CFP: Staging Pain 1500-1800 (6/1/05; collection)
"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard
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"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard
"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard
"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard
"Staging Pain: Violence and Trauma in British Theatre, 1500-1800," ed.
Mathew R. Martin and James Robert Allard
Revision and Revelation in Contemporary British
CFP: Decadence in English Literature (1/9/2005;
Please send abstracts for a scholarly collection to be
published by Ibidem Press in their Studies in English
Literatures series. The theme of this volume will be
Decadence and is not confined to the 1890s but is
expected to contain essays upon all periods in English
Literature from Anglo-Saxon to contemporary. Any
essay exploring the philosophical, historical or
aesthetic tendencies of Decadence literarily presented
in Britain are encouraged. Some suggested topics are:
- the literary implications of atrophy; decadence in
formal practice: literary dandyism, euphuism, purple
CFP: Decadence in English Literature (1/9/2005;
Please send abstracts for a scholarly collection to be
published by Ibidem Press in their Studies in English
Literatures series. The theme of this volume will be
Decadence and is not confined to the 1890s but is
expected to contain essays upon all periods in English
Literature from Anglo-Saxon to contemporary. Any
essay exploring the philosophical, historical or
aesthetic tendencies of Decadence literarily presented
in Britain are encouraged. Some suggested topics are:
- the literary implications of atrophy; decadence in
formal practice: literary dandyism, euphuism, purple
UPDATE: Ill-uminating Gender: Gender and Disease
(extended Deadline: 06/15/2005, journal issue)
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier
The online journal Gender Forum (;
affiliation: University of Cologne, Germany), invites scholars to contribute
target articles to its upcoming issue on gender and disease. We particularly
welcome contributions from the field of medical research.
UPDATE: Ill-uminating Gender: Gender and Disease
(extended Deadline: 06/15/2005, journal issue)
Editor: Prof. Dr. Beate Neumeier
The online journal Gender Forum (;
affiliation: University of Cologne, Germany), invites scholars to contribute
target articles to its upcoming issue on gender and disease. We particularly
welcome contributions from the field of medical research.
Stages "Adorn'd with ev'ry Grace": Music, Dance, & Drama in London at
the beginning of the long eighteenth century
Scholars and performers working on topics related to the London theatre
world around the turn of the eighteenth century are invited to submit
essays for publication in an interdisciplinary essay collection, which
will engage and develop many of the same themes as the Florida State
University conference "John Eccles and His Contemporaries: Theatre &
Music in London, circa 1700" held in Tallahassee from February 24-27,
Stages "Adorn'd with ev'ry Grace": Music, Dance, & Drama in London at
the beginning of the long eighteenth century
Scholars and performers working on topics related to the London theatre
world around the turn of the eighteenth century are invited to submit
essays for publication in an interdisciplinary essay collection, which
will engage and develop many of the same themes as the Florida State
University conference "John Eccles and His Contemporaries: Theatre &
Music in London, circa 1700" held in Tallahassee from February 24-27,
The Teacher's Body
A Special Issue of The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural
guest edited by Leda M. Cooks and Kathleen LeBesco
Call for Papers
I am soliciting abstracts for a concurrent session at CCCC 2006
(Chicago, March 22-25) on OCD and Asperger's syndrome as challenges in
the composition and/or communications classroom.
If interested, please send a 250-word abstract to by
April 20, 2005. See session proposal below:
Proposed Concurrent Session for 2006 CCCC Annual Convention,
"Composition in the Center Spaces: Building Community, Culture,
Area Cluster: 101-Practices of Teaching Writing (Classroom situations
and strategies)
Title: Asperger's and OCD in the building of composition/communication
classroom culture
Film Studies: An International Review
Special issue: 'Time'
This special issue of Film Studies will focus on cinematic temporality or,
more broadly, film and time. Some contributors have already been confirmed,
but additional articles are required. The editor is seeking a wide range of
articles, some critical (i.e. dealing with the treatment of temporal aspects
in specific films or particular directors' work), and some conceptual (i.e.
addressing broader questions about film's temporal qualities).
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
"Abusing the Muse: Inspiration and Exploitation in 19th and 20th
Century Literature and Culture"
Edited by Alex Gil Fuentes, Sandy Alexandre and A.C. Geoghan
Abstracts are invited for a new collection that explores the various
ways in which authors exploit their sources of artistic or intellectual
inspiration whether it be for profit, fame or other such unseemly
Potential topics include but are not limited to:
Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace
We invite papers on any aspect of popular nineteenth-century women
writers and the literary marketplace for a round-table discussion for
the Society for the Study of American Women Writers third conference to
be held in Philadelphia from November 8-11, 2006. Of particular
interest though, is how the marketplace influenced women writers'
creations (writer/editor relationship, author/audience, author/other
writers). Please send 200 word abstracts to Earl Yarington
( within an email message by 1/15/06.
Deadline extended:
Call for Papers
Editor: Murat Aydemir
Book Series: Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex, and 'Race'
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam/New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: May 1, 2005
Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace
We invite papers on any aspect of popular nineteenth-century women
writers and the literary marketplace for a round-table discussion for
the Society for the Study of American Women Writers third conference to
be held in Philadelphia from November 8-11, 2006. Of particular
interest though, is how the marketplace influenced women writers'
creations (writer/editor relationship, author/audience, author/other
writers). Please send 200 word abstracts to Earl Yarington
( within an email message by 1/15/06.
Deadline extended:
Call for Papers
Editor: Murat Aydemir
Book Series: Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex, and 'Race'
Publisher: Rodopi (Amsterdam/New York)
Series Editor: Ernst van Alphen
Deadline for Proposals: May 1, 2005
Popular Nineteenth-Century Women Writers and the Literary Marketplace
We invite papers on any aspect of popular nineteenth-century women
writers and the literary marketplace for a round-table discussion for
the Society for the Study of American Women Writers third conference to
be held in Philadelphia from November 8-11, 2006. Of particular
interest though, is how the marketplace influenced women writers'
creations (writer/editor relationship, author/audience, author/other
writers). Please send 200 word abstracts to Earl Yarington
( within an email message by 1/15/06.
"1UP: Perspectives from Scholar/Practioners of Video Games"
This is a call for participants for an informal special
interest group to meet at CCCC (Conference on College
Composition and Communication) in Chicago, March 2006. This
group will meet to present short papers and have a
roundtable discussion on the position(s) of video games in
the composition conversation. This panel is specifically
intended to solicit perspectives from active gamers, to
develop perspectives on gaming from the inside out. Topics
of interest include, but are hardly limited to:
"1UP: Perspectives from Scholar/Practioners of Video Games"
This is a call for participants for an informal special
interest group to meet at CCCC (Conference on College
Composition and Communication) in Chicago, March 2006. This
group will meet to present short papers and have a
roundtable discussion on the position(s) of video games in
the composition conversation. This panel is specifically
intended to solicit perspectives from active gamers, to
develop perspectives on gaming from the inside out. Topics
of interest include, but are hardly limited to:
Radical History Review invites submissions of abstracts for a forthcoming thematic issue exploring the subject of religion and its historical relations to politics, culture and society. We especially encourage proposals for articles with interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives.