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UPDATE: Visual Culture, New Media, Asian American Studies (3/18/06; MLA '06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm

The Asian American Literature Division of the MLA announces the following panel
and seeks papers for MLA December 27-30, 2006, Philadelphia, PA. Deadline MARCH
18, 2006 (extended from March 15, 2006).

"Visual Culture, New Media, Asian American Studies"

Analyses and examples of intersections with television, film, digital media,
video games, Internet, art, and new media technologies. Topics may include but
are not limited to:

UPDATE: Visual Culture, New Media, Asian American Studies (3/18/06; MLA '06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm

The Asian American Literature Division of the MLA announces the following panel
and seeks papers for MLA December 27-30, 2006, Philadelphia, PA. Deadline MARCH
18, 2006 (extended from March 15, 2006).

"Visual Culture, New Media, Asian American Studies"

Analyses and examples of intersections with television, film, digital media,
video games, Internet, art, and new media technologies. Topics may include but
are not limited to:

CFP: Association of Literature on Screen Studies: Inaugural Conference (6/12/06; 9/11/06-9/12/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Deborah Cartmell

> Association of Literature on Screen Studies: Inaugural Conference
> De Montfort Univiersity
> September 11h- 12th, 2006
> Leading scholars in the field on Literature on Screen will be coming
> together at De Montfort University to form an international association in
> what is envisaged to be an historic conference for the development and the
> recognition of the subject. Papers are invited for any aspect of the

CFP: Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland (6/1/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Crystal Farnsworth

CFP – Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland: 6/1/06;
Call for Papers
American Conference for Irish
Studies – Western Regional Conference
George Fox University
Newberg, Oregon
October 27-29, 2006
"Conflict and Peace in
Irish history is filled with stories of political,
religious, cultural or ideological conflict.  Conflict takes place between
regions, groups, or family members.  Irish history is also filled with
efforts to achieve peace in these conflicts, efforts that have met with
varying levels of success.  This conference will explore both the
conflicts and the efforts at peace to illustrate the great diversity in

CFP: Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland (6/1/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Crystal Farnsworth

CFP – Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland: 6/1/06;
Call for Papers
American Conference for Irish
Studies – Western Regional Conference
George Fox University
Newberg, Oregon
October 27-29, 2006
"Conflict and Peace in
Irish history is filled with stories of political,
religious, cultural or ideological conflict.  Conflict takes place between
regions, groups, or family members.  Irish history is also filled with
efforts to achieve peace in these conflicts, efforts that have met with
varying levels of success.  This conference will explore both the
conflicts and the efforts at peace to illustrate the great diversity in

CFP: Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland (6/1/06; 10/27/06-10/29/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Crystal Farnsworth

CFP – Irish Studies: Conflict and Peace in Ireland: 6/1/06;
Call for Papers
American Conference for Irish
Studies – Western Regional Conference
George Fox University
Newberg, Oregon
October 27-29, 2006
"Conflict and Peace in
Irish history is filled with stories of political,
religious, cultural or ideological conflict.  Conflict takes place between
regions, groups, or family members.  Irish history is also filled with
efforts to achieve peace in these conflicts, efforts that have met with
varying levels of success.  This conference will explore both the
conflicts and the efforts at peace to illustrate the great diversity in

CFP: Masks and Passing in African American Literature (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Valerie McKee

Masks and Passing in African American Literature
  Panel Chair: Valerie B. McKee
  Call for Papers on Masks and Passing in African American Literature
for the seventh annual graduate English conference entitled
"Encountering the Text: Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, and Writing" at
Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT on Saturday,
April 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  Possible topics include, but are not limited to, interpretations of
literary texts regarding themes of "passing," and the character type of the "tragic mulatto."
  Panels will be one and a half hours long. Presentations will be 15 –
20 minutes long (papers should be 6 – 8 pages in length). A proposal

CFP: Masks and Passing in African American Literature (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Valerie McKee

Masks and Passing in African American Literature
  Panel Chair: Valerie B. McKee
  Call for Papers on Masks and Passing in African American Literature
for the seventh annual graduate English conference entitled
"Encountering the Text: Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, and Writing" at
Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT on Saturday,
April 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  Possible topics include, but are not limited to, interpretations of
literary texts regarding themes of "passing," and the character type of the "tragic mulatto."
  Panels will be one and a half hours long. Presentations will be 15 –
20 minutes long (papers should be 6 – 8 pages in length). A proposal

CFP: Masks and Passing in African American Literature (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Valerie McKee

Masks and Passing in African American Literature
  Panel Chair: Valerie B. McKee
  Call for Papers on Masks and Passing in African American Literature
for the seventh annual graduate English conference entitled
"Encountering the Text: Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, and Writing" at
Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT on Saturday,
April 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  Possible topics include, but are not limited to, interpretations of
literary texts regarding themes of "passing," and the character type of the "tragic mulatto."
  Panels will be one and a half hours long. Presentations will be 15 –
20 minutes long (papers should be 6 – 8 pages in length). A proposal

CFP: Masks and Passing in African American Literature (grad) (3/22/06; 4/22/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Valerie McKee

Masks and Passing in African American Literature
  Panel Chair: Valerie B. McKee
  Call for Papers on Masks and Passing in African American Literature
for the seventh annual graduate English conference entitled
"Encountering the Text: Reading, Teaching, Theorizing, and Writing" at
Southern Connecticut State University in New Haven, CT on Saturday,
April 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
  Possible topics include, but are not limited to, interpretations of
literary texts regarding themes of "passing," and the character type of the "tragic mulatto."
  Panels will be one and a half hours long. Presentations will be 15 –
20 minutes long (papers should be 6 – 8 pages in length). A proposal

