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UPDATE: Historical Fiction (11/17/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Brian Adler

All travel and registration links on our website have now been
updated for 2007.
New Areas Added.
Still Accepting Proposals for Historical Fiction Panels
Proposal Deadline: November 17, 2006

Join the Southwest Texas PCA/ACA for our 28th annual meeting,
February 14-17, 2007 in beautiful, sunny, Albuquerque, New Mexico!

CRP: Small Presses/Little Magazines (11/20/06; SHARP, 7/11/07-7/15/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Christopher Harter

CFP: "Small Presses/Little Magazines of the Mimeograph Revolution: Their
Audiences and the Role of Printing Technologies"
Proposed Panel for The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and
Publishing (SHARP) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
July 11-15, 2007

CRP: Small Presses/Little Magazines (11/20/06; SHARP, 7/11/07-7/15/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Christopher Harter

CFP: "Small Presses/Little Magazines of the Mimeograph Revolution: Their
Audiences and the Role of Printing Technologies"
Proposed Panel for The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and
Publishing (SHARP) Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
July 11-15, 2007

CFP: Politics Area (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Leah Murray

*All travel and registration links on our website have now been updated for
2007. *
*New Areas Added.*
*Still Accepting Proposals for (Politics)*
*Proposal Deadline: November 15, 2006*

*Call for Papers: Politics Area**

*2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

28th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 14-17, 2007

CFP: Politics Area (11/15/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Leah Murray

*All travel and registration links on our website have now been updated for
2007. *
*New Areas Added.*
*Still Accepting Proposals for (Politics)*
*Proposal Deadline: November 15, 2006*

*Call for Papers: Politics Area**

*2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

28th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico

February 14-17, 2007

CFP: Monsterisms: Monsters and Monstrosities in Literature (grad) (1/5/07; 3/23/07-3/24/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
katie lewandowski

Concordia University =96 Department of English =96 Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Fifth Annual Graduate Colloquium

*Monsterisms *

* *

March 23rd-24th, 2007

As Enlightenment expression was giving way to Romanticism, Francisco Goya
wrote, "The sleep of reason produces monsters." His English contemporary
Mary Shelley offered a refutation in a monster born of Reason wide-awake.
The figure of the monster has long haunted literature; from the serpent in
the garden to Blake's Tyger in the night, from Hobbes's Leviathan to
Melville's Moby Dick,* *from Ovid's Metamorphoses to Kafka's Metamorphosis*=
* we have been fascinated by what may lurk behind our fragile visions of

CFP: Monsterisms: Monsters and Monstrosities in Literature (grad) (1/5/07; 3/23/07-3/24/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
katie lewandowski

Concordia University =96 Department of English =96 Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Fifth Annual Graduate Colloquium

*Monsterisms *

* *

March 23rd-24th, 2007

As Enlightenment expression was giving way to Romanticism, Francisco Goya
wrote, "The sleep of reason produces monsters." His English contemporary
Mary Shelley offered a refutation in a monster born of Reason wide-awake.
The figure of the monster has long haunted literature; from the serpent in
the garden to Blake's Tyger in the night, from Hobbes's Leviathan to
Melville's Moby Dick,* *from Ovid's Metamorphoses to Kafka's Metamorphosis*=
* we have been fascinated by what may lurk behind our fragile visions of

UPDATE: Investigating the Middlebrow (UK) (3/2/07; 6/23/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Erica Brown

The call for papers has been extended to 3rd March 2007.

Investigating the Middlebrow
One-Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd June 2007

middlebrow, n. and a.
colloq. Freq. derogatory.

UPDATE: Investigating the Middlebrow (UK) (3/2/07; 6/23/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Erica Brown

The call for papers has been extended to 3rd March 2007.

Investigating the Middlebrow
One-Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd June 2007

middlebrow, n. and a.
colloq. Freq. derogatory.

UPDATE: Investigating the Middlebrow (UK) (3/2/07; 6/23/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Erica Brown

The call for papers has been extended to 3rd March 2007.

Investigating the Middlebrow
One-Day Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, 23rd June 2007

middlebrow, n. and a.
colloq. Freq. derogatory.

CFP: Social Justice and Individual Responsiblity (1/16/07; 4/12/07-4/15/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Jim Spence

Call for Papers
Society for Value Inquiry: Social Justice and Individual Responsibility

April 12-15, 2007
Adrian College
Adrian, Michigan

The Society for Value Inquiry will hold its 34th Annual Conference at =
College in Adrian, MI. The conference will be interdisciplinary - =
submissions from all academic disciplines, from professionals at any =
stage in their career, are welcome. Submissions may be practically or =
theoretically oriented, and all papers pertaining to issues in ethics or =
value theory broadly construed will be considered.

CFP: Social Justice and Individual Responsiblity (1/16/07; 4/12/07-4/15/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Jim Spence

Call for Papers
Society for Value Inquiry: Social Justice and Individual Responsibility

April 12-15, 2007
Adrian College
Adrian, Michigan

The Society for Value Inquiry will hold its 34th Annual Conference at =
College in Adrian, MI. The conference will be interdisciplinary - =
submissions from all academic disciplines, from professionals at any =
stage in their career, are welcome. Submissions may be practically or =
theoretically oriented, and all papers pertaining to issues in ethics or =
value theory broadly construed will be considered.

CFP: Memory and Nostalgia (Turkey) (1/5/07; 5/9/07-5/11/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm

May 9-11, 2007

Ege University , Faculty of
Letters, Izmir ,

&ldquo;Memory and Nostalgia&rdquo;

CFP: Memory and Nostalgia (Turkey) (1/5/07; 5/9/07-5/11/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm

May 9-11, 2007

Ege University , Faculty of
Letters, Izmir ,

&ldquo;Memory and Nostalgia&rdquo;

CFP: Memory and Nostalgia (Turkey) (1/5/07; 5/9/07-5/11/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm

May 9-11, 2007

Ege University , Faculty of
Letters, Izmir ,

&ldquo;Memory and Nostalgia&rdquo;

CFP: Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature (12/1/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

"Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature"

CFP: Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature (12/1/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

"Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature"

CFP: Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature (12/1/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

"Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature"

CFP: Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature (12/1/06; EGSA, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

"Beyond the Gate: Exploring the Horizons of World Literature"

CFP: Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets (grad) (1/5/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm

Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets
English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
March 30-31, 2007

Call for papers and panels:

"Conversations Between the Sheets" is concerned with the direct and/or indirect discourse between texts that takes place when authors (whoever an author may be—from a single writer or coauthors to a community of editors, publishers, booksellers, etc.) interact with each other—alluding, referencing, paraphrasing, quoting, borrowing, sharing, stealing, extending, challenging, or opposing each others' ideas. Whether it is in the form of support, abuse, or simply recognition of ideas between writers, texts converse with each other.

CFP: Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets (grad) (1/5/07; 3/30/07-3/31/07)

Wednesday, November 8, 2006 - 5:14pm

Intertexuality: Conversations Between the Sheets
English Graduate Student Conference
The University of Tulsa
March 30-31, 2007

Call for papers and panels:

"Conversations Between the Sheets" is concerned with the direct and/or indirect discourse between texts that takes place when authors (whoever an author may be—from a single writer or coauthors to a community of editors, publishers, booksellers, etc.) interact with each other—alluding, referencing, paraphrasing, quoting, borrowing, sharing, stealing, extending, challenging, or opposing each others' ideas. Whether it is in the form of support, abuse, or simply recognition of ideas between writers, texts converse with each other.
