CFP: The Machine and the Modern Subject (9/15/05; NEMLA, 3/2/06-3/5/06)
"The Machine and the Modern Subject"
Conference: The Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) 2006 Conference
Deadline for submitting proposal: 9/15/05
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"The Machine and the Modern Subject"
Conference: The Northeast Modern Language Association (NEMLA) 2006 Conference
Deadline for submitting proposal: 9/15/05
Submissions are invited for a session on Censorship and Academic Freedom
at the 2006 NEMLA conference in Philadelphia, PA., March 02 - March 05,
>From the Ward Churchill controversy to the Patriot Act and the Academic
Bill of Rights, college campuses and classrooms have increasingly become
the focus of the censorship debate. This panel will examine the various
ways in which that debate is being played out and explore faculty
responses to the issues, both within and beyond their classes. Are
there certain subjects that should be avoided or ignored or should
colleges entertain even the most offensive possibilities in the name of
free speech?
CFP. Anglophone Arab Literature. Deadline extended till end of August, 2005 (collection)
CFP. Anglophone Arab Literature. Deadline extended till end of August, 2005 (collection)
Submissions are invited for a session on Censorship and Academic Freedom
at the 2006 NEMLA conference in Philadelphia, PA., March 02 - March 05,
>From the Ward Churchill controversy to the Patriot Act and the Academic
Bill of Rights, college campuses and classrooms have increasingly become
the focus of the censorship debate. This panel will examine the various
ways in which that debate is being played out and explore faculty
responses to the issues, both within and beyond their classes. Are
there certain subjects that should be avoided or ignored or should
colleges entertain even the most offensive possibilities in the name of
free speech?
Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.
Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.
Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.
Update: Neurology and Literature at the Fin de Siècle (8/9/05; collection)
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 9 August, 2005.
Submissions are invited for a collection of critical essays on intersections
between British,European, and North American literature and neurology
between 1870 and 1920. We are willing to consider essays on literature
examined in its scientific context, as well as essays performing literary
analyses of scientific texts. Submissions by emergent as well as established
scholars are welcome. A series editor at one of Britain's leading academic
presses has shown strong preliminary interest in the project.
Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction
Contributors are sought for the above book which aims to analyse the genre
in an accessible and student-friendly manner. In particular, contributors
are needed who are able to write on literature post-1930 to the present
day. Essay topics include:
Author biographies and bibliographies
Analyses of short stories and novellas
Literary themes and terms
Contributors will be asked to write short essays (500-1000 words) to be
submitted by 10 August 2005.
Suitably qualified graduate students are welcome.
Southwest/Texas Popular Culture & American Culture Associations
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir, and Personal Narrative Area
2006 Conference February 8-11, 2006 Albuquerque, NM
Abstract/Proposals due by 15 November 2005
Please Post and Announce
Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Please Post and Announce
Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Please Post and Announce
Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
Please Post and Announce
Call for Papers: Experimental Writing and Aesthetics
Abstract/Proposals by 15 November 2005
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Associations 27th Annual Conference
Albuquerque, NM, February 8-11, 2006
Hyatt Regency Albuquerque
330 Tijeras
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 1.505.842.1234
Fax: 1.505.766.6710
37th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
2-5 March 2006, Philadelphia
The "Woman Author" Function:
Twentieth-Century Anglophone Women Prose Writers and Their Cultural Formation
37th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
2-5 March 2006, Philadelphia
The "Woman Author" Function:
Twentieth-Century Anglophone Women Prose Writers and Their Cultural Formation
37th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
2-5 March 2006, Philadelphia
The "Woman Author" Function:
Twentieth-Century Anglophone Women Prose Writers and Their Cultural Formation
37th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention
2-5 March 2006, Philadelphia
The "Woman Author" Function:
Twentieth-Century Anglophone Women Prose Writers and Their Cultural Formation
CFP for a collection on:
Eds. Nadia Altschul and Kathleen Davis
CFP for a collection on:
Eds. Nadia Altschul and Kathleen Davis
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Doors of Perception: Vision, Imagination,
and Reaction in/to Literature"
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Doors of Perception: Vision, Imagination,
and Reaction in/to Literature"
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "The 'I' of the Beholder: Narrative Voice and
Imagined Reality."
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "The 'I' of the Beholder: Narrative Voice and
Imagined Reality."
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Literature and Medicine / Literature of the
Healing Arts"
Call for Papers for New York College English Association (NYCEA)
sponsored Panels at the 2006 College English Association (CEA) Conference
San Antonio, Texas--April 6--April 8, 2006
You are invited to submit paper proposals for NYCEA sponsored panels at
the College English Association (CEA) Conference to be held in San
Antonio, Texas. CEA is the national, parent organization of the NYCEA
and other regional CEA affiliates.
We welcome submissions of NYCEA papers presented previously on the
following NYCEA Conference theme, or new submissions on the topic of
this special session call: "Literature and Medicine / Literature of the
Healing Arts"
Call for papers for the Northeast Modern Language Association meeting in Philadelphia, March 2 – 5, 2006.
The Long Poem after Modernism: "The light of a different necessity"
Call for papers for the Northeast Modern Language Association meeting in Philadelphia, March 2 – 5, 2006.
The Long Poem after Modernism: "The light of a different necessity"
March 2-5, 2006.
Panel: Nineteenth-Century British and American Attitudes Towards Slavery