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CFP: UK Graduate eJournal in Theatre (grad) (1/12/07; e-journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Marissia Fragou

  Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre & Performing Arts
  Platform is an electronic journal devoted to postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, and entry-level academics in the fields of theatre and performing arts. Platform is run by postgraduates for postgraduates, and is based at the Department of Drama, Royal Holloway, University of London.
  The first issue of Platform is now online!
  Call for Papers
  We invite submissions for the second issue of Platform. The pivotal theme is "Theatres of Resistance." Given the wide-ranging and confrontational nature of the topic, we welcome papers that explore a variety of issues such as the following:
   Politics and performance

CFP: UK Graduate eJournal in Theatre (grad) (1/12/07; e-journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Marissia Fragou

  Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre & Performing Arts
  Platform is an electronic journal devoted to postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, and entry-level academics in the fields of theatre and performing arts. Platform is run by postgraduates for postgraduates, and is based at the Department of Drama, Royal Holloway, University of London.
  The first issue of Platform is now online!
  Call for Papers
  We invite submissions for the second issue of Platform. The pivotal theme is "Theatres of Resistance." Given the wide-ranging and confrontational nature of the topic, we welcome papers that explore a variety of issues such as the following:
   Politics and performance

CFP: UK Graduate eJournal in Theatre (grad) (1/12/07; e-journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Marissia Fragou

  Postgraduate e-Journal of Theatre & Performing Arts
  Platform is an electronic journal devoted to postgraduates, postdoctoral researchers, and entry-level academics in the fields of theatre and performing arts. Platform is run by postgraduates for postgraduates, and is based at the Department of Drama, Royal Holloway, University of London.
  The first issue of Platform is now online!
  Call for Papers
  We invite submissions for the second issue of Platform. The pivotal theme is "Theatres of Resistance." Given the wide-ranging and confrontational nature of the topic, we welcome papers that explore a variety of issues such as the following:
   Politics and performance

UPDATE: Race, Gender, and Social Justice (11/15/06; journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ime Kerlee

Due to some technical problems with the email account
associated with submissions we have extended the deadline
for submissions to FemTAP 2.1: Race, Gender, and Social
Justice to Nov. 15, 2006 When submitting a manuscript,
please put "manuscript" or "submission" in your subject

CFP: Race, Gender, and Social Justice
Deadline for Submissions EXTENDED to November 15,2006

Submission Guidelines: email attachment only to; Chicago manual style w/limited endnotes;
full guidelines at

UPDATE: Race, Gender, and Social Justice (11/15/06; journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ime Kerlee

Due to some technical problems with the email account
associated with submissions we have extended the deadline
for submissions to FemTAP 2.1: Race, Gender, and Social
Justice to Nov. 15, 2006 When submitting a manuscript,
please put "manuscript" or "submission" in your subject

CFP: Race, Gender, and Social Justice
Deadline for Submissions EXTENDED to November 15,2006

Submission Guidelines: email attachment only to; Chicago manual style w/limited endnotes;
full guidelines at

UPDATE: Race, Gender, and Social Justice (11/15/06; journal issue)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ime Kerlee

Due to some technical problems with the email account
associated with submissions we have extended the deadline
for submissions to FemTAP 2.1: Race, Gender, and Social
Justice to Nov. 15, 2006 When submitting a manuscript,
please put "manuscript" or "submission" in your subject

CFP: Race, Gender, and Social Justice
Deadline for Submissions EXTENDED to November 15,2006

Submission Guidelines: email attachment only to; Chicago manual style w/limited endnotes;
full guidelines at

CFP: William Wells Brown (1/5/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Dawn Coleman

American Literature Association Annual Convention
Boston, 5/24/07-5/27/07


Despite his significance as the first African-American novelist and =20
as an anti-slavery lecturer, autobiographer, poet, editor, historian, =20=

travel writer, and dramatist, William Wells Brown has received =20
surprisingly little critical attention. For a proposed panel at ALA =20
2007, I am seeking papers of twenty minutes in length on any aspect =20
of Brown=92s work.

Please send proposals (ca. 300 words) and brief CV to Dawn Coleman at =20= by 5 January 2007. Inquiries welcome.

CFP: William Wells Brown (1/5/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Dawn Coleman

American Literature Association Annual Convention
Boston, 5/24/07-5/27/07


Despite his significance as the first African-American novelist and =20
as an anti-slavery lecturer, autobiographer, poet, editor, historian, =20=

travel writer, and dramatist, William Wells Brown has received =20
surprisingly little critical attention. For a proposed panel at ALA =20
2007, I am seeking papers of twenty minutes in length on any aspect =20
of Brown=92s work.

