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CFP: D. S. Izevbaye: A Festschrift: African and Black Lit. (4/30/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 6:41pm
O. Okunoye


Professor Daniel Sunday Izevbaye, an outstanding Nigerian scholar and
literary critic ,is retiring from the University of Ibadan, his base for
well over three decades. Izevbaye is one of the foremost and original
thinkers of the nature and character of contemporary African literature
written in English, an accomplished teacher whose numerous essays in
African, Caribbean and American literatures have both the depth and
clarity of a true scholar-critic; metaphorically, D.S. Izevbaye is a
major pathfinder of contemporary critical practice in Africa and a
shining light whose propagation of critical excellence at Ibadan is as
influential as it is enviable.

CFP: D. S. Izevbaye: A Festschrift: African and Black Lit. (4/30/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 6:41pm
O. Okunoye


Professor Daniel Sunday Izevbaye, an outstanding Nigerian scholar and
literary critic ,is retiring from the University of Ibadan, his base for
well over three decades. Izevbaye is one of the foremost and original
thinkers of the nature and character of contemporary African literature
written in English, an accomplished teacher whose numerous essays in
African, Caribbean and American literatures have both the depth and
clarity of a true scholar-critic; metaphorically, D.S. Izevbaye is a
major pathfinder of contemporary critical practice in Africa and a
shining light whose propagation of critical excellence at Ibadan is as
influential as it is enviable.

CFP: D. S. Izevbaye: A Festschrift: African and Black Lit. (4/30/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 6:41pm
O. Okunoye


Professor Daniel Sunday Izevbaye, an outstanding Nigerian scholar and
literary critic ,is retiring from the University of Ibadan, his base for
well over three decades. Izevbaye is one of the foremost and original
thinkers of the nature and character of contemporary African literature
written in English, an accomplished teacher whose numerous essays in
African, Caribbean and American literatures have both the depth and
clarity of a true scholar-critic; metaphorically, D.S. Izevbaye is a
major pathfinder of contemporary critical practice in Africa and a
shining light whose propagation of critical excellence at Ibadan is as
influential as it is enviable.

CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:26pm

Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:26pm

Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:26pm

Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

CFP: Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations in Film & TV (4/1/03; collection)

Sunday, November 24, 2002 - 3:26pm

Call For Papers

We are soliciting submissions for an upcoming collection of essays entitled
Almost Shakespeare: Appropriations of Shakespeare in Film and Telelvision
to be published by McFarland.

The volume will address the appropriation of Shakespearean narratives,
thematics, imagery, and characterizations in non-Shakespearean cinema and
television. For example, the essays may observe the dialogue between the
Shakespearean source and the cinematic context or examine the intersection of
high and low art forms. The submissions should not concentrate on films of
Shakespearean plays, but instead on those works that are based on or borrow
from Shakespeare.

CFP: M/C: Media and Culture Conference Reviews (e-journal)

Sunday, November 17, 2002 - 9:48pm
Emma Nelms

Conference Reviews - You've been there & done that, now write the review!

The 'events' section of M/C Reviews (an online Reviews journal) invites your
contributions for 500-1000 word reviews and responses to conferences,
seminars and idea fests that you've attended over this year.

What inspired & disappointed? Did you spot any interesting changes and
developments or specific ideas being addressed or was it all rather old hat?
Where there any papers that really made an impact and why? What of the
politics of conferences? And what really mattered more - the papers or the
party afterwards? This is your opportunity to write back.

CFP: M/C: Media and Culture Conference Reviews (e-journal)

Sunday, November 17, 2002 - 9:48pm
Emma Nelms

Conference Reviews - You've been there & done that, now write the review!

The 'events' section of M/C Reviews (an online Reviews journal) invites your
contributions for 500-1000 word reviews and responses to conferences,
seminars and idea fests that you've attended over this year.

What inspired & disappointed? Did you spot any interesting changes and
developments or specific ideas being addressed or was it all rather old hat?
Where there any papers that really made an impact and why? What of the
politics of conferences? And what really mattered more - the papers or the
party afterwards? This is your opportunity to write back.

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: egotistics: Ecocriticism / Shakespeare and Adaptation (grad) (e-journal)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002 - 4:35am

CFP: egotistics: Open and Special Issues

egotistics is the online journal of EGO, the English Graduate Organization at
The University of Alabama. This peer-reviewed journal has been established to
offer graduate students and new professors the opportunity to publish their
critical writing on any topic regarding literature and critical theory. All
submissions will be reviewed by an editor and at least two assistant editors.
Rejected submissions will be returned with reader's suggestions. As always,
egotistics welcomes submissions for our open issues. Beginning spring 2003,
 we will publish one or two special topics issues per year.

