ReFocus: The Films of Lucian Pintilie
ReFocus: The Films of Lucian Pintilie
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ReFocus: The Films of Lucian Pintilie
"Environment, Health, and Well-being"
(Book Series at Michigan State University Press)
Journal of Liberty and International Affairs now receives papers for its next 2024 issue (Vol. 10, No. 3, 2024). The journal aims to provide an active international forum for analysis, research, and debate in the fields of political sciences, international relations, and law. Papers that develop theoretical arguments or offer strong empirical evidence as either comparative or single-case studies are welcome. The journal is indexed in EBSCO, DOAJ, Crossref, CEEOL, SSOAR, ERIHPLUS, HeinOnline, CIAO, ProQuest, ANVUR (Class A), WorldCat, Dimensions, etc.
"Grey is flexible, malleable; it can be pushed and pulled in different directions, worked and reworked into new, unanticipated materiality and meaning. Grey is not fixed: it both reflects and absorbs light, and it extends the spectrum between black and white, between the extremes of all other colors. Grey has the capacity to move its viewer beyond the materiality of paint. [...] Grey is the color that best describes this perspective on the twentieth century, the metals in which it is built, the factories in which it is produced, the cities in which it is lived" (Guerin, 2018, 7-8).
The 3rd International Humanities–Society–Identity Congress: Diversity in Equality Programme Committee is looking forward to welcoming you to Warsaw. The Congress embraces the study of all aspects pertaining to the notions of Humanities – Society – Identity. The focus is on the changes observed in those three areas with the main question being how to balance diversity and equality. The Congress Programme comprises two plenary lectures, a debate, general sessions and theme panel sessions.
We welcome proposals for individual research papers as well as panel sessions on specific themes.
We are excited to announce the inaugural Boston University English Graduate Students Conference, NOISE: SILENCE & SOUND, to be held at Boston University on October 4th, 2024.
In the last few decades, scholars in the Humanities have found it necessary to examine the fundamental underpinnings upon which their disciplines are built. One of the primary questions that animated this re-examination has been regarding the very terms of our engagement with countries and communities that inhabit radically different social and moral life-worlds, living as they do outside the orbit of European Enlightenment values that still regulate both organization and practice within and outside the academy, across the world.
The 121st Annual Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Conference, Palm Springs, California, USA, Nov. 7-10, 2024
The Middle English Literature including Chaucer session at the 2024 conference of PAMLA (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association) is open to all papers that explore some aspect of Middle English poetry, prose, and/or Chaucerian studies.
Dear Scholars and Creatives,
We are excited to announce the call for papers for The Liminal Age; the 26th Annual Graduate Conference hosted by San Francisco State University’s CINE Colloquium. Submit your work and join us on October 25th & 26th for a multidisciplinary exploration of the unique cultures, genres, and relationships fostered by the ever-shifting terrain of the online world. See the information below for a description of this year’s theme and instructions to submit your proposal.
CFP (Book Chapters): Animation and Seriality; Animation in Theatrical Spaces
Encyclopedia of Animation Studies Vol. 2: Techniques, Processes, Environments (Bloomsbury, 2026)
We would like to invite you to submit proposals for articles for thematic issues "Values – axiology – of culture".
The dynamic reality of the second decade of the 21st century makes us think of the surrounding world as a sphere of constant change, full of violent events, breaking ties with what until recently seemed traditional and unchangeable. It also provokes reflection on how the sense of axiological crisis has been dealt with over the centuries, to what extent the methods of overcoming this crisis developed at that time have opened up new perspectives for the development of culture, literature and language, to what degree they have turned out to be a trap, and finally to what extent they are used in contemporary creative activities.
Edited by John Kinsella and Nicholas Birns
Abstract of c. 500 words by the end of May 2024. For publication April 2025. See below for full details.