Please send proposals (ca. 300 words) and brief CV to Dawn Coleman at =20= by 5 January 2007. Inquiries welcome.

CFP: Anglo-French Cinematic Relations 1930-present (UK) (4/30/07; 9/14/07-09/16/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Wheatley C.

Apologies for cross-postings...


An International conference hosted by the Department of Film Studies,
Southampton University, and supported by the AHRC.
September 14 - 16 2007

Keynote addresses will be given by Pam Cook, Sarah Street, Robert Tombs
and Ginette Vincendeau.

CFP: Anglo-French Cinematic Relations 1930-present (UK) (4/30/07; 9/14/07-09/16/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Wheatley C.

Apologies for cross-postings...


An International conference hosted by the Department of Film Studies,
Southampton University, and supported by the AHRC.
September 14 - 16 2007

Keynote addresses will be given by Pam Cook, Sarah Street, Robert Tombs
and Ginette Vincendeau.

CFP: Anglo-French Cinematic Relations 1930-present (UK) (4/30/07; 9/14/07-09/16/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Wheatley C.

Apologies for cross-postings...


An International conference hosted by the Department of Film Studies,
Southampton University, and supported by the AHRC.
September 14 - 16 2007

Keynote addresses will be given by Pam Cook, Sarah Street, Robert Tombs
and Ginette Vincendeau.

CFP: African Oedipus (Netherlands) (12/20/06; AEGIS, 7/11/07-7/14/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ide Corley-Carmody

Addressing the question of how psychoanalytic theories might speak
about "race," Hortense Spillers gives the term "African Oedipus" to a
model of cultural self-formation which recognizes the status of the
"father" as a social function rather than a biological genitor ("'All
the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your
Mother': Psychoanalysis and Race"). For Spillers, the term "African
Oedipus" mediates a sociosymbolic order characterized by shifting
specular relations rather than by the fixed hierarchical positions and
meanings attributed to the father, the mother and the child within the
traditional Freudian model. The term "African Oedipus" is also linked

CFP: African Oedipus (Netherlands) (12/20/06; AEGIS, 7/11/07-7/14/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ide Corley-Carmody

Addressing the question of how psychoanalytic theories might speak
about "race," Hortense Spillers gives the term "African Oedipus" to a
model of cultural self-formation which recognizes the status of the
"father" as a social function rather than a biological genitor ("'All
the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your
Mother': Psychoanalysis and Race"). For Spillers, the term "African
Oedipus" mediates a sociosymbolic order characterized by shifting
specular relations rather than by the fixed hierarchical positions and
meanings attributed to the father, the mother and the child within the
traditional Freudian model. The term "African Oedipus" is also linked

CFP: African Oedipus (Netherlands) (12/20/06; AEGIS, 7/11/07-7/14/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ide Corley-Carmody

Addressing the question of how psychoanalytic theories might speak
about "race," Hortense Spillers gives the term "African Oedipus" to a
model of cultural self-formation which recognizes the status of the
"father" as a social function rather than a biological genitor ("'All
the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your
Mother': Psychoanalysis and Race"). For Spillers, the term "African
Oedipus" mediates a sociosymbolic order characterized by shifting
specular relations rather than by the fixed hierarchical positions and
meanings attributed to the father, the mother and the child within the
traditional Freudian model. The term "African Oedipus" is also linked

CFP: African Oedipus (Netherlands) (12/20/06; AEGIS, 7/11/07-7/14/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ide Corley-Carmody

Addressing the question of how psychoanalytic theories might speak
about "race," Hortense Spillers gives the term "African Oedipus" to a
model of cultural self-formation which recognizes the status of the
"father" as a social function rather than a biological genitor ("'All
the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your
Mother': Psychoanalysis and Race"). For Spillers, the term "African
Oedipus" mediates a sociosymbolic order characterized by shifting
specular relations rather than by the fixed hierarchical positions and
meanings attributed to the father, the mother and the child within the
traditional Freudian model. The term "African Oedipus" is also linked

CFP: African Oedipus (Netherlands) (12/20/06; AEGIS, 7/11/07-7/14/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Ide Corley-Carmody

