Elementi: Transformations and Metamorphoses
The 16th Annual Harvard-Brown Graduate Student Conference in Italian Studies
Harvard University, April 4-5, 2025
Elementi: Transformations and Metamorphoses
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The 16th Annual Harvard-Brown Graduate Student Conference in Italian Studies
Harvard University, April 4-5, 2025
Elementi: Transformations and Metamorphoses
Queer Studies in Media and Popular Culture is seeking reviews for upcoming issues. The journal welcomes reviews of a wide range of queer media and cultural artefacts. Like other academic journals, Queer Studies in Media & Popular Culture certainly publishes reviews of recently released books on queer subject matter. Consistent with the journal's overall focus, however, we also strongly encourage the submission and publication of reviews pertaining to significant films, musical recordings, plays, television series, video games, exhibitions, and related cultural artefacts that are of relevance to queerness in its various forms.
Fifteenth International Conference on Food Studies, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Place: University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa + Online
Format: A mix of live, pre-recorded, and in person (at scale that’s allowed) presentations and social interaction spaces.
Dates: 8-10 October 2025
SPECIAL FOCUS: Fed Up: Learning From the Past, Imagining New Futures
IFTR 2025: Cologne, Germany. 9 – 13 June 2025.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 January 2025
Deadline for bursary applications: 22 November 2024 (https://iftr.org/conference/bursaries)
In line with this working group’s established practice, we have identified three loose strands that reflect the recent work of scholars in the wider field of political performances, and that also align with the 2025 conference theme: Performing Carnival!
Calcutta Research Group (www.mcrg.ac.in) will conduct an online orientation course on the city of our time, under the specific theme “Making and Unmaking of Cities”. This online certificate course will be held from 15 February to 31 March 2025. It will have twelve lectures (two lectures on Saturdays / weekends) encompassing accounts of making and unmaking of cities in South Asia and the world, issues of urban autonomy and sovereignty, struggles for rights and urban justice, as well as dominant stories that cities tell of themselves. Some of the discussions will be anchored in a political-economy perspective throwing light on forms of labour in global South, which include cities of South Asia.
Editors: Rebecca Fasselt and Joya Uraizee
Call for Papers
Southwest Popular / American Culture Association (SWPACA)
46th Annual Conference, February 19-22, 2025
Marriott Albuquerque
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Proposal submission deadline: NOVEMBER 14, 2024
Calling the Devil:
Preternatural Projections, Diabolical Conceptions, and the Arcane Adversary
The Paranoid Realities of David Cronenberg: The Occult Body Techno-politic as Magical Medium
The Area for Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic invites special panel presentation proposals on the paranoid realities of David Cronenberg to be included in its events at the 46th annual conference of the Southwest Popular/American Culture Association, held this February 19-22 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Contagions and Non-Human Animals: (Re)Viewing Disregarded Species in Real and Imagined Pandemics
The impact of the pandemic and the threat that it poses to future human experiences has been well-documented. However, now that non-human animals are possible carriers and becoming infected, their experiences, while often overlooked, are nevertheless integrated into the worldwide pandemic.
Thus, this collection seeks to balance essays about non-human animals during real-world pandemics, such as the COVID-19 one, with those of their experiences during literary or cinematic ones. The scope of this call for papers is broad and can include topics such as:
--Animals as victims of contagions
Climate Fiction: Ecological Dimensions
Concept Note:
The MELUS Women of Color Caucus (WOCC) seeks scholars whose literary analysis (i.e., the examination of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, plays, film, music, and/or TV) of works by women of color centers approaches to literary research, especially work that makes visible or accounts for women of color’s invisibility and/or seeks to fill gaps in the canon and archives around experiences. Our models for this work include scholars and theorists such as Saidiya Hartman, Christina Sharpe, and Audre Lorde, and essayists such as Cathy Park Hong, Claudia Rankine, Elissa Washuta, and Carmen Maria Machado. These approaches can include:
The Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP) will hold its annual conference in downtown Chicago, July 10-12, 2025. The conference will be an in-person event. RSVP remains committed, however, to making our gatherings accessible to as wide a range of members as possible. The two keynote addresses and Annual General Meeting will be transmitted live and freely available without registration. In addition, we are planning a series of online Digital Events on the conference theme in the weeks leading up to the conference (tentatively June 13, 20, and 27, pending interest).
International conference "‘ Change life ", 100 years later: Surrealism from the origins till now" (December 9 and 10, 2024)
This year marks the centenary of the publication of the surrealist manifesto. The surrealist movement, itself derived from Dada, has since experienced internationalization and rebirths. In recent years, the movement has benefited from new insights while literary and artistic criticisms have sought to highlight figures and aspects hitherto neglected: the essential place of women in movement, its international dimension, its Relations with negritude and the criticism of colonialism, its intermediality, the multiplicity of its artistic practices.
