Special Issue: 'Divest'
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SUBTHEMES: Psychohistorical Insights On
Purdue University Literary, Interdisciplinary, Theory, and Culture Organization Symposium, March 7–8, 2025.
Rediscovery, Reclamation, and Renewal in Literature, Theory, and Culture
Producer, director, and screenwriter Gregg Araki is a pivotal figure in independent film, known for his distinctive style and contributions to New Queer Cinema. Despite his inclusion in such cinematic movement thanks to The Living End (1992), and his rise to fame with the Teen Apocalypse Trilogy (1993-1997), Araki's explorations of a more mainstream style and his incursions in television directing have garnered little critical and academic attention, except for his 2004 adaptation of the novel Mysterious Skin and his win of the first ever Cannes Film Festival Queer Palm in 2010 for his film Kaboom.
La Escuela Nacional Superior de Arte Dramático “Guillermo garte Chamorro” (ENSAD), hoy Universidad de Arte Escénico (UNAE), invita a la comunidad académica dedicada a la crítica y estudio de las artes escénicas a presentar sus artículos de investigación (en castellano y en inglés) para su publicación en la revista Liminal. Los artículos de investigación deben cumplir los estándares y requisitos de publicación de la revista: http://revistas.ensad.edu.pe/index.php/liminal/directrices
Si necesita mayor información puede escribirnos al siguiente correo electrónico: revistas@ensad.edu.pe
Revista Hispánica Moderna is currently seeking special issue proposals. Special issues should explore innovative and significant topics within Hispanic Studies. The journal is particularly interested in proposals that cross temporalities and territories, transversally studying problems that question Modern and Early Modern fields and Iberian, Hispanic and Latin American cultures.
When proposing a Special Issue, please include:
This panel aims to provoke discussion of “trauma” and the critical paradigm that has grown up around it in our time. Especially since the publication of Cathy Caruth’s Unclaimed Experience in 1996, “the traumatic” has grown from a specialist analytic discourse to a catch-all framework that informs how we talk about everything from politics, to art, to personal relationships. In short, the concept of trauma today enjoys a culturally dominant status. In recent years, however, the narrative trope of trauma has served as a target for critics increasingly frustrated with its seeming omnipresence.
Call for Papers for an Edited Collection on Elizabeth (“Lizzie”) Champney
Occult Artifice, Esoteric Intelligence, and Magical Generation
The Area for Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic for the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association invites paper presentation proposals for a special panel investigating intersections between artifice, intelligence, generation and generativity, and esoteric, occult, and magical practices and worldviews.
Psychogeography: Liminal Loci and Haunted Haunts
The Area for Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic invites special panel presentation proposals on the subject of psychogeography to be included in its events at the 46th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, held this February 19-22 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Set and Setting: Magical Spaces and Places
The Area for Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic invites special panel presentation proposals regarding the role that location plays in operative esoteric, occult, and magical practice. This panel will be included in Area events at the 46th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, held this February 19-22 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Skenographia: Rethinking Design
Yale University Department of Comparative Literature Graduate Conference
March 28th, 2025
Keynote Speaker: Spyros Papapetros (Princeton University)
What sets a scene apart from a mere place or setting? Etymologically, the term resists simplification to a physical location or continuous action. It encompasses both the material apparatus of the stage and the events unfolding upon it. This oscillation— between object and subject, exterior and interior, self and world—forms a conceptual framework that this conference seeks to apply to the study of design.
Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers Conference
BWWC 2025
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
May 15–17, 2025
Hosted by South Dakota State University and The University of South Dakota
Deadline for submission of proposals: December 15, 2024
Walt Whitman and Visual Culture
A special issue of The Walt Whitman Quarterly Review (Fall/Winter 1986-1987) first brought together nearly all the known photographs of Whitman, laying the foundation for the Walt Whitman Archive’s Gallery of Images. Whitman wrote about and sat for sculptors and painters, and he has been the inspiration for many art and film projects. In light of this and the recent publication of several illustrated editions of Whitman’s writings, the Whitman Studies Association invites proposals focused on Whitman and any aspect of visual culture. We seek presentations that explore and analyze Whitman and/or his writings in relation to:
Whitman’s Legacies
Call for abstracts: Ecology and the Art(-ifice) of Attention
A special issue of the journal Environmental Philosophy
General aim of the Special Issue
The Research Laboratory in Literature, Language, Culture and Communication (RLLLCC)
an International Conference on
Mobility in Literature, Culture and Society
April 22-23, 2025
Faculty of Arts and Humanities,
Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Beni Mellal - Morocco
Call for Papers
Banaras Hindu University
Two day National Seminar
The Cordillera Review is an open-access internationally refereed electronic journal published biannually by the University of the Philippines through its research arm, the Cordillera Studies Center. It is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the publication of both local and international studies on Philippine culture and society. Given the geographical location and research thrust of the University of the Philippines Baguio, The Cordillera Review puts an emphasis on research about the Cordillera Region and other parts of Northern Luzon, Philippines.