Addressing the question of how psychoanalytic theories might speak
about "race," Hortense Spillers gives the term "African Oedipus" to a
model of cultural self-formation which recognizes the status of the
"father" as a social function rather than a biological genitor ("'All
the Things You Could Be by Now if Sigmund Freud's Wife Was Your
Mother': Psychoanalysis and Race"). For Spillers, the term "African
Oedipus" mediates a sociosymbolic order characterized by shifting
specular relations rather than by the fixed hierarchical positions and
meanings attributed to the father, the mother and the child within the
traditional Freudian model. The term "African Oedipus" is also linked

CFP: Minds, Bodies, Machines (UK) (2/28/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Nicola Parsons

Call for Papers: Minds, Bodies, Machines

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

CFP: Minds, Bodies, Machines (UK) (2/28/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Nicola Parsons

Call for Papers: Minds, Bodies, Machines

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

CFP: Minds, Bodies, Machines (UK) (2/28/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Nicola Parsons

Call for Papers: Minds, Bodies, Machines

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

CFP: Minds, Bodies, Machines (UK) (2/28/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Nicola Parsons

Call for Papers: Minds, Bodies, Machines

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

CFP: Minds, Bodies, Machines (UK) (2/28/07; 7/6/07-7/7/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Nicola Parsons

Call for Papers: Minds, Bodies, Machines

This interdisciplinary conference, convened by Birkbeck's Centre for
Nineteenth-Century Studies, University of London, in partnership with
the Department of English, University of Melbourne, and software
developers Constraint Technologies International (CTI), will take place
on 6-7 July 2007 at Birkbeck College, Malet Street, Bloomsbury.

CFP: William Dean Howells and Marriage (1/8/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:51pm
Stokes, Claudia

Howells and Marriage

For a panel in the program of the 2007 American Literature Association annual convention, the William Dean Howells Society invites paper proposals that examine marriage in Howells's life and work. Possible topics may include his literary depictions of marriage, his writings about marriage in literary criticism and reviews, Howells's own marriage, or his engagement in contemporary marital controversies. Please send by January 8, 2007 paper proposals no longer than 500 words and copy of cv to Claudia Stokes at or by post to Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, Dept of English, 1Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212

CFP: Theory of Mind and Literature Conference (5/1/07; 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:50pm
Leverage, Paula E

Theory of Mind and Literature Conference
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November 1-3, 2007

Call for Papers
“Theory of Mind and Literature” is the first conference devoted solely to the implications for the theory and study of literature of the psychological activity of inferring what other people are thinking, perceiving or feeling. This process, sometimes lightly called “mindreading,” is generally considered in cognitive science to be facilitated by the possession of a Theory of Mind (ToM). ToM may be one of the things that makes literatureâ€"the writing and reading of literature, as well as the social relationships among characters in works of literatureâ€"possible.

CFP: Theory of Mind and Literature Conference (5/1/07; 11/1/07-11/3/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:50pm
Leverage, Paula E

Theory of Mind and Literature Conference
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, November 1-3, 2007

Call for Papers
“Theory of Mind and Literature” is the first conference devoted solely to the implications for the theory and study of literature of the psychological activity of inferring what other people are thinking, perceiving or feeling. This process, sometimes lightly called “mindreading,” is generally considered in cognitive science to be facilitated by the possession of a Theory of Mind (ToM). ToM may be one of the things that makes literatureâ€"the writing and reading of literature, as well as the social relationships among characters in works of literatureâ€"possible.

CFP: The State of the Nation: New Zealand's Centenary as a Dominion (UK) (1/19/07;; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:50pm
I Conrich

The State of the Nation:
New Zealand's Centenary as a Dominion
The 14th annual conference of the New Zealand Studies Association
together with the
Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London
University of London and New Zealand House
28 to 30 June 2007
This major international event sees NZSA combining with the recently
established Centre for New Zealand Studies (CNZS). 2007 marks the
centenary of New Zealand as a dominion and, over a period of 3 days,
this conference will address a range of issues covering the last 100
years of New Zealand's history. This will include a half- day focus -

CFP: The State of the Nation: New Zealand's Centenary as a Dominion (UK) (1/19/07;; 6/28/07-6/30/07)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 - 10:50pm
I Conrich

The State of the Nation:
New Zealand's Centenary as a Dominion
The 14th annual conference of the New Zealand Studies Association
together with the
Centre for New Zealand Studies, Birkbeck, University of London
University of London and New Zealand House
28 to 30 June 2007
This major international event sees NZSA combining with the recently
established Centre for New Zealand Studies (CNZS). 2007 marks the
centenary of New Zealand as a dominion and, over a period of 3 days,
this conference will address a range of issues covering the last 100
years of New Zealand's history. This will include a half- day focus -
