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CFP: Oratory and Performance in 19th Century America (7/1/04 & 9/1/04; collection)

Monday, June 7, 2004 - 4:37am
Rhyne, Jeffrey Miller

Call For Papers: Collection of Essays on Oratory and Performance in 19th
Century America


"Performing America: Essays on 19th Century American Oratory"


I am currently soliciting contributions for a collection of essays on
performance in nineteenth-century American oratorical cultures.
Specifically, I am seeking approaches from a variety of disciplines,
including American Studies, Classics, Communications, English, History,
Performance Studies, Rhetoric, or interdisciplinary approaches to the
relation of performance of performativity to theories, practices, or
individuals involved in nineteenth-century American oratory.


UPDATE: Harry Potter Fan Fiction (6/15/04; collection)

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 4:02am
Jane Glaubman



Scholars from all disciplines are invited to submit abstracts for a
proposed collection of essays about Harry Potter fan fiction. Essays
on young writers, transnational fandom, and fan works from outside
the English-speaking world are especially needed, but all submissions
on fan works are very welcome. Please note that the topic of this
volume is fan fiction; to be considered, all papers must at least
touch on fan writings or art.

Paper topics might include, but are by no means limited to:

UPDATE: Harry Potter Fan Fiction (6/15/04; collection)

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 4:02am
Jane Glaubman



Scholars from all disciplines are invited to submit abstracts for a
proposed collection of essays about Harry Potter fan fiction. Essays
on young writers, transnational fandom, and fan works from outside
the English-speaking world are especially needed, but all submissions
on fan works are very welcome. Please note that the topic of this
volume is fan fiction; to be considered, all papers must at least
touch on fan writings or art.

Paper topics might include, but are by no means limited to:

CFP: 20th Century British Gothic and Romance Writers (8/30/05; collection)

Wednesday, June 2, 2004 - 4:02am
Fishburn, Haley F

I am currently seeking contributors for a new volume in the Dictionary of Literary Biography series, 20th Century British Gothic and Romance Writers, to be published by Bruccoli Clark Layman, Inc. in 2007.

The entries vary in length from 3,000-12,000 words, but each entry should combine a biographical/bibliographical narrative with a critical assessment of the author's works.

Please send a letter of interest and brief CV (no attachments please) via e-mail to <> or by post to:
Haley F. Fishburn
Department of English
Texas Tech University
P.O. Box 43091
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091

CFP: Studies in American Humor (8/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Karen A. Weyler

"Studies in American Humor" will be publishing a special issue in 2004
devoted to humor in early American and antebellum literature.

"Studies in American Humor" is the journal of the American Humor Studies
Association and is published annually. It is indexed in the MLA
Bibliography and American Literary Scholarship.

Articles are due by August 1, 2004, and should follow MLA style. Send two
copies, plus return postage if such is desired, to Karen Weyler, Guest
Editor, Studies in American Humor, English Department, The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402.

Inquiries are both welcome and encouraged. Contact Karen Weyler at

CFP: Studies in American Humor (8/1/04; journal issue)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Karen A. Weyler

"Studies in American Humor" will be publishing a special issue in 2004
devoted to humor in early American and antebellum literature.

"Studies in American Humor" is the journal of the American Humor Studies
Association and is published annually. It is indexed in the MLA
Bibliography and American Literary Scholarship.

Articles are due by August 1, 2004, and should follow MLA style. Send two
copies, plus return postage if such is desired, to Karen Weyler, Guest
Editor, Studies in American Humor, English Department, The University of
North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402.

Inquiries are both welcome and encouraged. Contact Karen Weyler at

CFP: Dreiser Essay Prize (8/1/04; journal and prize)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Newlin, Keith

The International Theodore Dreiser Society is pleased to announce the Fifth Annual Dreiser Essay Prize. The award is sponsored by the Dreiser Society and is given annually to the graduate student or untenured faculty member who submits the best previously unpublished essay on any aspect of the work of the American writer Theodore Dreiser.

Applicants may submit essays that consider any part of Dreiser's corpus or that connect his life or work to those of other writers or to his times. In addition to a cash award of $250, the winning essay will appear in Dreiser Studies, a refereed journal sponsored by the Society. Other worthy essays besides the winner will be considered for publication as well.

CFP: Dreiser Essay Prize (8/1/04; journal and prize)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Newlin, Keith

The International Theodore Dreiser Society is pleased to announce the Fifth Annual Dreiser Essay Prize. The award is sponsored by the Dreiser Society and is given annually to the graduate student or untenured faculty member who submits the best previously unpublished essay on any aspect of the work of the American writer Theodore Dreiser.