UPDATE: Hurricane Katrina (4/30/06; journal issue)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:29pm
Chitiga, Miriam

PAECE Katrina UPDATE: Extended deadline April 30th 2006

and additional emphasis on: current Katrina - related issues=20


Call For Papers: Creative Pieces on Hurricane Katrina


Claflin University's Performing Arts for Effective Civic Education
Program (PAECE) is calling for ORIGINAL creative and research based
works addressing key civic and political issues related to the recent
tragedy in the Gulf Coast. PAECE is a US Department of Education -
FIPSE funded program that seeks to enhance civic knowledge,
responsibility and engagement, via the performing arts. =20

CFP: The Insistence of Spinoza (3/27/06; MLA '06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Audrey Wasser

Now is the time of Spinoza. A surge of interest in the work of
Benedict Spinoza surfaced in the second half of the twentieth
century. In disciplines spanning the humanities scholars continue to
turn their attention to the writings of this seventeenth-century
philosopher for insights into current problematics in such areas as
cultural studies, political philosophy, social theory, literary
theory and criticism, and feminist theory. Spinoza's ontology is
absolutely singular in the history of philosophy. Additionally, his
epistemology and ethics outlined in The Ethics, his hermeneutics and
prescient proto-semiotics offered in The Theologico-Political

CFP: Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual Women in a Male World (Italy) (3/19/06; 5/23/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

                          CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS
"Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual women in a male world"
1 day workshop at AVI 2006
Date: 23 May 2006
Location: Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline: 19 March 2006 - Extended deadline

CFP: Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual Women in a Male World (Italy) (3/19/06; 5/23/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

                          CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS
"Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual women in a male world"
1 day workshop at AVI 2006
Date: 23 May 2006
Location: Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline: 19 March 2006 - Extended deadline

CFP: Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual Women in a Male World (Italy) (3/19/06; 5/23/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

                          CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS
"Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual women in a male world"
1 day workshop at AVI 2006
Date: 23 May 2006
Location: Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline: 19 March 2006 - Extended deadline

CFP: Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual Women in a Male World (Italy) (3/19/06; 5/23/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

                          CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERS
"Gender and Interaction: Real and Virtual women in a male world"
1 day workshop at AVI 2006
Date: 23 May 2006
Location: Venice, Italy
Submission Deadline: 19 March 2006 - Extended deadline

CFP: Extending Our Reach of Influence: Composition Specialists in Positions of University Administration (6/1/06; collection)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Fontaine, Sheryl

Susan M. Hunter and Sheryl I. Fontaine invite 500 word abstracts for, Extending Our Reach of Influence: Composition Specialists in Positions of University Administration, a book of essays from members of the discipline who have moved to positions of administration within departments and in the university. Email abstracts (attached as a Word document) to <> or <> by June 1st, 2006.


Essays should focus on issues including but not limited to:


CFP: Extending Our Reach of Influence: Composition Specialists in Positions of University Administration (6/1/06; collection)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Fontaine, Sheryl

Susan M. Hunter and Sheryl I. Fontaine invite 500 word abstracts for, Extending Our Reach of Influence: Composition Specialists in Positions of University Administration, a book of essays from members of the discipline who have moved to positions of administration within departments and in the university. Email abstracts (attached as a Word document) to <> or <> by June 1st, 2006.


Essays should focus on issues including but not limited to:


CFP: New Voices Graduate Conference (5/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

New Voices Graduate Student Conference
September 28-30, 2006
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA

 Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2006

New Voices on the Human Condition
Call for papers and special sessions

CFP: New Voices Graduate Conference (5/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

New Voices Graduate Student Conference
September 28-30, 2006
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA

 Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2006

New Voices on the Human Condition
Call for papers and special sessions

CFP: New Voices Graduate Conference (5/1/06; 9/28/06-9/30/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm

New Voices Graduate Student Conference
September 28-30, 2006
Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA

 Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2006

New Voices on the Human Condition
Call for papers and special sessions

CFP: Legitimating Cultures, Cultures of Legitimacy (Romania) (5/15/06; 11/23/06-11/25/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Laura Savu


  Bucharest University, Romania
    November 23-25, 2006
    Mircea Martin, Bucharest University, Romania
  Christian Moraru, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
    The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for addressing issues related to the notion of "legitimacy" across discourses, cultural practices, and traditions. We are primarily interested in papers theorizing the construction and representation of the "legitimate?" in particular contexts.

CFP: Legitimating Cultures, Cultures of Legitimacy (Romania) (5/15/06; 11/23/06-11/25/06)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Laura Savu


  Bucharest University, Romania
    November 23-25, 2006
    Mircea Martin, Bucharest University, Romania
  Christian Moraru, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
    The conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for addressing issues related to the notion of "legitimacy" across discourses, cultural practices, and traditions. We are primarily interested in papers theorizing the construction and representation of the "legitimate?" in particular contexts.

UPDATE: Northrop Frye: New Directions from Old (8/31/06; 5/07)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 - 1:28pm
Josephene T. M. Kealey

Please update the CFP with the following.

CFP: Northrop Frye: New Directions from Old (deadline 08/31/06; 05/07)
We invite proposals on Northrop Frye and theory (2007 marks the
fiftieth anniversary of the publication of Anatomy of Criticism),
Frye as Canadian, social, or religious critic.
Please send a 300-500 word proposal (hardcopies in triplicate) and a
50-word bio blurb to:
Doctor David Rampton, Symposium Chair
Department of English, University of Ottawa
70 Laurier Avenue East, 3rd floor
Ottawa ON K1N 6N5 Canada
Fax: (613) 562-5990