brat and it’s a conference but it’s still brat
Deadline for submissions: December 2nd, 2024
Conference date/time: February 8th, 2025, UC Berkeley (will be in hybrid format).
Names and affiliations: Paz Regueiro and Cory Nguyen, Department of Comparative Literature
Contact emails: paz_regueiro@berkeley.edu and corytnguyen@berkeley.edu
“You wanna guess if I'm serious about this song.”
- Charli xcx, 2024. (“Guess”, 17th track on “brat and it's the same but there's three more songs so it's not”.)
Special Panel on Preternatural Undeath in Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic at Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, Feb 19-22, Albuquerque, New Mexico
In the last couple of decades, our embodied actions with others have become increasingly more fluid and disentangled from fixed/static contexts so much so that the materiality of social life has been filtered through texts produced in a variety of semiotic resources that bind people together while keeping them apart. By further blurring online/offline boundaries, the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated the long-lasting mediatization of social life leading to a reconceptualization of phenomena such as corporeality and matter and their relationship with both virtual and physical environments.
This new issue takes as its starting point Joy Harjo (Creek Muscogee)’s observation that “‘reinventing’ in the colonizer’s tongue and turning those images around to mirror an image of the colonized to the colonizers as a process of decolonization indicates that something is happening, something is emerging and coming into focus that will politicize as well as transform literary expression” (Harjo et al. 1998, 22). Postcolonial and Indigenous authors often appropriate the Western Literary canon, both in terms of form, language, and cultural elements in order to foreground their epistemologies and histories.
We welcome papers for our ECSAS panel on Muslim Counterpublics in the Indian Nation-state Public Sphere which will bring together emerging and advanced scholars of Muslim identity in South Asia in the context of the nation-state public sphere. We wish to explore the deep history and contemporary imaginings of Muslimness from the vantage point of songs, music and sound, literary studies, history, anthropology, dastangoi, oral historiography, and cinema. We aim to shed light on the multiperspectival and pan-national Muslim identification process as it also intersects with ideas of ideological homogenisation, modernity, and religious revivalism.
Sacred Journeys 12th Global Conference: Canberra, Australia
June 3-6, 2025. Venue: Australian Center for Christianity and Culture, Ngunnawal Country. Sponsored by the Indiana University Events and Tourism Institute (ETI), in partnership with the Sacred Journeys Project, and Réseau québécois pour les études pèlerines/ Quebec Network for Pilgrimage Studies, Laval University. Hosted by Rev’d Cameron West, Defence Anglicans, Australia.
Call for Papers
Narratives of health resilience: Prescribed confinement, forced displacement, and the stakes of global climate change
The So What welcomes proposals for short, public-facing pieces engaging with Netflix’s The Decameron for a special issue of TSW planned for web publication in late 2025.
We are interested in critical, pedagogical, and creative pieces that explore the Netflix series from a wide variety of angles and approaches, including: plague studies, the history of medicine and science, premodern critical race studies, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, adaptation theory, and so on. We particularly welcome pieces that consider how the series helps us think more about our own time, including but not limited to:
How pandemics (re)shape art and the world;
Esoterrorism, Occult Conspiracy, and Magical Treason: Political Demonology and Demonic Politics in Popular Culture
The Area for Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic for the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association invites paper proposals for a special panel on the intersections of demonology and politics in popular culture.
We are seeking a limited number of essays to complete an edited collection exploring the connections between the gothic genre and literary modernism. Inspired by the work of scholars such as Sam Wiseman, Linda Dryden, David Punter, and the late John Paul Riquelme, this collection will consider how and why gothic elements such as dark doubles, the uncanny, the return of the repressed, haunted spaces, etc. enter modernist writing.
Call for papers
15th CIPA International Conference: “The arts under constraints”
Date: October 8-9, 2025
Place: University of Liège
Organization: UR Traverses/CIPA