CFP: Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA (10/15/05; CEA, 4/6/06-4/8/06)
"Long Ago and Far Inland: SEA at CEA"
37th Annual College English Association Conference
San Antonio, TX April 6-8 2006
Many works of sea literature come ashore for significant portions of their =
plots, stretching the genre of sea literature itself. This year SEA at =
CEA invites your thoughts on these "trans-genred" works which adopt =
landlocked regions to fulfill their seaborn themes. As usual, SEA at CEA =
will also host your submissions on all watery topics.
Send a fifty-word abstract by October 15, 2005, to Bob Madison, Department =
of English, U.S. Naval Academy, 107 Maryland Ave, Annapolis MD 21402 or =, including all your contact information.