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CFP: 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture (grad) (12/9/05;

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm

3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference
on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

* * * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * * *

The Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC), Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana is hosting a conference
February 19-20, 2006. All papers related to Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic
literature, linguistics and culture are welcome. Our suggested topic for this
year is "Peripheries", although any other topic will also be considered to be
part of the conference. Research on theoretical and applied linguistics,
literature, and culture pertaining to the suggested topics is encouraged.

CFP: 19th-Century American Children's Lit (12/18/05; collection)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Monika Elbert

Submissions are invited for a proposed collection of essays on
nineteenth-century American children's literature and cultural
contexts. How is the social milieu embedded in children's fiction or
non-fiction? The following topics are suggestions, but the list is not
meant to be exhaustive.

CFP: 19th-Century American Children's Lit (12/18/05; collection)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Monika Elbert

Submissions are invited for a proposed collection of essays on
nineteenth-century American children's literature and cultural
contexts. How is the social milieu embedded in children's fiction or
non-fiction? The following topics are suggestions, but the list is not
meant to be exhaustive.

CFP: 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture (grad) (12/9/05;

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm

3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference
on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

* * * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * * *

The Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC), Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana is hosting a conference
February 19-20, 2006. All papers related to Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic
literature, linguistics and culture are welcome. Our suggested topic for this
year is "Peripheries", although any other topic will also be considered to be
part of the conference. Research on theoretical and applied linguistics,
literature, and culture pertaining to the suggested topics is encouraged.

CFP: 3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture (grad) (12/9/05;

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm

3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference
on Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic Literature, Linguistics and Culture
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana

* * * * CALL FOR PAPERS * * * *

The Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC), Department of Spanish and
Portuguese, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana is hosting a conference
February 19-20, 2006. All papers related to Luso-Brazilian and Hispanic
literature, linguistics and culture are welcome. Our suggested topic for this
year is "Peripheries", although any other topic will also be considered to be
part of the conference. Research on theoretical and applied linguistics,
literature, and culture pertaining to the suggested topics is encouraged.

CFP: Experimentation and Orthodoxy in Recent American Literature (12/15/05; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Susan Adams

American Religion and Literature Society
At the 2006 American Literature Association Conference
May 25-28, San Francisco

Founded in 1997, the American Religion and Literature Society (ARLS) is
a member society of the American Literature Association (ALA). ARLS is
dedicated to the scholarly exploration of the relationships among
religion, literature, and American culture, where each is broadly
construed and where no particular scholarly or disciplinary approach is
favored over any other. We try to nurture both a meaningful witness to
the vitality of religion and literature and collegial friendships
within the area of noted interest.

CFP: Affect and the Translation of the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Ignacio Infante

Affect and the Translation of the human (11/30/05; ACLA 06, Princeton,
March 06)

March 23-26, 06.

SEMINAR: Transferring Bodies: Affect and the Translation of the Human

Seminar Organizer(s): Ignacio Infante, Rutgers University

Seminar Description:

CFP: Affect and the Translation of the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Ignacio Infante

Affect and the Translation of the human (11/30/05; ACLA 06, Princeton,
March 06)

March 23-26, 06.

SEMINAR: Transferring Bodies: Affect and the Translation of the Human

Seminar Organizer(s): Ignacio Infante, Rutgers University

Seminar Description:

CFP: Hong Kong Cinema & Sound (10/31/05; collection)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Graeme Harper

The "Continuum Companion to Sound in Film and the Visual Media"
(Continuum) requires a well-informed piece as follows:

"Sound/music in Hong Kong Cinema"

Chapter: 4000-5000 words in length.

Deadline: c.end of 2005.

If working in this area, and interested in writing this chapter, feel
free to send short abstract (100 words) to:

CFP: The Lesser-Known Chopin (1/15/06; ALA, 5/25/06-5/28/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm

The Lesser-Known Chopin: What We've Missed/What We're Missing
Though Kate Chopin wrote two novels, dozens of poems, and nearly a hundred
short stories, her critical reputation continues to rest largely on The
Awakening and a handful of very famous stories. But there's more. This
panel will provide a glimpse into some of the remarkable work that has
been too often overlooked by scholars and students alike. For this ALA
panel, which is sponsored by The Kate Chopin Society, papers and
presentations are solicited that explore Chopin's other novel (At Fault),
her lesser-known short stories, or her poetry, as well as her essays,
diaries, and account books. Proposals of 100-150 words should be sent to

CFP: Science and Sentiment in U.S. Women's Writing (12/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lydia Fisher

We seek papers for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of American
Women Writers conference (in Philadelphia) that explore the relationship
between science and sentiment in women's writing. Taking as a starting
point scholarship on sentiment by critics such as Shirley Samuels, Glenn
Hendler, Julie Ellison, Marianne Noble, Dana Nelson, and Lauren Berlant, we
are interested in how women writers' use of and relationship to the
sentimental aesthetic developed as America's scientific world view evolved,
from the age of so-called sentimental "feminization" (in the 18th and 19th
centuries) into the present moment. The language of science-as seen in

CFP: Science and Sentiment in U.S. Women's Writing (12/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lydia Fisher

We seek papers for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of American
Women Writers conference (in Philadelphia) that explore the relationship
between science and sentiment in women's writing. Taking as a starting
point scholarship on sentiment by critics such as Shirley Samuels, Glenn
Hendler, Julie Ellison, Marianne Noble, Dana Nelson, and Lauren Berlant, we
are interested in how women writers' use of and relationship to the
sentimental aesthetic developed as America's scientific world view evolved,
from the age of so-called sentimental "feminization" (in the 18th and 19th
centuries) into the present moment. The language of science-as seen in

