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CFP: Cruel and Unusual Mothers in the Eighteenth Century (10/25/05; SCSECS, 2/23/06-2/26/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Mesa-Pelly, Judith

CFP: South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Cocoa Beach, Florida, 23-26 February 2006
"'Monsters of inhumanity': Mothers, Cruel and Unusual"
Proposals from all disciplines invited on cruel or unusual mothers in fact or fiction. Possible topics include: infanticide, child abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, mothers with unusual professions, very young or very old mothers, extraordinary births, or other types of mothers whose lifestyle or mothering practices may have been cruel, illegal, or just out of the mainstream.
250-word proposals, email preferred, by 25 October 2005 to
Judith Broome
Department of Languages and Literature

CFP: Cruel and Unusual Mothers in the Eighteenth Century (10/25/05; SCSECS, 2/23/06-2/26/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Mesa-Pelly, Judith

CFP: South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies
Cocoa Beach, Florida, 23-26 February 2006
"'Monsters of inhumanity': Mothers, Cruel and Unusual"
Proposals from all disciplines invited on cruel or unusual mothers in fact or fiction. Possible topics include: infanticide, child abuse, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment, mothers with unusual professions, very young or very old mothers, extraordinary births, or other types of mothers whose lifestyle or mothering practices may have been cruel, illegal, or just out of the mainstream.
250-word proposals, email preferred, by 25 October 2005 to
Judith Broome
Department of Languages and Literature

CFP: On Journals (no deadline noted; online journal issue)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Nate Pritts

H_NGM_N, an online journal of poetry & poetics, is currently looking for
critical essays or personally appreciative accounts that deal with the
history of any particular, & particularly influential, literary journal.

Essays can confine their scope to particular runs of the given journal
(year or years, volume #, editor) but should include appropriate
historical background as well as an articulation of the aesthetics of
the journal & its most lasting effects.

Please query the editor with the title of the journal you're interested
in as well as a brief description of what you hope to isolate in the

CFP: On Journals (no deadline noted; online journal issue)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Nate Pritts

H_NGM_N, an online journal of poetry & poetics, is currently looking for
critical essays or personally appreciative accounts that deal with the
history of any particular, & particularly influential, literary journal.

Essays can confine their scope to particular runs of the given journal
(year or years, volume #, editor) but should include appropriate
historical background as well as an articulation of the aesthetics of
the journal & its most lasting effects.

Please query the editor with the title of the journal you're interested
in as well as a brief description of what you hope to isolate in the

CFP: Adaptation (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Leslie Fife

Adaptation: The State of the Field, Call for Papers


For the 2006 Popular Culture Association (PCA)/American Culture Association (ACA) conference in Atlanta, Georgia, at the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, from April 12th to April 15th.


Adaptation: The State of the Field


It's likely that both literature and film owe a great deal more to the notion of adaptation than practitioners of either discipline are likely to admit. Bakhtin suggested that "European novel prose is born and shaped in the process of a free (that is reformulating) translation of others' works." Literary prose, and perhaps the very idea of literature, he suggests, was developed in an act of adaptation.


CFP: Robinson Jeffers and Change (12/15/05; 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Kafka, Rob



Evolution, Revolution and Change: Social and Natural Forces in Jeffers's



Brazil Ranch, Big Sur, California, Friday-Sunday, February 17-19, 2006


CFP: American Literary Characters (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for American Literary Characters, a
four-volume work to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on
File. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume. For wants
list and style sheet, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter Street,
Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Robinson Jeffers and Change (12/15/05; 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Kafka, Rob



Evolution, Revolution and Change: Social and Natural Forces in Jeffers's



Brazil Ranch, Big Sur, California, Friday-Sunday, February 17-19, 2006


CFP: Robinson Jeffers and Change (12/15/05; 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Kafka, Rob



Evolution, Revolution and Change: Social and Natural Forces in Jeffers's



Brazil Ranch, Big Sur, California, Friday-Sunday, February 17-19, 2006


CFP: American Literary Characters (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for American Literary Characters, a
four-volume work to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on
File. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume. For wants
list and style sheet, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter Street,
Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: American Literary Characters (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for American Literary Characters, a
four-volume work to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on
File. Contributors will be paid and credited in the volume. For wants
list and style sheet, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter Street,
Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1896-1945 (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for Encyclopedia of American Literature,
1896-1945 to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on File.
Entries wil treat authors; significant works; and literary schools,
movements, genres. Contributors will be paid and credited in the
volume. For further details, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter
Street, Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1896-1945 (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for Encyclopedia of American Literature,
1896-1945 to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on File.
Entries wil treat authors; significant works; and literary schools,
movements, genres. Contributors will be paid and credited in the
volume. For further details, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter
Street, Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Encyclopedia of American Literature, 1896-1945 (no deadline noted; book)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Judith Baughman

CFP: Contributors sought for Encyclopedia of American Literature,
1896-1945 to be produced by Manly Inc. and published by Facts on File.
Entries wil treat authors; significant works; and literary schools,
movements, genres. Contributors will be paid and credited in the
volume. For further details, please contact James Tidd, 2006 Sumter
Street, Columbia, SC 29201 .

