CFP: Flannery O'Connor at RMMLA (3/1/07; RMMLA, 10/4/07-10/6/07)
Call for submissions for the Flannery O'Connor session at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)conference in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, October 4-6, 2007. Theme: "Flannery O'Connor's Influence North of the 49th." General papers on O'Connor are welcome, but in particular those that explore O'Connor's (acknowledged) influence on Canadian authors Alice Munro, Leon Rooke, W.P. Kinsella, Jack Hodgins, Hugh Hood, and others. Please send proposals or finished papers to Dr. Irwin Streight at _streight-i_at_rmc.ca_ or to Department of English, Royal Military College of Canada, PO Box 17000, Stn Forces, Kingston, ON Canada K7K 7B4.
Deadline for submissions: *March 1, 2007*