CFP: Science and Sentiment in U.S. Women's Writing (12/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lydia Fisher

We seek papers for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of American
Women Writers conference (in Philadelphia) that explore the relationship
between science and sentiment in women's writing. Taking as a starting
point scholarship on sentiment by critics such as Shirley Samuels, Glenn
Hendler, Julie Ellison, Marianne Noble, Dana Nelson, and Lauren Berlant, we
are interested in how women writers' use of and relationship to the
sentimental aesthetic developed as America's scientific world view evolved,
from the age of so-called sentimental "feminization" (in the 18th and 19th
centuries) into the present moment. The language of science-as seen in

CFP: Science and Sentiment in U.S. Women's Writing (12/10/05; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lydia Fisher

We seek papers for a panel at the 2006 Society for the Study of American
Women Writers conference (in Philadelphia) that explore the relationship
between science and sentiment in women's writing. Taking as a starting
point scholarship on sentiment by critics such as Shirley Samuels, Glenn
Hendler, Julie Ellison, Marianne Noble, Dana Nelson, and Lauren Berlant, we
are interested in how women writers' use of and relationship to the
sentimental aesthetic developed as America's scientific world view evolved,
from the age of so-called sentimental "feminization" (in the 18th and 19th
centuries) into the present moment. The language of science-as seen in

CFP: Modernism & Fascism (11/1/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/15/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm


PCA/ACA ANNUAL MEETING, April 12th-15th, 2006

CFP: Animal Whites: Whiteness, Animals and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lucia Hodgson

Call for papers for a seminar entitled, "Animal Whites: Whiteness,
Animals and the Human," to be held at the American Comparative
Literature Association 2006 Annual Meeting: The Human and Its Others
at Princeton University, March 23-26, 2006.

Organizer: Lucia Hodgson, English Department, University of Southern

Abstracts (max. 250 words) must be submitted by November 30, 2005
using the online form on the ACLA website (

Seminar Description:

CFP: Animal Whites: Whiteness, Animals and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lucia Hodgson

Call for papers for a seminar entitled, "Animal Whites: Whiteness,
Animals and the Human," to be held at the American Comparative
Literature Association 2006 Annual Meeting: The Human and Its Others
at Princeton University, March 23-26, 2006.

Organizer: Lucia Hodgson, English Department, University of Southern

Abstracts (max. 250 words) must be submitted by November 30, 2005
using the online form on the ACLA website (

Seminar Description:

CFP: Animal Whites: Whiteness, Animals and the Human (11/30/05; ACLA, 3/23/06-3/26/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Lucia Hodgson

Call for papers for a seminar entitled, "Animal Whites: Whiteness,
Animals and the Human," to be held at the American Comparative
Literature Association 2006 Annual Meeting: The Human and Its Others
at Princeton University, March 23-26, 2006.

Organizer: Lucia Hodgson, English Department, University of Southern

Abstracts (max. 250 words) must be submitted by November 30, 2005
using the online form on the ACLA website (

Seminar Description:

CFP: Violence in the Contemporary UK (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Matthew Hart

CFP: Violence in the Contemporary United Kingdom

MLA Special Session, December 2006
Abstracts by 10 March 2006

Matthew Hart
Assistant Professor of English
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

For a proposed Special Session at the December 2006 MLA
Convention in New Orleans, I am looking for papers that
discuss the theme, problem, object, or practice of violence in
recent British and Northern Irish writing. I will consider
abstracts until 10 March 2006, at which point I wish to
collaborate with two or three others in drafting a panel
proposal to reach the MLA by 1 April 2006.

CFP: Violence in the Contemporary UK (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
Matthew Hart

CFP: Violence in the Contemporary United Kingdom

MLA Special Session, December 2006
Abstracts by 10 March 2006

Matthew Hart
Assistant Professor of English
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

For a proposed Special Session at the December 2006 MLA
Convention in New Orleans, I am looking for papers that
discuss the theme, problem, object, or practice of violence in
recent British and Northern Irish writing. I will consider
abstracts until 10 March 2006, at which point I wish to
collaborate with two or three others in drafting a panel
proposal to reach the MLA by 1 April 2006.

CFP: The Aesthetics of Tolerance (12/15/05; WSECS, 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
David Alvarez

CFP: The Aesthetics of Tolerance

Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Convention
Tempe, Arizona, Feb 17-19, 2005

Papers are invited for a panel that will consider both
representations of religious tolerance and the aesthetic itself as a
means to promote tolerance in the Enlightenment. Papers that consider
toleration in relation to anxieties about Enlightenment modes of
disciplinarity, the containment of conversation in the public sphere,
or the ideological interests served by the promotion of toleration
are welcome, as are investigations of the rhetoric of tolerance, the
formation of liberal subjectivity, and ambivalent treatments of

CFP: The Aesthetics of Tolerance (12/15/05; WSECS, 2/17/06-2/19/06)

Saturday, October 29, 2005 - 6:49pm
David Alvarez

CFP: The Aesthetics of Tolerance

Western Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Convention
Tempe, Arizona, Feb 17-19, 2005

Papers are invited for a panel that will consider both
representations of religious tolerance and the aesthetic itself as a
means to promote tolerance in the Enlightenment. Papers that consider
toleration in relation to anxieties about Enlightenment modes of
disciplinarity, the containment of conversation in the public sphere,
or the ideological interests served by the promotion of toleration
are welcome, as are investigations of the rhetoric of tolerance, the
formation of liberal subjectivity, and ambivalent treatments of