Special Issue 1: Ecocriticism

CFP: Comparative American Studies (journal)

Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 9:37pm

Call for Papers

Comparative American Studies
An International Journal

Comparative American Studies: An International Journal is an exciting new
journal that will extend scholarly debates about American Studies beyond the
geographical boundaries of the United States, repositioning discussions
about American culture explicitly within an international, comparative

CFP: Comparative American Studies (journal)

Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 9:37pm

Call for Papers

Comparative American Studies
An International Journal

Comparative American Studies: An International Journal is an exciting new
journal that will extend scholarly debates about American Studies beyond the
geographical boundaries of the United States, repositioning discussions
about American culture explicitly within an international, comparative

CFP: Comparative American Studies (journal)

Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 9:37pm

Call for Papers

Comparative American Studies
An International Journal

Comparative American Studies: An International Journal is an exciting new
journal that will extend scholarly debates about American Studies beyond the
geographical boundaries of the United States, repositioning discussions
about American culture explicitly within an international, comparative

CFP: Mothering, Law, Politics and Public Policy (11/1/03; journal issue)

Sunday, November 10, 2002 - 9:21pm
Cheryl Dobinson


The editorial board is seeking submissions for Vol. 6.1 of the Journal
of The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) to be published in
Spring/Summer 2004.

The journal will explore the subject:

Mothering, Law, Politics and Public Policy

The journal will explore the topic of mothering, law, politics and
public policy from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. We welcome
submissions from scholars, students, activists, lawyers, policy makers,
artists and others who work or research in this area. We also welcome
creative reflections such as: poetry, short stories, and artwork on the

CFP: London from the Great Fire to the Blitz (ASAP; e-journal)

Saturday, November 2, 2002 - 2:48pm
Alain Lauzanne

Cercles, the electronic review of the Centre for the Study of Literature =
and History of the English-speaking World, University of Rouen, France =
[], invites essays on London from the Great Fire to the =
Blitz. Publication 2nd semester 2003. Papers on history, town planning, =
architecture, painting, photography, literary and aesthetic =
representation, travel-writing, foreigners' perception of London, London =
on the screen and in the media are welcome. Please send proposals =
(one-page abstract, C.V. and e-mail address) by 15 September 2002 to =
Alain Lauzanne, D=E9partement d'Anglais, Facult=E9 des Lettes et =

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly: Teaching and Pedagogy (journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:37pm
Ben Varner

Call for Submissions and Editors


Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing peer-reviewed
academic journals in the U.S., invites submissions on the following
topics: Information Literacy, Teaching of Literature and Culture,
Learning and Teaching on the Web, Language Teaching and Learning,
The Novel and Short Fiction, Collaboration and Consultation,
Teaching Environmental Literature, Writing Center Theory and
Practice, Adjunct Instruction, Adult Education, Assessment,
Distributed Education, Online Learning, Secondary Education,
and Special Education:

CFP: Academic Exchange Quarterly: Teaching and Pedagogy (journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:37pm
Ben Varner

Call for Submissions and Editors


Academic Exchange Quarterly, one of the fastest-growing peer-reviewed
academic journals in the U.S., invites submissions on the following
topics: Information Literacy, Teaching of Literature and Culture,
Learning and Teaching on the Web, Language Teaching and Learning,
The Novel and Short Fiction, Collaboration and Consultation,
Teaching Environmental Literature, Writing Center Theory and
Practice, Adjunct Instruction, Adult Education, Assessment,
Distributed Education, Online Learning, Secondary Education,
and Special Education:

CFP: Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West (1/15/04; journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:22pm
theresa defrancis

Special Issue

Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West

ATQ announces a special issue for 2004 on exploration and adventure in the
nineteenth-century American West. This issue seeks to expand studies of
exploration and adventure in the American West in light of recent
developments in literary and cultural studies. This issue encourages
considerations of well-known and less well-known explorations and
adventures in the West.

Articles might engage questions such as:

How might a study of exploration and adventure help us to reconsider
relatively monolithic conceptions of the West as it relates to
masculinity, femininity, race, and ethnicity?

CFP: Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West (1/15/04; journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:22pm
theresa defrancis

Special Issue

Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West

ATQ announces a special issue for 2004 on exploration and adventure in the
nineteenth-century American West. This issue seeks to expand studies of
exploration and adventure in the American West in light of recent
developments in literary and cultural studies. This issue encourages
considerations of well-known and less well-known explorations and
adventures in the West.

Articles might engage questions such as:

How might a study of exploration and adventure help us to reconsider
relatively monolithic conceptions of the West as it relates to
masculinity, femininity, race, and ethnicity?

CFP: Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West (1/15/04; journal)

Monday, October 28, 2002 - 5:22pm
theresa defrancis

Special Issue

Exploration and Adventure in the 19th Century American West

ATQ announces a special issue for 2004 on exploration and adventure in the
nineteenth-century American West. This issue seeks to expand studies of
exploration and adventure in the American West in light of recent
developments in literary and cultural studies. This issue encourages
considerations of well-known and less well-known explorations and
adventures in the West.

Articles might engage questions such as:

How might a study of exploration and adventure help us to reconsider
relatively monolithic conceptions of the West as it relates to
masculinity, femininity, race, and ethnicity?
