all recent posts

CFP: Jewtastic: Marketing Jewish Culture (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:19pm
Alisa Braun

The Jewish Cultural Studies Discussion Group seeks papers on the following
topic for the 2006 MLA Annual Convention:

Jewtastic: Marketing Jewish Culture

The commodification of Jewishness and the circulation of Jewish images and
icons from Streisand to "faux mitzvahs," from comics to kabbala. We
especially encourage papers focusing on aspects material culture,
celebrity culture, and mass media. Period open.

Abstracts of 250 words to by March 15.

CFP: Jewtastic: Marketing Jewish Culture (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:19pm
Alisa Braun

The Jewish Cultural Studies Discussion Group seeks papers on the following
topic for the 2006 MLA Annual Convention:

Jewtastic: Marketing Jewish Culture

The commodification of Jewishness and the circulation of Jewish images and
icons from Streisand to "faux mitzvahs," from comics to kabbala. We
especially encourage papers focusing on aspects material culture,
celebrity culture, and mass media. Period open.

Abstracts of 250 words to by March 15.

CFP: Forensic Futures: Interrogating the Posthuman (UK) (2/28/06; 3/16/06-3/18/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm

                   Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1, 16, 17 and 18 March, 2006
  Convened by Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University; Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor, Birkbeck College.

CFP: Forensic Futures: Interrogating the Posthuman (UK) (2/28/06; 3/16/06-3/18/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm

                   Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1, 16, 17 and 18 March, 2006
  Convened by Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University; Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor, Birkbeck College.

CFP: Forensic Futures: Interrogating the Posthuman (UK) (2/28/06; 3/16/06-3/18/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm

                   Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1, 16, 17 and 18 March, 2006
  Convened by Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University; Leverhulme Trust Visiting Professor, Birkbeck College.

CFP: Scottish Discussion Group Panel (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm
Sharon Alker

Apologies for Cross Postings.

The MLA Scottish Literature Discussion Group would like to invite you to
submit an abstract for their 2006 MLA panel.
The Panel Title is -Orality, Literacy, Print: Technologies of the spoken and
written word in Scotland-.

We welcome papers on the topic centered on Scottish oral or written works in
any historical period.

Abstracts accepted through 10 March 2006. Please send abstracts to Sharon
Alker at


Sharon Alker

Dr. Sharon Alker
Dept. of English
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA.

CFP: Scottish Discussion Group Panel (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm
Sharon Alker

Apologies for Cross Postings.

The MLA Scottish Literature Discussion Group would like to invite you to
submit an abstract for their 2006 MLA panel.
The Panel Title is -Orality, Literacy, Print: Technologies of the spoken and
written word in Scotland-.

We welcome papers on the topic centered on Scottish oral or written works in
any historical period.

Abstracts accepted through 10 March 2006. Please send abstracts to Sharon
Alker at


Sharon Alker

Dr. Sharon Alker
Dept. of English
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA.

CFP: Scottish Discussion Group Panel (3/10/06; MLA '06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm
Sharon Alker

Apologies for Cross Postings.

The MLA Scottish Literature Discussion Group would like to invite you to
submit an abstract for their 2006 MLA panel.
The Panel Title is -Orality, Literacy, Print: Technologies of the spoken and
written word in Scotland-.

We welcome papers on the topic centered on Scottish oral or written works in
any historical period.

Abstracts accepted through 10 March 2006. Please send abstracts to Sharon
Alker at


Sharon Alker

Dr. Sharon Alker
Dept. of English
Whitman College
Walla Walla, WA.

CFP: Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction (no deadline; collection)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm
Andrew Maunder

Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction

Contributors are sought for the above book (due for publication in mid-
2006) which aims to analyse the genre, covering the early nineteenth
century to the present.