The issue is concerned with pacifism as both a mode of conceptualising and also interacting with the world. Non-violence is a characteristic of various spiritual and secular modes of both maintaining peace and also enacting conflict resolution, and this issue will have a strong focus on these agencies, but further, pacifism as a system of perceiving and interacting with the world, as a ‘complete’ philosophy will be considered.
Feminisms in the 21st-Century Science Fiction Novel; PAMLA (Nov. 7-10, 2024)
The 121st annual conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) will be held from Thursday, November 7, to Sunday, November 10, 2024, at the Margaritaville Resort, Palm Springs, California.
Feminisms in the 21st-Century Science Fiction Novel:
Advanced Unicorn Theory is an edited, peer-reviewed volume of interdisciplinary essays about the meaning of the modern image of the unicorn. Edited by Alicia King Anderson, Ph.D. in Mythological Studies and Depth Psychology, and contracted to be published by McFarland Press.
While scholarship about unicorns tends to stick with the history and art history around the image, the cultural meaning of the unicorn has moved on, largely outside of the notice of academia. Unicorns are perhaps more present now than they have been since the early 1980s in toy aisles, books, and television. What is it about the symbol of the unicorn that speaks to a modern mind?
Call for Papers for Issue Number 25
The issue 25 of Al-Kīmiyā, the Journal of the Faculty of Languages and Translation of Saint Joseph University of Beirut will receive, under the sign of diversity, articles covering various fields of research in translation and in language. Proposals can deal with issues that currently concern research in translation studies and language sciences. The choice of themes is left to researchers who will thus reflect in their articles the diversity of approaches and perspectives paving the way to dismantle the barriers among the disciplines.
Submission Guidelines
Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA)
2024 Annual Conference
November 7-9, 2024
Atlantic City, NJ
Tropicana Casino and Resort, Atlantic City
Call for Proposals
Proposals are welcome on all aspects of popular and American culture for inclusion in the 2024 Mid-Atlantic Popular & American Culture Association (MAPACA) conference in Atlantic City, NJ. Single papers, panels, roundtables, and alternative formats are welcome.
We kindly invite you to participate in the 27th Generative Art International Conference and we are very pleased to communicate to you that our Conference gained the support of the Italian National Commission of UNESCO for "the great value of the GA activities considering the result of the previous Conferences and the interest shown by researches from all over the world".
The location of the next GA conference is in Venice, Italy, at the UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe, Castello 4930, 30122 Venice.
The dates are the 17th, 18th, and 19th of December 2024. (
The conference focus on:
Call for Papers | International Congress Memory, legacy and presence in the public and media space: historical fascism and the radical right in the 20th and 21st centuriesExtension of the Call for Papers deadline until May 31st
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP)
Date: 26th and 27th September 2024
Promoter: Centre for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space and Memory (CITCEM)
Call for Papers:
Call for Panel, Roundtable and Seminar Proposals for the ESRA conference that will take place in Porto from the 9th to the 12th of July 2025.
The topic: Shakespeare and Time: the retrieved pasts, the envisaged futures
The confirmed plenary speakers: Michael Dobson (Shakespeare Institute, U. of Birmingham); Evelyn Gajowski (U. of Nevada, Las Vegas); Shaul Bassi (U. Ca’ Foscari Venezia); Boika Sokolova (U. of Notre Dame, England) and Kirilka Stavreva (Cornell College)
Please send your proposals until 3 June 2024 to the following email address:
~Proposal submission deadline has been extended to May 20th.~
Thanatic Ethics Conference #4
“Death and migration in times of conflict: a forensic perspective”
Sciences Po, Paris
in partnership with the Education University of Hong Kong
and EMMA (Paul Valery University Montpellier 3)
Venue: Sciences Po, Paris
Dates: Oct. 17-19, 2024
Language: English
In order to contribute to the duty of remembrance for the eightieth anniversary of France’s Liberation, FoReLLIS, MIMMOC, and Criham, research centres at the University of Poitiers, are organising, in partnership with Archives Départementales de la Vienne, CultureLLe, VRID-le Musée, M&V, Espace Mendès-France and Maison de la Poésie, a week of events around the Second World War from 7 to 11 October 2024. An international, multidisciplinary conference will be held from October 10 to October 11.
