CFP: Thomas Hardy Postgraduate Symposium (grad) (UK) (5/2/05; 7/22/06-7/29/06)
Phillip Mallett, University of St Andrews, Jane Thomas, University of Hull,
and Angelique Richardson, University of Exeter, are co-organizing a
postgraduate symposium which will form part of the international Thomas
Hardy Conference, 22-29 July 2006, Dorchester. We are keen to involve
young and new scholars in the Conference, which is the 17th biennial
Hardy conference, and it would be immensely useful to the Hardy Society
to have a general idea as to the number of postgraduates in the UK and US
currently working on Hardy (or whose research includes Hardy), and
whether they would be likely to come to the conference (would there, for
example, be any financial support from your institution). So if you are