Applicants may submit essays that consider any part of Dreiser's corpus or that connect his life or work to those of other writers or to his times. In addition to a cash award of $250, the winning essay will appear in Dreiser Studies, a refereed journal sponsored by the Society. Other worthy essays besides the winner will be considered for publication as well.

CFP: Jane Bowles (8/31/04; journal issue)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am

BOWLES NOTES, the official publication of the Jane and Paul Bowles Society,
is seeking scholarly essays on the literary work of Jane Bowles for its
upcoming issue. Essays should focus on Jane Bowles's writing rather than on her
personal life and should be 2,000 words or less. Submit essays to: Anne Foltz,
Editor, BOWLES NOTES, P. O. Box 57073, Albuquerque, NM 87187-7073. Submission
deadline: August 31, 2004. For inquiries contact Anne Foltz at or
David Racker at

CFP: Dreiser Essay Prize (8/1/04; journal and prize)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Newlin, Keith

The International Theodore Dreiser Society is pleased to announce the Fifth Annual Dreiser Essay Prize. The award is sponsored by the Dreiser Society and is given annually to the graduate student or untenured faculty member who submits the best previously unpublished essay on any aspect of the work of the American writer Theodore Dreiser.

Applicants may submit essays that consider any part of Dreiser's corpus or that connect his life or work to those of other writers or to his times. In addition to a cash award of $250, the winning essay will appear in Dreiser Studies, a refereed journal sponsored by the Society. Other worthy essays besides the winner will be considered for publication as well.

CFP: Victorian Studies Bulletin (7/23/04; journal issue)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Rachel Bright

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the September 2004 issue on the following subjects:

 - Book/journal announcements
 - Brief reviews of past conferences/exhibits
 - CFP's
 - Grant/scholarship/fellowship opportunities and awards
 - Requests for information
 - News/information of interest to Victorianists (upcoming exhibits or
conferences, etc.)
 - Online resources of interest to Victorianists

CFP: Victorian Studies Bulletin (7/23/04; journal issue)

Friday, May 28, 2004 - 1:38am
Rachel Bright

Please forward this message as necessary:

The Victorian Studies Bulletin is beginning to collect information and copy
for the September 2004 issue on the following subjects:

 - Book/journal announcements
 - Brief reviews of past conferences/exhibits
 - CFP's
 - Grant/scholarship/fellowship opportunities and awards
 - Requests for information
 - News/information of interest to Victorianists (upcoming exhibits or
conferences, etc.)
 - Online resources of interest to Victorianists

CFP: Ethnic Lit of the Southwest (12/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am
Kelli Lyon Johnson

CFP: The Geography of a Troubled Land (12/15/04; collection)

The Geography of a Troubled Land: Camps, Reservations, and Sanctuary in
U.S. Ethnic Literature of the Southwest

CFP: Ethnic Lit of the Southwest (12/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am
Kelli Lyon Johnson

CFP: The Geography of a Troubled Land (12/15/04; collection)

The Geography of a Troubled Land: Camps, Reservations, and Sanctuary in
U.S. Ethnic Literature of the Southwest

CFP: Ethnic Lit of the Southwest (12/15/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am
Kelli Lyon Johnson

CFP: The Geography of a Troubled Land (12/15/04; collection)

The Geography of a Troubled Land: Camps, Reservations, and Sanctuary in
U.S. Ethnic Literature of the Southwest

UPDATE: All Topics &amp; Market Economy in Higher Education (grad) (6/30/04; prize &amp; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am

UPDATE: PRIZE for Journal Article on Topic of your Choice

IN recognition of the 10th Issue, Postgraduate English will be offering a small
prize for the paper deemed 'most deserving' by a committee of the Editorial
Board. This applies to the general papers of 7000 words (see below), and not
to the 500 word pieces for the forum.

The University of Durham's Online Journal
A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK and Europe

UPDATE: All Topics &amp; Market Economy in Higher Education (grad) (6/30/04; prize &amp; journal issue)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am

UPDATE: PRIZE for Journal Article on Topic of your Choice

IN recognition of the 10th Issue, Postgraduate English will be offering a small
prize for the paper deemed 'most deserving' by a committee of the Editorial
Board. This applies to the general papers of 7000 words (see below), and not
to the 500 word pieces for the forum.

The University of Durham's Online Journal
A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English in the UK and Europe

CFP: Young Women Researching Abroad (6/30/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am

Marta Bolognani and Tina Basi from the University of Leeds are accepting
abstracts and proposals for a collection of essays focussed on the experiences
of young women researchers abroad.

CFP: Young Women Researching Abroad (6/30/04; collection)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004 - 4:18am

Marta Bolognani and Tina Basi from the University of Leeds are accepting
abstracts and proposals for a collection of essays focussed on the experiences
of young women researchers abroad.
