UPDATE: Film Adaptation (France) (12/17/05; 6/8/06-6/10/06)
We are pleased to announce that Imelda Whehelan and Deborah Cartmell,
authors of Interpreting Shakespeare On Screen, Adaptations: From Text
to Screen, Screen to Text, and the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to
Literature on Screen will be our guest speakers at the upcoming
conference on Film Adaptation at the University of South Britanny.
You will find the call for papers below.
De la page blanche aux salles obscures : l'adaptation
cinématographique dans le domaine anglophone
From the Blank Page to the Silver Screen: Film Adaptations in the
English-Speaking World
Université de Bretagne Sud (University of South Brittany)
Lorient, France
June 8-10, 2006