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UPDATE: Life in the Story, Wright State Graduate Conference (grad) (1/29/07; 3/31/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Brian Leingang

New Proposal Deadline: January 29, 2007

Conference Theme: Life in the Story

March 31, 2007
Wright State University Graduate Conference
Dayton Ohio

Keynote Speaker: Ralph Keyes, professor Antioch College and author of

Open to graduate students in all English concentrations: Literature,
Composition & Rhetoric, TESOL, Creative Writing, Linguistics.

UPDATE: Life in the Story, Wright State Graduate Conference (grad) (1/29/07; 3/31/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Brian Leingang

New Proposal Deadline: January 29, 2007

Conference Theme: Life in the Story

March 31, 2007
Wright State University Graduate Conference
Dayton Ohio

Keynote Speaker: Ralph Keyes, professor Antioch College and author of

Open to graduate students in all English concentrations: Literature,
Composition & Rhetoric, TESOL, Creative Writing, Linguistics.

UPDATE: Life in the Story, Wright State Graduate Conference (grad) (1/29/07; 3/31/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Brian Leingang

New Proposal Deadline: January 29, 2007

Conference Theme: Life in the Story

March 31, 2007
Wright State University Graduate Conference
Dayton Ohio

Keynote Speaker: Ralph Keyes, professor Antioch College and author of

Open to graduate students in all English concentrations: Literature,
Composition & Rhetoric, TESOL, Creative Writing, Linguistics.

CFP: Canadian Jewish Studies (2/1/07; 5/27/07-5/29/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Aviva Atlani

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) will be holding its 31st Annual Conference on May 27-29, 2007 at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon as part of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture from an array of disciplines.

CFP: Canadian Jewish Studies (2/1/07; 5/27/07-5/29/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Aviva Atlani

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) will be holding its 31st Annual Conference on May 27-29, 2007 at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon as part of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture from an array of disciplines.

CFP: Canadian Jewish Studies (2/1/07; 5/27/07-5/29/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm
Aviva Atlani

The Association for Canadian Jewish Studies (ACJS) will be holding its 31st Annual Conference on May 27-29, 2007 at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon as part of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities. The conference provides a platform for original scholarly research in Canadian Jewish history, life and culture from an array of disciplines.

CFP: The Organ as Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Organ as Object / The Metonymy of Anatomy

Body parts are easier to remove than thoughts.
                                                Suzette Mayr, "Scalps"

CFP: The Organ as Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Organ as Object / The Metonymy of Anatomy

Body parts are easier to remove than thoughts.
                                                Suzette Mayr, "Scalps"

CFP: The Organ as Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:56pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Organ as Object / The Metonymy of Anatomy

Body parts are easier to remove than thoughts.
                                                Suzette Mayr, "Scalps"

UPDATE: The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature (grad) (1/20/07; McGill, 10/3/07-11/3/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Meredith Donaldson Clark

=93New Worlds, Lost Worlds=94: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
McGill University, Montr=E9al
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 10-11, 2007

*please note the extended deadline*

The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature

"A blisful lyf, a paisible and a swete, / Ledden the peples in the =
former age..."

UPDATE: The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature (grad) (1/20/07; McGill, 10/3/07-11/3/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Meredith Donaldson Clark

=93New Worlds, Lost Worlds=94: Discovery, Change, and Loss in Literature
McGill University, Montr=E9al
13th Annual Graduate Conference on Language and Literature
March 10-11, 2007

*please note the extended deadline*

The Uses of the "Former Age" in Middle English Literature

"A blisful lyf, a paisible and a swete, / Ledden the peples in the =
former age..."

CFP: Queer Readings of Television Series and Serials (France) (1/14/07; 3/30/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Georges-Claude GUILBERT

Call for papers
One-day conference organized by the GRAAT:
Queer readings of television series and serials
Friday March 30, 2007
Université François Rabelais, Tours, France
Contributions will examine television series and
serials (1950s to today); they will be informed
by Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender
Studies and Queer Theory. British, Australian and
American shows will be favored, but
Spanish-speaking telenovelas will also be
considered. Deadlines for proposals January 14,
Send your proposals to Sebastien Salbayre
AND Georges-Claude Guilbert

CFP: American Regional Hip Hop (6/15/07; collection)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Dr. Mickey S. Hess

Represent Where I'm From: The Greenwood Guide to American Regional Hip Hop
(Proposals due January 30, 2007. Essays due June 15, 2007)

Call for Contributors: I am seeking contributors for Represent Where I'm
From: The Greenwood Guide to American Regional Hip Hop, a two-volume
reference set under contract with Greenwood Press. This collection will
consist of 10,000-word essays on the most important regional hip hop
scenes in the US. Some of the regions available to contributors include:

CFP: William Carlos Williams Society (1/20/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Driscoll, Kerry

American Literature Association, Boston
May 2007
"Williams and Dada." Abstracts should be sent electronically by January =
20, 2007

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 06 2007 - 18:55:49 EST

CFP: The Nomadic Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Nomadic Artifact

Nomadism: a kind of critical consciousness that resists settling into
socially coded modes of thought and produces the subversion
of set conventions.
               Rosi Braidotti quoted in Pauline Butling and Susan Rudy's
Writing in Our Time

CFP: The Nomadic Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Nomadic Artifact

Nomadism: a kind of critical consciousness that resists settling into
socially coded modes of thought and produces the subversion
of set conventions.
               Rosi Braidotti quoted in Pauline Butling and Susan Rudy's
Writing in Our Time

CFP: William Carlos Williams Society (1/20/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Driscoll, Kerry

American Literature Association, Boston
May 2007
"Williams and Dada." Abstracts should be sent electronically by January =
20, 2007

              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at
         or write Jennifer Higginbotham:
Received on Sat Jan 06 2007 - 18:55:49 EST

CFP: The Nomadic Artifact (2/2/07; Calgary Free Exchange, 3/16/07-3/18/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm

Spring Cleaning:
Rediscovering and Revitalizing the Artifact
University of Calgary Free Exchange Graduate Conference
16-18 March 2007
Calgary, Alberta
For more information, please visit Free Exchange at

The Nomadic Artifact

Nomadism: a kind of critical consciousness that resists settling into
socially coded modes of thought and produces the subversion
of set conventions.
               Rosi Braidotti quoted in Pauline Butling and Susan Rudy's
Writing in Our Time

CFP: Queer Readings of Television Series and Serials (France) (1/14/07; 3/30/07)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Georges-Claude GUILBERT

Call for papers
One-day conference organized by the GRAAT:
Queer readings of television series and serials
Friday March 30, 2007
Université François Rabelais, Tours, France
Contributions will examine television series and
serials (1950s to today); they will be informed
by Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Gender
Studies and Queer Theory. British, Australian and
American shows will be favored, but
Spanish-speaking telenovelas will also be
considered. Deadlines for proposals January 14,
Send your proposals to Sebastien Salbayre
AND Georges-Claude Guilbert

CFP: Bloodlust and Dust: Essays on HBO's Carnivale (5/1/07; collection)

Saturday, January 6, 2007 - 11:55pm
Peg Aloi

Bloodlust and Dust: Essays on HBO's Carnivale

Essays are invited which examine and explore Carnivale, HBO's drama set
during the 1930s in America's Dust Bowl. Any approach is welcome, but some
topics of interest are listed below. Essays will be edited by two editors
and are expected to conform to standard academic format and citation
protocol. The editors are eager to receive creative, dynamic essays on this
unusual show.