We invite manuscripts of scholarly articles (4000-6000 words) on any of the following: Bram Stoker, the novel Dracula, the historical Dracula, the vampire in folklore, fiction, film, popular culture, and related topics.
Submissions should be sent electronically (as an e-mail attachment in .docx). Please indicate the title of your submission in the subject line of your e-mail.
Please follow MLA style.
Contributors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions and ensuring observance of copyright.
Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed independently by at least two scholars in the field.
Copyright for published articles remains with the author.
Are you a queer person who attends or attended a Christian college, university, or seminary? Did you experience homophobia and/or transphobia while in attendance? Do you want to share your story in order to ensure what happened to you doesn’t happen to students in the future? Then I want to hear from you!
The 49th European Studies Concerence, which will be held on October 3-4, 2024, both online and in person at the University of Nebraska Omaha, welcomes papers on European topics in all disciplines.
Founded in 1975, our yearly, interdisciplinary conference draws participants from colleges and universities in the United States and from abroad. Areas of interest include art, anthropology, history, literature, current issues and prospects in cultural, political, social, economic, or military areas; education, business, international affairs, religion, foreign languages, philosophy, music, geography, theater, and film.
This year we will also offer special panels on the following topics:
–deadline extended to May 13th–
UCL Graduate Conference 2024
Close Reading in the Digital Age
In keeping with PAMLA's conference theme of "Translation in Action," this session invites papers that examine questions of translation and adaptation relevant to pornographic media, including but not limited to film and video, writing, and performance. I welcome papers covering any relevant period, topic, and method, from textual analysis to cultural histories to studies of pornographic production and consumption. Pornography provides an exemplary terrain on which to engage questions of adaptation as the eagerness of pornographers to adapt both low and high cultural works, from Twinklight (2010) to Spank Me, Mr. Darcy (2013), remains a reliable source of public fascination, humor, and outrage.
हाकारा । hākārā ( is a peer-reviewed bilingual journal of creative expression. The journal carries a thematic focus for each issue and is published online in Marathi and English. Please see the call for submissions below.
Call 21: Silence
The 2024 Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) will host its annual conference this fall as a hybrid conference from Thursday, October 3 – Saturday, October 5. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning via Zoom, and in-person sessions will take place on Friday evening and Saturday morning at Nichols College, Dudley, Massachusetts.
We are excited to be back together again face-to-face and to continue providing a virtual option for access and affordability. We are looking forward to another engaging and rewarding conference for new and seasoned members alike. We are seeking proposals for panels and presentations for this year’s conference, including proposals for the Philosophy, Belief, and Pop Culture Area.
The 2024 Northeast Popular Culture Association (NEPCA) will host its annual conference this fall as a hybrid conference from Thursday, October 3 – Saturday, October 5. Virtual sessions will take place on Thursday evening and Friday morning via Zoom, and in-person sessions will take place on Friday evening and Saturday morning at Nichols College, Dudley, Massachusetts.
We are excited to be back together again face-to-face and to continue providing a virtual option for access and affordability. We are looking forward to another engaging and rewarding conference for new and seasoned members alike. We are seeking proposals for panels and presentations for this year’s conference, including proposals for the Gender, Sex, and Sexuality Area.
CFP: “Poetry and the Gothic” Edited Volume Call for Papers
Poetry has been an integral part of the Gothic mode since its inception. However, the connection between poetry and the Gothic seems a less explored area of critical inquiry, in comparison to fiction. While the Graveyard Poets and other Anglophone poetry movements are already considered foundational to the Gothic mode, our edited collection seeks to broaden the scope of what can be conceived of as “Gothic poetry” or poetry inspired by the Gothic.