Popular Culture Association
2025 National Conference
April 16-19, 2025
New Orleans, LA
Call for Papers: James Baldwin Review Panel/Roundtable
Baldwin Again and Again
Call for Chapter ProposalsAthletes Breaking Bad Tooan edited collection of scholarly analyses In sports, the action on the field is only part of the story. Beyond scores and stats, we find powerful narratives that make athletes into icons, rebels, or even villains. Every era sees certain athletes defy social norms, ruffle feathers, and challenge the status quo—figures often branded as "bad boys/girls." This label is more than just a headline; it’s a reflection of shifting cultural values as it speaks to what a sport and society deem acceptable—or unforgivable.
Call for Papers
The Disasters and Apocalypses area of the Pop Culture Association offers a forum for analysis and critical approaches surrounding the culture of disasters, catastrophes, accidents, and apocalypses in global art, literature, media, film, and popular culture. Disasters, Apocalypses, and Catastrophes will address broader disciplinary topics and innovative intersections of humanities, musicology, social science, literature, film, visual art, psychology, game studies, material culture, media studies, ecology, and information technology.
Call for Papers(Issue 9, Dec. 2025)
Ex-Centric Narratives:
Journal of Anglophone Literature, Culture and Media
Please submit your abstracts by December 31, 2024,
for any of the following two parts
Culture War and/as Myth within and beyond America
Concept Note
Association for Theatre in Higher Education/Association of Asian Performance ATHE/AAP Online Symposium AI Working Group Call for Papers
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, and Techno-Performative Futures in Asia/Asian Diaspora Studies
Symposium Date: April 4, 2025
Conference Date: April 4-5, 2025
We warmly invite established and emerging scholars to participate in the Eaton Conference on Speculative Fiction, which will be held in-person at the University of California, Riverside from April 4-5, 2025. All scholars, especially graduate and undergraduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts for a two-day conference on speculative fiction and the archive to share and engage in conversation about their work, foster community and collegiality, and gain conference experience. This event will be free and open to the public.
Call for paper for a Special issue of ReviewofEducation,Pedagogy,andCulturalStudies
Educatorsin PopularCulture: EducationalSettings asSites ofIntersectional Struggle
Special Issue Editors: Jennifer Esposito and Tanja Burkhard
Popular culture is an educative space and, as such, we learn about ourselves and others through our engagement with popular culture forms (Edwards & Esposito, 2020).
The Memory and Representation area of the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association invites submissions on any pertinent topic (see description below) for the 2025 National Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 16-19, 2025.
Memory and Representation: Area Description
This is a panel CFP for the 2025 Biennial Conference: Collective Atmospheres, to be held July 8-11, 2025, at the University of Maryland.
Duke University Department of English Graduate Conference
February 13 & 14, 2025
Keynote Speaker: Tyrone S. Palmer (Wesleyan University)
Literature, Popular Culture, and Bisexuality (edited collection; print)
ed. Ian Kinane (University of Roehampton)
How does the novel give voice to art in other media? What does it take to render as text what has never existed textually? In this panel, we will be responding to this year’s SNS conference theme of “novel languages” by thinking through the ekphrastic act in its broadest sense, asking and answering questions about what it means to “translate” art or experience from one medium to another, what it might mean for representations of other media in the novel to constitute a language of its own.
The Comics Arts Conference is now accepting 100- to 200-word abstracts for papers, presentations, and panels taking a critical or historical perspective on comics (juxtaposed images in sequence) for a meeting of scholars and professionals at WonderCon, in Anaheim, CA, March 28–30, 2025. We seek proposals from a broad range of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives and welcome the participation of academic and independent scholars. We also encourage the involvement of professionals from all areas of the comics industry, including creators, editors, publishers, retailers, distributors, and journalists. The CAC at WonderCon does not accept virtual submissions. The CAC is designed to bring together comics scholars, professionals, critics, and historian
“I agree with the leaves”: Diversifying the Arboreal Humanities
The Department of Liberal Arts at IIT Bhilai is excited to announce the second Graduate Research Meet (GRM) on (Re)imagining ‘Progress’. Conventionally the idea of progress is understood as a linear trajectory towards improvement, scientific advancements, and socio-economic and technological developments. Progress, in contemporary times, can be seen as a holistic concept pertaining to not only societal but also individual betterment — more as a cultural, economic and psychological reality.