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CFP: The Communication Review (no deadline; journal)

Wednesday, August 16, 2000 - 9:47pm
David Hull


Andrea L. Press and Bruce A. Williams
Institute of Communications Research
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

With the goal of exploring new, disciplined approaches to communication
studies, The Communication Review seeks a synthesis of concerns traditional
to the field of communication and humane studies scholarship. The journal's
heuristic division of the field into three analytical perspectives provide a
natural structure for creating new knowledge across conventional
disciplinary boundaries:

CFP: History of Intellectual Culture (e-journal)

Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 2:33pm

History of Intellectual Culture
Call for Papers

History of Intellectual Culture is a new international electronic journal
that publishes peer-reviewed research papers on the socio-historical
contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and
state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency,
and personal and collective identity and lived experience. The journal
will highlight the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a
scholarly field, present new perspectives for research and analysis, and
stimulate critical discussion amongst scholars and students across

CFP: History of Intellectual Culture (e-journal)

Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 2:33pm

History of Intellectual Culture
Call for Papers

History of Intellectual Culture is a new international electronic journal
that publishes peer-reviewed research papers on the socio-historical
contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and
state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency,
and personal and collective identity and lived experience. The journal
will highlight the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a
scholarly field, present new perspectives for research and analysis, and
stimulate critical discussion amongst scholars and students across

CFP: History of Intellectual Culture (e-journal)

Saturday, August 12, 2000 - 2:33pm

History of Intellectual Culture
Call for Papers

History of Intellectual Culture is a new international electronic journal
that publishes peer-reviewed research papers on the socio-historical
contexts of ideas and ideologies and their relationships to community and
state formation, physical environments, human and institutional agency,
and personal and collective identity and lived experience. The journal
will highlight the viability and vibrancy of intellectual history as a
scholarly field, present new perspectives for research and analysis, and
stimulate critical discussion amongst scholars and students across

CFP: The Mickle Street Review: Whitman Studies/American Studies (journal)

Tuesday, August 8, 2000 - 8:13pm

The Mickle Street Review
Call For Papers

Named for the street in Camden, New Jersey, on which Whitman lived at the end
of his life, The Mickle Street Review is an on-line journal published by the
Rutgers University-Camden English department in cooperation with the Walt
Whitman Program in American Studies at Rutgers University-Camden and the Walt
Whitman House and Visitor Center.

CFP: The Mickle Street Review: Whitman Studies/American Studies (journal)

Tuesday, August 8, 2000 - 8:13pm

The Mickle Street Review
Call For Papers

Named for the street in Camden, New Jersey, on which Whitman lived at the end
of his life, The Mickle Street Review is an on-line journal published by the
Rutgers University-Camden English department in cooperation with the Walt
Whitman Program in American Studies at Rutgers University-Camden and the Walt
Whitman House and Visitor Center.

CFP: Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720 (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 28, 2000 - 8:48pm
christopher baker

Contributors are being sought from among scholars of early modern
studies in all disciplines for the following reference work (edited by
Christopher Baker, series editor Ronald H. Fritze): ABSOLUTISM AND THE
SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION: 1600-1720. This is a Greenwood Press Original
Reference book in the series Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionaries
of the Western World's Greatest Cultural Eras. The volume will focus on
significant cultural figures in literature, art, music, science, and
technology. It will not be primarily historical or political in focus
but rather broadly cross-disciplinary. If you would like to be
considered for inclusion as a contributor, please send a cover letter

CFP: Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720 (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 28, 2000 - 8:48pm
christopher baker

Contributors are being sought from among scholars of early modern
studies in all disciplines for the following reference work (edited by
Christopher Baker, series editor Ronald H. Fritze): ABSOLUTISM AND THE
SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION: 1600-1720. This is a Greenwood Press Original
Reference book in the series Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionaries
of the Western World's Greatest Cultural Eras. The volume will focus on
significant cultural figures in literature, art, music, science, and
technology. It will not be primarily historical or political in focus
but rather broadly cross-disciplinary. If you would like to be
considered for inclusion as a contributor, please send a cover letter