Specifically contributors are needed for the following 600-word essays:

Doris Lessing's To Room Nineteen
Alice Monro (author entry) and "Meneseteung,"
Nadine Gordimer (author entry) and essays on "Town and Country Lovers" and
"The Train from Rhodesia"
both of which I've seen anthologized in American textbooks.
Helen Simpson (author entry)

CFP: Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction (no deadline; collection)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:18pm
Andrew Maunder

Facts on File Companion to the British Short Story & Short Fiction

Contributors are sought for the above book (due for publication in mid-
2006) which aims to analyse the genre, covering the early nineteenth
century to the present.

Specifically contributors are needed for the following 600-word essays:

Doris Lessing's To Room Nineteen
Alice Monro (author entry) and "Meneseteung,"
Nadine Gordimer (author entry) and essays on "Town and Country Lovers" and
"The Train from Rhodesia"
both of which I've seen anthologized in American textbooks.
Helen Simpson (author entry)

CFP: 49th Parallel: Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
eva rus

CFP: 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Call for journal submissions

Spring 2006: Open Issue

49th Parallel is an interdisciplinary e-journal of the
University of Birmingham (UK) devoted to American and
Canadian studies that looks to promote innovative and
challenging academic work. The journal takes its name
from the 1,270 mile border separating USA and Canada,
and in this sense is keen to encourage dialogues and
debates which transcend the boundaries of customary
theoretical approaches to the culture, history, and
politics of the North American continent.

CFP: 49th Parallel: Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
eva rus

CFP: 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Call for journal submissions

Spring 2006: Open Issue

49th Parallel is an interdisciplinary e-journal of the
University of Birmingham (UK) devoted to American and
Canadian studies that looks to promote innovative and
challenging academic work. The journal takes its name
from the 1,270 mile border separating USA and Canada,
and in this sense is keen to encourage dialogues and
debates which transcend the boundaries of customary
theoretical approaches to the culture, history, and
politics of the North American continent.

CFP: 49th Parallel: Interdisciplinary Journal of North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
eva rus

CFP: 49th Parallel: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
North American Studies (2/28/06; journal issue)

Call for journal submissions

Spring 2006: Open Issue

49th Parallel is an interdisciplinary e-journal of the
University of Birmingham (UK) devoted to American and
Canadian studies that looks to promote innovative and
challenging academic work. The journal takes its name
from the 1,270 mile border separating USA and Canada,
and in this sense is keen to encourage dialogues and
debates which transcend the boundaries of customary
theoretical approaches to the culture, history, and
politics of the North American continent.

UPDATE: Durrell and the Archive: The Modernist Milieu (3/13/06; 6/25/06-6/29/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
James Gifford

Hello all,

We've extended the deadline for submission to Monday March 13th, 2006. In
particular, we're hoping to add more general or comparative papers on
archival studies, modernists, and Modernism to compliment author-specific

Decisions will be made on a rolling basis until the deadline, so early
submissions are welcome. Updates on the conference hotel, registration, and
speakers will continue to appear on the website.



On Miracle Ground XIV
Durrell and the Archive: The Modernist Milieu

June 25-29, 2006

UPDATE: Durrell and the Archive: The Modernist Milieu (3/13/06; 6/25/06-6/29/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
James Gifford

Hello all,

We've extended the deadline for submission to Monday March 13th, 2006. In
particular, we're hoping to add more general or comparative papers on
archival studies, modernists, and Modernism to compliment author-specific

Decisions will be made on a rolling basis until the deadline, so early
submissions are welcome. Updates on the conference hotel, registration, and
speakers will continue to appear on the website.



