: Performance Studies Focus Group (11/1/06; ATHE, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Gwendolyn Alker


The Performance Studies Focus Group (PSFG) of the Association for
Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) invites proposals for panels,
seminars, roundtable discussions, performances, workshops, and other
innovative sessions for the annual ATHE Conference, which will be
held at the Sheraton in New Orleans, July 26-29, 2007.

CFP: Elusive Faces of the Feminine: Writing and Photography (9/20/06; 5/3/07-5/5/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Martine Delvaux

The conference is bilingual, but it will take place mainly in French.
Participants may give a paper in English but must understand French.

Call for papers / International Conference

"Elusive faces of the feminine. Writing and photography, face to face"

3-5 May 2007

This conference is about the relationship between photography and
writing, and the places where they meet, dialogue, cross and flee
each other. In this relationship between the photographic and the
literary, we are interested in the importance of the female face, an
alterity that neither medium can capture.

CFP: Elusive Faces of the Feminine: Writing and Photography (9/20/06; 5/3/07-5/5/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Martine Delvaux

The conference is bilingual, but it will take place mainly in French.
Participants may give a paper in English but must understand French.

Call for papers / International Conference

"Elusive faces of the feminine. Writing and photography, face to face"

3-5 May 2007

This conference is about the relationship between photography and
writing, and the places where they meet, dialogue, cross and flee
each other. In this relationship between the photographic and the
literary, we are interested in the importance of the female face, an
alterity that neither medium can capture.

CFP: Elusive Faces of the Feminine: Writing and Photography (9/20/06; 5/3/07-5/5/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm
Martine Delvaux

The conference is bilingual, but it will take place mainly in French.
Participants may give a paper in English but must understand French.

Call for papers / International Conference

"Elusive faces of the feminine. Writing and photography, face to face"

3-5 May 2007

This conference is about the relationship between photography and
writing, and the places where they meet, dialogue, cross and flee
each other. In this relationship between the photographic and the
literary, we are interested in the importance of the female face, an
alterity that neither medium can capture.

CFP: Killing Time (0/30/06; journal issue)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal
Issue #9
Deadline: October 30, 2006

Killing Time: Inscribing Chaos in the Narrative of History

UPDATE: College English Assocation of Ohio Fall Conference (9/27/06; 10/27/06)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

Call for Papers:
College English Association of Ohio – Fall Conference

CEAO Fall Conference

When: Friday, October 27, 2006

Where: Bowling Green State University

Theme: (Re)Inventing English Studies

Keynote Speech provided by Dr. Dickie Selfe, Ohio State University

UPDATE: Queer Pop Culture and Community (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

<BODY>"Post-Millennial Queer Pop Culture and the Construction of Community"<BR>A Panel at the 2007 NEMLA Convention in Baltimore Maryland, March 1-4 2007<BR><BR>This panel seeks papers that explore recent queer pop culture (including tv, film, art, comics, porn, music, theater, the internet) and how this pop culture cultivates and/or constructs community. To what extent do these pop culture products make and/or perpetuate assumptions about queer community? To what extent do they reflect the evolution of a queer community? Papers may examine representations of queer life in mainstream popular culture as long as the papers focus on the depiction of queer community.

UPDATE: Queer Pop Culture and Community (9/15/06; NEMLA, 3/1/07-3/4/07)

Saturday, September 9, 2006 - 2:52pm

<BODY>"Post-Millennial Queer Pop Culture and the Construction of Community"<BR>A Panel at the 2007 NEMLA Convention in Baltimore Maryland, March 1-4 2007<BR><BR>This panel seeks papers that explore recent queer pop culture (including tv, film, art, comics, porn, music, theater, the internet) and how this pop culture cultivates and/or constructs community. To what extent do these pop culture products make and/or perpetuate assumptions about queer community? To what extent do they reflect the evolution of a queer community? Papers may examine representations of queer life in mainstream popular culture as long as the papers focus on the depiction of queer community.
