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CFP: Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Robert Madison

"Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA"
37th Annual College English Association Conference
San Antonio, TX April 6-8 2006
Many works of sea literature come ashore for significant portions of their =
plots, stretching the genre of sea literature itself. This year SEA at =
CEA invites your thoughts on these "trans-genred" works which adopt =
landlocked regions to fulfill their seaborn themes. As usual, SEA at CEA =
will also host your submissions on all watery topics.
Send a fifty-word abstract by October 15, 2005, to Bob Madison, Department =
of English, U.S. Naval Academy, 107 Maryland Ave, Annapolis MD 21402 or =, including all your contact information.

UPDATE: Theorizing the Borders: Literature, History, and Identity Across the Anglo-Scottish Divide (9/27/05; Kalamazoo, 5/4/06-5

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Katherine Terrell (kterrell)

Deadline Extended for sponsored session: Theorizing the Borders:
Literature, History, and Identity Across the Anglo-Scottish Divide

International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI
May 4-7 2006

We invite papers on any aspect of medieval Anglo-Scottish relations;
we are particularly interested in theoretically informed papers
examining how these real or imagined relationships helped to shape
conceptions of nation, culture, and identity on both sides of the

New deadline: Sept. 27

Please send 500-word abstracts via e-mail to session organizers:

Katherine Terrell

UPDATE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Area (11/10/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

(Apologies for cross-postings)

2nd Call For Papers

The SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY Area of the Popular Culture Association
reiterates its invitation for submissions for the:


Deadline for submissions: 10th November 2005 (please note the due
date has moved up a few days)

UPDATE: Science Fiction/Fantasy Area (11/10/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

(Apologies for cross-postings)

2nd Call For Papers

The SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY Area of the Popular Culture Association
reiterates its invitation for submissions for the:


Deadline for submissions: 10th November 2005 (please note the due
date has moved up a few days)

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry (10/25/05; KSU CSU, 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gregory Eiselein

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry

I am organizing a panel on "Confessional and Postconfessional
American Poetry" for the upcoming 15th annual Kansas State University
Cultural Studies Conference on "Privacy" next March (March 9-11,
2006, in Manhattan, Kansas).

The panel seeks papers on poets who explore the psyche and the self,
childhood and adult traumas, experience and autobiography. I am also
interested in papers about poets who contest or mimic the concerns of
confessional poets.

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry (10/25/05; KSU CSU, 3/9/06-3/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Gregory Eiselein

CFP: Confessional and Postconfessional American Poetry

I am organizing a panel on "Confessional and Postconfessional
American Poetry" for the upcoming 15th annual Kansas State University
Cultural Studies Conference on "Privacy" next March (March 9-11,
2006, in Manhattan, Kansas).

The panel seeks papers on poets who explore the psyche and the self,
childhood and adult traumas, experience and autobiography. I am also
interested in papers about poets who contest or mimic the concerns of
confessional poets.

CFP: Medieval Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Laity, Kathryn

The Medieval area of the Popular Culture Association is now accepting
abstracts for the Thirty-Sixth National PCA Conference, April 12-16, 2006,
in Atlanta, GA.

We seek 15-20 minute papers on medieval popular culture, including for

literature, laws, penitentials, music, saints' lives, oral traditions,
charms and
folk remedies, wall paintings, clothing and jewelry, and so forth;


CFP: Computers and Philosophy (France) (11/18/05; 5/3/06-5/5/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

We apologise for multiple copies of this CfP. Please distribute widely.

CALL FOR PAPERS quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference

Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006

Chair: C.T.A. Schmidt e-mail

CFP: Computers and Philosophy (France) (11/18/05; 5/3/06-5/5/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

We apologise for multiple copies of this CfP. Please distribute widely.

CALL FOR PAPERS quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference

Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006

Chair: C.T.A. Schmidt e-mail

CFP: Medieval Popular Culture (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Laity, Kathryn

The Medieval area of the Popular Culture Association is now accepting
abstracts for the Thirty-Sixth National PCA Conference, April 12-16, 2006,
in Atlanta, GA.

We seek 15-20 minute papers on medieval popular culture, including for

literature, laws, penitentials, music, saints' lives, oral traditions,
charms and
folk remedies, wall paintings, clothing and jewelry, and so forth;


CFP: Computers and Philosophy (France) (11/18/05; 5/3/06-5/5/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

We apologise for multiple copies of this CfP. Please distribute widely.

CALL FOR PAPERS quick link
COMPUTERS & PHILOSOPHY, an International Conference

Le Mans University, Laval, France, 3-5 May, 2006

Chair: C.T.A. Schmidt e-mail

CFP: Samuel R. Delany –– A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06–3/24/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work.

CFP: Samuel R. Delany –– A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06–3/24/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work.

CFP: Samuel R. Delany –– A Critical Symposium (1/15/06; 3/23/06–3/24/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm

SUNY Buffalo
March 23-4, 2006
Deadline: January 15, 2006

"Samuel R. Delany: A Critical Symposium" is a conference intended to provide
an interdisciplinary forum for world-class scholars and innovative writers to
discuss and celebrate Delany's work.