CFP: Virginia Woolf (UK) (1/4/06; 6/22/06-6/25/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Kathryn Simpson

CFP: 16th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf 2006,
Birmingham, UK (1.4.06; 6/22/06 - 6/25/06)

This conference takes Virginia Woolf to Britain's second city in order
to explore her work from perspectives 'beyond the boundary' of her own
positions and attitudes. Her coolness towards the provinces and
'prejudice' against the regional novel (Letters 6. 381) are thus the
starting-point for considering her writing in the light of its own
'limits', self-declared and otherwise. Themes for papers may involve
Woolf and:

CFP: Buffy and Aesthetics (11/30/05; journal issue)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Matthew Pateman

Slayage: The Online International Journal of Buffy Studies is to =
dedicate a special issue to questions of aesthetics in Buffy and Angel. =
Papers of between 4,000 - 6,000 words are sought on any area of =
aesthetics in either or both of the shows. Contributors are free to =
defines aesthetics in any way they choose as long as the definition is =
explained in the paper. The analysis might include concerns such as =
lighting, music, stage sets, costume, script, make up, cinematography as =
well as others. The following is a list of possible areas of enquiry, =
but any relevant aspect of the shows will be welcomed: character, moral =
choices, sexuality, politics, race and ethnicity, history, genre, =

CFP: Virginia Woolf (UK) (1/4/06; 6/22/06-6/25/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Kathryn Simpson

CFP: 16th Annual International Conference on Virginia Woolf 2006,
Birmingham, UK (1.4.06; 6/22/06 - 6/25/06)

This conference takes Virginia Woolf to Britain's second city in order
to explore her work from perspectives 'beyond the boundary' of her own
positions and attitudes. Her coolness towards the provinces and
'prejudice' against the regional novel (Letters 6. 381) are thus the
starting-point for considering her writing in the light of its own
'limits', self-declared and otherwise. Themes for papers may involve
Woolf and:

CFP: Intersections: Traffic and Transportation in the Early Modern Period & The Representation of Subtle Bodies (10/1/05; jo

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Todd, R.K.

I should be grateful if the following calls for papers could be posted =
on your site. As you will see, Intersections is a series of primary =
interest to scholars working in the early modern period.


CALL FOR PAPERS - Intersections vol. 8 and 9

Vol. 8: Traffic and transportation in the Early Modern Period Vol. 9: =
Spirits Unseen: The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early Modern =
European Culture [please scroll down]

CFP: Intersections: Traffic and Transportation in the Early Modern Period & The Representation of Subtle Bodies (10/1/05; jo

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Todd, R.K.

I should be grateful if the following calls for papers could be posted =
on your site. As you will see, Intersections is a series of primary =
interest to scholars working in the early modern period.


CALL FOR PAPERS - Intersections vol. 8 and 9

Vol. 8: Traffic and transportation in the Early Modern Period Vol. 9: =
Spirits Unseen: The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early Modern =
European Culture [please scroll down]

CFP: Intersections: Traffic and Transportation in the Early Modern Period & The Representation of Subtle Bodies (10/1/05; jo

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Todd, R.K.

I should be grateful if the following calls for papers could be posted =
on your site. As you will see, Intersections is a series of primary =
interest to scholars working in the early modern period.


CALL FOR PAPERS - Intersections vol. 8 and 9

Vol. 8: Traffic and transportation in the Early Modern Period Vol. 9: =
Spirits Unseen: The Representation of Subtle Bodies in Early Modern =
European Culture [please scroll down]

CFP: Women, Gender, Pedagogy (10/31/05; CUNY, 2/24/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Baiada, Christa

Call for Papers

Women, Gender, Pedagogy: Conference on Feminist Pedagogy

Friday, February 24, 2006

CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2005


The Feminist Studies Group at the CUNY Graduate Center seeks =
participants for an afternoon conference on feminist pedagogies for =
scholars who teach (or hope to) Women's or Gender Studies or who =
incorporate these studies and feminist pedagogies into other =
disciplines. The goals of the conference are two-fold: =20

1) To share pedagogical methods and ideas for teaching women's and =
gender studies and/or feminist approaches to teaching in various =

CFP: Women, Gender, Pedagogy (10/31/05; CUNY, 2/24/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Baiada, Christa

Call for Papers

Women, Gender, Pedagogy: Conference on Feminist Pedagogy

Friday, February 24, 2006

CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2005


The Feminist Studies Group at the CUNY Graduate Center seeks =
participants for an afternoon conference on feminist pedagogies for =
scholars who teach (or hope to) Women's or Gender Studies or who =
incorporate these studies and feminist pedagogies into other =
disciplines. The goals of the conference are two-fold: =20

1) To share pedagogical methods and ideas for teaching women's and =
gender studies and/or feminist approaches to teaching in various =

CFP: Medieval Disability (UK) (9/20/05; Leeds, 7/10/06-7/13/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Cory Rushton

Medieval Disability: The body beyond the margins (Leeds, July 10-13th 2006).
Disability Studies, a field of inquiry rooted in disciplines as diverse as archaeology, history, literary studies and queer theory, has increasingly called for an intensified exanination of the history of disability: how it was perceived, what constituted "able-bodiedness" in different eras, the moral ramifications of disability, the growth of the culture of pity, etc. Medievalists have been slow to answer this call, despite the period's centrality in the formation of modern identities.

CFP: Women, Gender, Pedagogy (10/31/05; CUNY, 2/24/06)

Sunday, September 4, 2005 - 12:46pm
Baiada, Christa

Call for Papers

Women, Gender, Pedagogy: Conference on Feminist Pedagogy

Friday, February 24, 2006

CUNY Graduate Center, New York, NY

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2005


The Feminist Studies Group at the CUNY Graduate Center seeks =
participants for an afternoon conference on feminist pedagogies for =
scholars who teach (or hope to) Women's or Gender Studies or who =
incorporate these studies and feminist pedagogies into other =
disciplines. The goals of the conference are two-fold: =20

1) To share pedagogical methods and ideas for teaching women's and =
gender studies and/or feminist approaches to teaching in various =
