CFP: Themed Issue on Performance(s) of Extraction and Enslavement in the Global South
Note: The Journal of Global South Studies (University of Florida Press) has shown interest in publishing this special issue
Concept Note
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Note: The Journal of Global South Studies (University of Florida Press) has shown interest in publishing this special issue
Concept Note
Call for Abstracts for IJCV focus section: Analyzing Urban Conflicts in Light of the “Emotional Turn”
Guest Editors: Jörg Hüttermann and Johannes Ebner
This volume will explore the outsized influence of community discourses on how games are experienced. Cultures and discourses surrounding games significantly impact player experiences. Salen and Zimmerman (2004) describe open cultural contexts where "the exchange of meaning between a game and its surrounding cultural context can change and transform both the game and its environment”. Consalvo (2007) discusses how videogame paratexts, including guides and wikis, serve crucial functions in understanding approaches to gameplay. Similarly, Mukherjee (2015) views games as multifaceted “assemblages” that are deeply informed by surrounding cultures and communities.
When Zac Efron was cast as Ted Bundy in Netflix’s 2019 production, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, this decision received a mixed reception. Some argued that Efron was too much of a ‘queasily parodic hottie’ for the role (Bradshaw 2019). Meanwhile, there was a counter argument to state that Efron’s starring role was in fact clever mimicry of Bundy’s alleged sex appeal and charisma, two defining qualities that enabled him to become such a prolific violent offender. Significantly though, Efron is far from the only conventionally attractive and high-profile actor to be cast in the role of a violent criminal.
Title: Religious Encounters: Text, Travel, and Tradition
As Michael Pasquier rightly suggests, the concept of 'religion' is relatively modern, emerging predominantly through political and scientific innovations. However, this does not imply that notions of the 'sacred' or 'spiritual' were absent in earlier times. From the dawn of human existence, individuals have sought to create meaning around themselves and their place in the world. This quest to explain the origin of life and the universe has led to the creation of sacred histories, narratives, oral mythological traditions, texts, symbols, and sites.
The poet’s eye, in fine frenzy rolling,
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;
And as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet’s pen
Turns them to shapes and gives to airy nothing
A local habitation and a name (5.1.17).
We are a brand-new INDEPENDENT zine focused on Max Stirner/Egoism/Anarcho-Egoism related work.
Have a look at the information here:
Submission Guidelines:
For the annual print zine we are looking for various contributions!!!
So if you enjoy Max Stirner and his work and you are an academic (political & social science, humanities, media studies, linguistics, literary studies, philosophy), artist, writer, blogger or content creator, please feel free to submit.
Submissions can include:
Photo Essays
Graduate Symposium Johns Hopkins-Yale
Alien Perspectives
October 25-26, 2024
The Italian programs at Johns Hopkins and Yale Universities welcome submissions for the second edition of the graduate symposium to be held in person on October 25-26, 2024 at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Anthology Call for Submissions - UPDATED DEADLINE 8/1/24 For this astrology-themed anthology, we are looking for 12 stories—one for each Zodiac sign. Writers should submit a short story that aligns with their sign. (So, for example, a Virgo writer would submit a story that has Virgo vibes, Virgo characters, or embodies Virgo-ness in some way. Feel free to get creative with the connection!)
Open to literary fiction, experimental fiction, and genre fiction.
International conference celebrating the 10 year anniversary of Genre en séries
France’s #MeToo in Film and Media:
Establishing an academic research subject
East-West Cultural Passage
Special Issue: Representations of Disaster in the Humanities, September 2024
Submission deadline: 1 August 2024
Novels and Book History, an area of the Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association, is currently accepting proposals for the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) conference in Atlantic City, NJ to be held November 7-9, 2024.
This area welcomes all explorations of the novel and/or the history of the book as they interact with American and/or popular culture. Subjects include genre fiction, authors and authorship, literary time periods, cultures, settings, reading, publishing, media studies, bookishness, and representations of books/reading in other media.
The H. G. Wells Society Annual Conference
H. G. Wells and the Anthropocene: Time, Earth, and Us
Saturday 21 September 2024 (hybrid: online and at The Art Workers’ Guild, London, UK)
Keynote speaker: Dr David Shackleton, author of British Modernism and the Anthropocene: Experiments with Time, University of Cardiff.