On Miracle Ground XIV
Durrell and the Archive: The Modernist Milieu

June 25-29, 2006

CFP: On the Outlook: Figures of the Messianic (2/20/06; 5/11/06-5/12/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
Thomas Crombez

A conference on "Messianism and the Law" will be organised by the Institute
of Jewish Studies (University of Antwerp) on 11-12 May 2006. The following
scholars have confirmed to speak: Giorgio Agamben, Moshe Idel, Aviezer
Ravitzky, Sigrid Weigel, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Astrid
Deuber-Mankowsky, Ashraf Noor, and Micha Brumlik. More information is
available on the website of the Institute for Jewish

CFP: On the Outlook: Figures of the Messianic (2/20/06; 5/11/06-5/12/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
Thomas Crombez

A conference on "Messianism and the Law" will be organised by the Institute
of Jewish Studies (University of Antwerp) on 11-12 May 2006. The following
scholars have confirmed to speak: Giorgio Agamben, Moshe Idel, Aviezer
Ravitzky, Sigrid Weigel, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Astrid
Deuber-Mankowsky, Ashraf Noor, and Micha Brumlik. More information is
available on the website of the Institute for Jewish

CFP: On the Outlook: Figures of the Messianic (2/20/06; 5/11/06-5/12/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
Thomas Crombez

A conference on "Messianism and the Law" will be organised by the Institute
of Jewish Studies (University of Antwerp) on 11-12 May 2006. The following
scholars have confirmed to speak: Giorgio Agamben, Moshe Idel, Aviezer
Ravitzky, Sigrid Weigel, Ada Rapoport-Albert, Astrid
Deuber-Mankowsky, Ashraf Noor, and Micha Brumlik. More information is
available on the website of the Institute for Jewish

CFP: International Courtly Literature Society (3/1/06; SAMLA, 11/10/06-11/12/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
Monty Laycox

The International Courtly Literature Society at SAMLA seeks papers on =
any topic related to Courtly Literature.

A full range of approaches to and perspectives on Courtly Literature is =

Please send 200-250-word proposals for 20-minute papers to:
Dr. Monty Laycox
1108 Longmeadow Lane
Monroe, NC 28110

OR E-mail to by 1 March 2006

In order for the proposal to be considered, include the following =

UPDATE: Edmonton Symposium on Empirical Studies of Literature and Culture (2/15/06; 4/20/06-4/21/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm

ESSE: Empirical Studies Symposium in Edmonton

The deadline for paper proposal submissions has been extended to February 15,

The Canadian members of REDES are pleased to announce the first ESSE (Empirical
Studies Symposium in Edmonton) Symposium. The theme of ESSE is "empirical,
historical, and pedagogical studies of language,
literature, and culture: trends and possibilities".

The symposium will take place at the University of Alberta, in the Senate
Chamber of the Old Arts Building, on Thursday April 20 and Friday 21, 2006. In
accordance with the aims of the REDES project, the Symposium is open to all
junior and senior researchers.

UPDATE: Edmonton Symposium on Empirical Studies of Literature and Culture (2/15/06; 4/20/06-4/21/06)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm

ESSE: Empirical Studies Symposium in Edmonton

The deadline for paper proposal submissions has been extended to February 15,

The Canadian members of REDES are pleased to announce the first ESSE (Empirical
Studies Symposium in Edmonton) Symposium. The theme of ESSE is "empirical,
historical, and pedagogical studies of language,
literature, and culture: trends and possibilities".

The symposium will take place at the University of Alberta, in the Senate
Chamber of the Old Arts Building, on Thursday April 20 and Friday 21, 2006. In
accordance with the aims of the REDES project, the Symposium is open to all
junior and senior researchers.

CFP: J. M. Coetzee (5/1/06; journal issue)

Monday, January 30, 2006 - 11:17pm
Stirrings Still

Stirrings Still is currently planning a special issue on the fiction of
South African novelist J. M. Coetzee. We are particularly interested in
essays dealing with Coetzee's most recent novel, _Slow Man_, but are please=
to consider essays dealing with any aspect of Coetzee's writing. The issue
is scheduled for publication this summer and all essays must reach us by Ma=
1, 2006. Essays may be submitted electronically to (please note the double 's' in the email

Articles should be no more than 30 pages in length and should follow the ML=
style sheet.