CFP: Thoreau Featured at Carson Conference (1/19/06; 6/13/06-6/16/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
barbara klein

The Fourth NEW-CUE Writers' Conference and
Workshop in honor of Rachel Carson
June 13-16, 2006

Nature and Environmental Writers – College and University Educators
(NEW-CUE), a non-profit, environmental education organization, invites
submissions for possible presentation at its Fourth Writers' Conference
and Workshop in honor of Rachel Carson, June 13-16, 2006 at The Spruce
Point Inn in Boothbay Harbor, ME. The 2006 Conference/Workshop will
feature the work of Henry David Thoreau, and the theme will be

CFP: Colorado Community College Conference on Composition (1/31/06; 4/14/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Chuck Fisher

Call For Papers and Presentations
Colorado Community College Conference on Composition: 2006

Dear Colleague:


Aims Community College in Greeley will be hosting the Colorado Community =
College Conference on Composition (5C=92s) on Friday, April 14, 2006. =
Participants in the 5C=92s over the years have enthusiastically endorsed =
the event as Colorado=92s top conference for writing teachers, and we =
hope to continue that tradition this year. =20


UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

UPDATE: (Re)Collecting British Women Writers: 18th- and 19th-C. British Women Writers Conference (10/15/05; 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Lisa Hager

The deadline for submissions has been extended to October 15, 2005.<br>
The 14th Annual Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Women
Writers Conference<br>
March 23-26, 2006<br>
The University of Florida<br>
Call for Papers<br>
This year's theme, "(Re)Collecting British Women Writers," encourages
interdisciplinary approaches to writers of the period, with a special
interest in issues related to archival scholarship and memory and how
those issues manifest themselves in collections, exhibitions, and
We are very pleased to announce that our keynote speakers will be Talia

CFP: Charles Olson's Prose (12/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Grieve-Carlson, Gary

CFP: Charles Olson's Prose (12/1/05; ALA, 5/25/06 - 5/28/06)


For a proposed panel on Charles Olson's prose at the 2006 ALA conference =
San Francisco, please submit a title and 250-word abstract no later than
December 1, 2005. Papers may deal with any aspect of any of Olson's =
works, e.g., The Special View of History, Human Universe, the Beloit
Lectures, Projective Verse, etc. Final presentations strictly limited =
to 20

Gary Grieve-Carlson

Professor of English

Lebanon Valley College

Annville, PA 17003

CFP: Emerging Scholarship Panel from the Music Theatre/Dance Focus Group (10/15/05; ATHE, 8/3/06/-8/6/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Korey Rothman

The Music Theatre/Dance Focus Group of The Association for Theatre in =
Higher Education (ATHE) announces its call for papers for the Third =
Annual Emerging Scholarship Panel for the 2006 ATHE conference in =
Chicago. Papers can address any area in the purview of the Music =
Theatre/Dance Focus group, which includes opera, operettas, musicals, =
dance theatre, performance art with music or dance elements, and =
pedagogy in music theatre and dance. Submissions are open to graduate =
students and scholars who have not presented at a national conference, =
as well as established scholars who have not presented or published in =
the areas of Music Theatre or Dance.=20

CFP: Emerging Scholarship Panel from the Music Theatre/Dance Focus Group (10/15/05; ATHE, 8/3/06/-8/6/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:35pm
Korey Rothman

The Music Theatre/Dance Focus Group of The Association for Theatre in =
Higher Education (ATHE) announces its call for papers for the Third =
Annual Emerging Scholarship Panel for the 2006 ATHE conference in =
Chicago. Papers can address any area in the purview of the Music =
Theatre/Dance Focus group, which includes opera, operettas, musicals, =
dance theatre, performance art with music or dance elements, and =
pedagogy in music theatre and dance. Submissions are open to graduate =
students and scholars who have not presented at a national conference, =
as well as established scholars who have not presented or published in =
the areas of Music Theatre or Dance.=20

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (12/1/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Jennifer Desiderio

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (SSAWW, Philadelphia, November 8-11, 2006)

It has been twenty years since the recovery and republication of Rowson's /Charlotte Temple/. We solicit papers for the Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference that address new areas of scholarship on this now canonical author. We are particularly interested in papers which situate Rowson in new contexts or address her lesser known works.

Please email 200 word abstracts by December 1, 2005 to Jennifer Desiderio, Canisius College( Desiree Henderson, University of Texas at Arlington( <>).

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (12/1/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Jennifer Desiderio

CFP: New Perspectives on Susanna Rowson (SSAWW, Philadelphia, November 8-11, 2006)

It has been twenty years since the recovery and republication of Rowson's /Charlotte Temple/. We solicit papers for the Society for the Study of American Women Writers Conference that address new areas of scholarship on this now canonical author. We are particularly interested in papers which situate Rowson in new contexts or address her lesser known works.

Please email 200 word abstracts by December 1, 2005 to Jennifer Desiderio, Canisius College( Desiree Henderson, University of Texas at Arlington( <>).

CFP: The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature (11/30/05; 3/15/06-3/19/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Christine Mains

The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature and Art
Drawn by the Fantastic
27th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
March 15-19, 2006
Wyndham Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hotel
Dania, Florida

Guest of Honor: Charles Vess
Guest Scholar: M. Thomas Inge
Special Guest Writer: Kathleen Ann Goonan

Deadline for Submissions: November 30, 2005

CFP: The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature (11/30/05; 3/15/06-3/19/06)

Monday, September 26, 2005 - 9:34pm
Christine Mains

The Fantastic in Children's and Young Adult Literature and Art
Drawn by the Fantastic
27th Annual International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts
March 15-19, 2006
Wyndham Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hotel
Dania, Florida

Guest of Honor: Charles Vess
Guest Scholar: M. Thomas Inge
Special Guest Writer: Kathleen Ann Goonan

Deadline for Submissions: November 30, 2005