CFP: Absolutism and the Scientific Revolution, 1600-1720 (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 28, 2000 - 8:48pm
christopher baker

Contributors are being sought from among scholars of early modern
studies in all disciplines for the following reference work (edited by
Christopher Baker, series editor Ronald H. Fritze): ABSOLUTISM AND THE
SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION: 1600-1720. This is a Greenwood Press Original
Reference book in the series Interdisciplinary Biographical Dictionaries
of the Western World's Greatest Cultural Eras. The volume will focus on
significant cultural figures in literature, art, music, science, and
technology. It will not be primarily historical or political in focus
but rather broadly cross-disciplinary. If you would like to be
considered for inclusion as a contributor, please send a cover letter

CFP: NBC's "West Wing" (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 4:58pm


Peter Rollins (current Editor of Film & History) and John E. O'Connor
(founder of Film & History) are negotiating a contract for a book on
the soon-to-be-award-winning series WEST WING. (The series
has received 18 Emmy nominations.) The book will be published by a major
university press with special interest in television
and film studies.

CFP: NBC's "West Wing" (no deadline noted; collection)

Tuesday, July 25, 2000 - 4:58pm


Peter Rollins (current Editor of Film & History) and John E. O'Connor
(founder of Film & History) are negotiating a contract for a book on
the soon-to-be-award-winning series WEST WING. (The series
has received 18 Emmy nominations.) The book will be published by a major
university press with special interest in television
and film studies.

UPDATE: Women Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 7:30pm
Kim Wells

********Women Writers********
Seeking Book Reviews & Critical Essays on/about women authors and Fiction &
Poetry *by* women writers for Women Writers: A Zine (an E-Journal).

Women Writers has been "live" for one year, and in that time has received
critical acclaim, and is rated one of the top 100 sites by and for women on
the Internet, as well as receiving over 26,000 visitors, from both U.S. and
international circles. We feature critical debate about women authors, and
provide a forum for publication for new contemporary women writers.

UPDATE: Women Writers (no deadline; e-journal)

Wednesday, July 19, 2000 - 7:30pm
Kim Wells

********Women Writers********
Seeking Book Reviews & Critical Essays on/about women authors and Fiction &
Poetry *by* women writers for Women Writers: A Zine (an E-Journal).

Women Writers has been "live" for one year, and in that time has received
critical acclaim, and is rated one of the top 100 sites by and for women on
the Internet, as well as receiving over 26,000 visitors, from both U.S. and
international circles. We feature critical debate about women authors, and
provide a forum for publication for new contemporary women writers.

CFP: Scope: Film Reviews (e-journal)

Friday, July 14, 2000 - 8:55pm

Scope, a fully refereed on-line journal of film studies edited by
staff and postgraduate students within the Institute of Film Studies
at the University of Nottingham, is looking for film reviews of about
1000/1500 words to be included in forthcoming issues.

As you can see from our website (,
Scope aims at providing a forum for discussion of all aspects relating
to Film Studies and we welcome a wide range of critical approaches
and methodologies.

CFP: Asian American Poets (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 14, 2000 - 8:49pm
Guiyou Huang

> >>Call for Contributions to _Asian American Poets_, ed. Guiyou Huang
> >
> >This is a call for qualified contributors to write for _Asian American
> >Poets: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook_ to be published by
> >Greenwood Press. I have compiled a list of 120 names of Asian American
> >poets from which interested contributors may choose from. For details,
> >please email me at or and I will

CFP: Asian American Poets (no deadline noted; collection)

Friday, July 14, 2000 - 8:49pm
Guiyou Huang

> >>Call for Contributions to _Asian American Poets_, ed. Guiyou Huang
> >
> >This is a call for qualified contributors to write for _Asian American
> >Poets: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook_ to be published by
> >Greenwood Press. I have compiled a list of 120 names of Asian American
> >poets from which interested contributors may choose from. For details,
> >please email me at or and I will
