CFP: Tele-technologies and Postcolonialism (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)
Call for papers: "Exappropriating the Human: Tele-technologies,
Postcolonialism, and Their Convergence in Contemporary Globalization,"
seminar at the 2006 ACLA: American Comparative Literature Association
Annual Conference, Princeton University, March 23-26, 2006. The goal of this seminar is to reflect upon the
dehumanizing and uprooting capacity of language through the concept of
"exapropriation," a term coined by Derrida in his later works. The term
exappropriation, when applied to language, expresses the double move of how
language puts the human in place (hands it the qualities that are proper to it, appropriation) and at the same time