Frontiers and Wastelands: The Boundaries of US American Identity
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid | November 25–26, 2024
Neo/noir and Thriller Imaginaries in US American Culture
Virtual Conference | September 6–7, 2024
Call for Chapter Proposals for an Edited Collection
No Lost Causes: An Anthology of Conservative Writing on Art, Society, and Culture
We are looking for a few more contributions to our collection on trans parenting:
This anthology explores trans parenting and raising trans/non binary children from a broad, interdisciplinary perspective. We welcome submissions that explore various dimensions of trans parenting in literary, cultural, artistic, political, historical, social, and economic contexts.
Multi-ConTEXT: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institute for Humanities Research
& BK21 Multi-ConTEXT Team
Department of English Language and Literature
Chungbuk National University
Cheongju, The Republic of Korea
October 11~12, 2024
Proposal deadline: July 15, 2024 (extended)
Keynote Speakers:
Dennis Yi Tenen (Columbia University)
*DEADLINE EXTENDED* Poetry & Poetry Studies at MAPACA 2024
November 7-9, 2024
Atlantic City, NJ
The Poetry and Poetry Studies area at the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association (MAPACA) seeks creative and critical proposals for this year’s annual conference.
Call for a Replacement Chapter on Race:
The Routledge Research Companion to Toni Morrison
Editor: Maureen E. Ruprecht Fadem, CUNY
This is a call for chapter proposals for The Routledge Research Companion to Toni Morrison. This companion text is intended for a scholarly audience and as support for newer Morrison scholars as they approach their research.
Each chapter of the book is to have a dual function: 1) to review the Morrison scholarship in whatever general terrain the chapter falls within, and 2) to offer a new reading of Morrison in that area.
Conference will be held November 7-9, 2024, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
Travel and Tourism Studies as a discipline continues to gain popularity in academia, in part because of its inter-disciplinary nature. The Travel and Tourism area seeks papers that discuss and explore any aspect of travel and/or tourism. Topics for this area include, but are not limited to, the following:-
- travel and gender/race/class
- travel and religion
- travel and war
- personal travel narratives
- heritage tourism
- material culture and tourism
- virtual travel and tourism: How has COVID affected travel around the globe?
For Critical Insights volume under contract:
Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms
Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) 2024 Annual Conference, November 7-9, 2024 in Atlantic City, NJ
UPDATED: Deadline has been extended to Sunday, July 7th!
“Rewriting and Resisting Response” (RRR)
April 2024
Call for Papers
CFP: J.R.R. Tolkien & Children’s Lit
A Special Issue of Children’s Literature Association Quarterly
Joseph T. Thomas, Jr., Guest Editor
San Diego State University
The deadline for submissions to this special issue is September 15, 2024.
[for French and Spanish, see below]
Call for Contributions – IN VIVO ARTS – Issue No. 2
“I canna’ change the laws of physics”: Depictions of Science in Popular Culture
PopCRN (the Popular Culture Network) is back with a free virtual symposium exploring science in popular culture. To be held online on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th of October 2024.
UPDATED Call for Papers: Preternatural in Popular Culture
Monsters & the Monstrous Area of the Northeast Popular Culture Association
2024 Annual Conference of the Northeast Popular Culture Association
Nichols College (Dudley, MA) and Zoom, 3-5 October 2024
Proposals due by 1 July 2024
The Monsters & the Monstrous Area of the Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) invites submissions under the general theme of the Preternatural in Popular Culture.
The Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) The Body, Fashion, and Popular Culture Area invites submissions for NEPCA’s annual conference which will be held online and in person at Nichols College, MA, October 3 – 5, 2024. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday and Friday via Zoom. In-person sessions will take place on Saturday but will be also be available via Zoom for participation of our many colleagues.
This panel proposes an exploration of how the early 20th-century avant-garde movements, renowned for their radical innovations, drew profound inspiration from esoteric practices such as theosophy, occultism, spiritualism, mysticism, and Kabbalah. The focus will be on examining how these seemingly disparate worlds converged, shaping artistic production across various disciplines.