all recent posts

UPDATE: Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature (Japan) (12/25/06; ASLE, 8/19/07-8/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:38pm

**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan

Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.

UPDATE: Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature (Japan) (12/25/06; ASLE, 8/19/07-8/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:38pm

**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan

Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.

CFP: Emerson Society Panels at ALA and Thoreau Society Gathering, 2007 (12/30/06; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07 & 12/15/06; Thoreau,

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:38pm
Todd Richardson

American Literature Association. Boston, May 24-27 2007.


ALA Session I: New Approaches to Emerson: Exploring the Family Ties


Acknowledging the recent interest in Emerson's family relationships and
their bearing on our understanding of both Emerson's work and
Transcendentalism, this panel solicits papers exploring those family =
their rhetorical constructions, and their significance. Abstracts of =
words by December 30 to Joe Thomas (



ALA Session II: Emerson on Other Shores: English Traits and Beyond=20


UPDATE: Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature (Japan) (12/25/06; ASLE, 8/19/07-8/21/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:38pm

**Please note the amended contact information in the posting below**

Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
Japan-Korea Joint Symposium
August 19-21, Kanazawa, Japan

Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese and Korean Environmental Literature

Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Ko Un and Kazue Morisaki

The Association for the Study of Literature and Environment in Japan
(ASLE-Japan) and ASLE-Korea invite proposals for an international
symposium, Place, Nature, Language: Thinking about ¡ÈNow¡É in Japanese
and Korean Environmental Literature, to be held from August 19-21,
2007, in Kanazawa, Japan.

CFP: Enfance - Childhood (2/16/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm


Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »

Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.

Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.

CFP: Enfance - Childhood (2/16/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm


Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »

Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.

Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.

CFP: Enfance - Childhood (2/16/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm


Appel (renouvellement)
Eté 2007 : numéro 20 : « Enfance »

Suite à notre appel de l'année dernière pour ce même numéro 20, nous
renouvelons notre demande afin de recevoir davantage d'articles. Nous
invitons les étudiant-e-s gradué-e-s à soumettre un article écrit en
français ou en anglais pour ce numéro intitulé « Enfance » - terme que
nous définissons comme la période s'achevant aux alentours de l'âge de
treize ans.

Les travaux soumis pourront adopter toutes sortes d'approches critiques et
théoriques. Ils ne devront pas dépasser 20 pages et le format devra
impérativement suivre la norme MLA.

CFP: Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm



A Commemoration of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1807


Academic papers and creative submissions are invited for this special issue to mark the two-hundredth anniversary in 2007 of Britain's Abolition of the Slave Trade.


EnterText volume 7 number 2


Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today


Submissions are invited by 1 May 2007


Forms of slavery, quasi-slavery and the abuse or exploitation of one group by another remain widespread in the world today. Questions which might be addressed include:


CFP: British Literature since 1900 (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm


British literature since 1900

This is an open, English-language session on British and postcolonial
literature at the 2007 RMMLA conference, to be held in Calgary,
Alberta, Canada. The conference will run from 4 October to 6 October

Send a 200 word abstract to Anthony Flinn at by 1 March
2007, or long before that, for consideration.

Hard copies of submissions may be sent to:

Anthony Flinn
250 Patterson Hall
Dept. of English
Eastern Washington University
Cheney, WA 99004

Details can be found at

CFP: Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm



A Commemoration of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1807


Academic papers and creative submissions are invited for this special issue to mark the two-hundredth anniversary in 2007 of Britain's Abolition of the Slave Trade.


EnterText volume 7 number 2


Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today


Submissions are invited by 1 May 2007


Forms of slavery, quasi-slavery and the abuse or exploitation of one group by another remain widespread in the world today. Questions which might be addressed include:


CFP: Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today (5/1/07; journal issue)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm



A Commemoration of the Abolition of the Slave Trade in 1807


Academic papers and creative submissions are invited for this special issue to mark the two-hundredth anniversary in 2007 of Britain's Abolition of the Slave Trade.


EnterText volume 7 number 2


Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Slaveries and Freedoms Today


Submissions are invited by 1 May 2007


Forms of slavery, quasi-slavery and the abuse or exploitation of one group by another remain widespread in the world today. Questions which might be addressed include:


UPDATE: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial Location (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to: by January 10, 2007.
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at

UPDATE: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial Location (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to: by January 10, 2007.
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at

UPDATE: Justice/Ethics and the Postcolonial Location (1/10/07; SGES, 2/15/07-2/17/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm

of graduate student scholarship.
  Along with your abstract attachment, please include home and office numbers, complete mailing address, e-mail address, AV requirements, and professional affiliation. E-mail submissions are encouraged and more information is available online:
  Please send no more 350 word abstracts, attention Stacey, to: by January 10, 2007.
              From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
                         Full Information at

CFP: Research Society for American Periodicals at ALA (1/5/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm
Susan Belasco

The Research Society for American Periodicals announces calls for papers
for American Literature Association 2007, Boston, MA, May 24-27, 2007:

Contemporary Popular Magazines
The Research Society for American Periodicals invites proposals for a
session on contemporary popular magazines. Topics may concern magazines
individually or in categories (e.g., bridal, lifestyle, news), and may
consider genres, departments, contributors, or editorial/textual
practices. Please email a 250-word abstract along with a 2-3 sentence bio
and any a/v equipment you might need to Judith Yaross Lee:
Deadline for submissions is January 5, 2007.

CFP: Research Society for American Periodicals at ALA (1/5/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Monday, December 11, 2006 - 11:27pm
Susan Belasco

The Research Society for American Periodicals announces calls for papers
for American Literature Association 2007, Boston, MA, May 24-27, 2007:

Contemporary Popular Magazines
The Research Society for American Periodicals invites proposals for a
session on contemporary popular magazines. Topics may concern magazines
individually or in categories (e.g., bridal, lifestyle, news), and may
consider genres, departments, contributors, or editorial/textual
practices. Please email a 250-word abstract along with a 2-3 sentence bio
and any a/v equipment you might need to Judith Yaross Lee:
Deadline for submissions is January 5, 2007.
