Call for Papers : International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies
International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)
ISSN : 1832-624N 2974-5962 (Print)
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International Journal of Humanities, Art and Social Studies (IJHAS)
ISSN : 1832-624N 2974-5962 (Print)
Call for Essays
Studies in Memory of Donald C. Baker (1928-2019)
Call for essays for a book on the late medievalist Donald C. Baker who left us in 2019.
Donald C. Baker taught English Literature at the University of Colorado, Boulder, for twenty years then pursued teaching opportunities in Finland, England, Tunisia, Jordan, and Macau.
Donald C. Baker published or co-published a variety of books and articles (in PMLA, Studia Neophilologica, Speculum, Studies in Philology, Philological Quarterly, The Literary) on Geoffrey Chaucer and Beowulf in particular.
All forms of liteary studies (around 6,000 words using APA style) are welcome.
Existence and Coexistence in the Age of Crises
The American Studies Association of Korea (ASAK)
October 17-18, 2025
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Mel Y. Chen, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Jasbir Puar, University of British Columbia, Canada
Ok Yeon Yi, Seoul National University, Korea
Deadline extended for The Handbook of Trans Cinema. We warmly invite additional chapters, with high priority for chapters exploring transgender films from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Oceania, and Europe. Proposals due March 6. We already have 40+ confirmed chapters exploring trans films from 6 continents. Following this list of confirmed chapters, you will find details about how to submit your proposal for additional chapters. The handbook will include only one chapter for each topic, so please do not send proposals for any of the confirmed chapters listed here:
Ecocritical Theory and Practice, a book series published by Lexington Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, is seeking proposals at the interface of literary/cultural studies and the environment.
Critical Plant Studies, a book series published by Lexington Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, calls us to re-examine in fundamental ways our understanding of and engagement with plants, drawing on diverse disciplinary perspectives. A sampling of topics appropriate for this series includes but is not limited to:
Environment and Society, a book series published by Lexington Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing, is seeking proposals covering a broad range of topics in environmental studies from the perspectives of the social sciences and humanities. Learn more about the 30 books already in the series on the publisher’s website:
Space is not defined objectively, but in relation to bodies, as it is a manifestation of their needs, intentions, and desires. It is not a container in which objects exist but is intertwined with the body’s orientation in the world and its movements within the space. Human body, therefore, is at the centre of all spaces, which are more than a geometrical concept in abstraction. Individual bodies apprehend and appropriate space differently and give meaning to embedded systems and institutions through established and evolving associations. Any assumption of personalised space, whether private or public, is embedded with historical, cultural, and social meanings which help curate embodied experiences.
Language, Literature, and Interdisciplinary Studies (LLIDS), an open-access peer-reviewed academic e-journal, invites original and unpublished, interdisciplinary, research papers and book reviews from various interrelated disciplines including, but not limited to, literature, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, history, sociology, law, ecology, environmental science, and economics.
Social justice is the virtue which guides us in creating those organized human interactions we call institutions. In turn, social institutions, when justly organized, provide us with access to what is good for the person, both individually and in our associations with others. Social justice also imposes on each of us a personal responsibility to work with others to design and continually perfect our institutions as tools for personal and social development.
– The Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), Washington, D.C., USA
Call for Papers
International Seminar on Indigenous Studies: Envisioning Janjatiya Gaurav: The Legacy of Birsa Munda and the Decolonisation of ‘Global’ Indigenous Studies
Date: March 26-27, 2025
Venue: Durgapur Women’s College, Durgapur, West Bengal, India
Organised by the IQAC, Durgapur Women's College in collaboration with Peter Lang International Academic Publishers
Convenor: Dr. Amitayu Chakraborty, Assistant Professor of English, Durgapur Women's College
Convenor's Profile:
This is a call for chapter proposals on the late Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days reality TV series (2005-08) on the FX Channel for the FX Reader, an anthology of FX's best original TV series, which is under a two-volume book contract with Syracuse University Press. In each 30 Days episode, Spurlock, or some other person or group of people, would spend 30 days immersing themselves in a particular lifestyle or environment with which they are not familiar, which include such topics as working for minimum wage, being in prison, a Christian living as a Muslim, and others.
WRITING THE MIDWEST: A Symposium of Scholars and Creative Writers
The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature (SSML)
May 29-30, 2025. Kellogg Hotel and Convention Center, East Lansing, Michigan
About SSML and The Writing the Midwest Symposium: The Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature (SSML), founded in 1971, exists to support the study and dissemination of work in Midwestern literature, art, film, and scholarly study.
Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™ 2023: 0.2, 5 Year JIF: 0.2, Category Quartile: Q2, is now inviting papers on Future of Global Indigenous Literature and Arts.
Call for Papers:
The Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™ 2023: 0.2, 5 Year JIF: 0.2, Category Quartile: Q2) is now inviting dynamic board members. Apply HERE>>
Please complete the following form and indicate your choices. Working for the journal is voluntary, and no remuneration is paid. The information collected here will be kept confidential.
The Chitrolekha Journal on Art and Design (indexed by ProQuest Arts Premium Database, EBSCO Art & Architecture Core Source Database, Index Islamicus (Brill), Dimensions) is looking for dynamic editorial board members.
Apply here:
Please complete the following form and indicate your choices. Working for the journal is voluntary, and no remuneration is paid. The information collected here will be kept confidential.
See our Board:
About the Journal
Call for Papers:
The Art of Storytelling: Archetypes in Focus
A Transdisciplinary Conference
May 24-26, 2025
Conference Webpage:
May 24-25, 2025: Oxford University (and Online)
May 26: Online only
£180 (In person participation)
£100 (Online participation)
Prices exclude eventbrite fees
We live in an age of optimization. Norms of beauty and performance are relentlessly getting harder to achieve without modifying the psychophysiology of human beings. Humans are faced with choices and demands regarding increasing and reducing the size, mass, and weight of different body parts and the modification of the way they function. The normal no longer means the common, it means the optimal. From special diets and extreme workouts to silicon injections and from plastic surgery to brain chips, the human body is transforming into a workshop for different arts and technologies. The cosmetic surgery market, for example, is worth more than 57 billion dollars and is expected to continue to grow very fast.
“Rethinking the Humanities II: Past, Present, and Future”
***Non-Guaranteed Session***
The Milton Society of America invites proposals for a sponsored panel at the 2026 MLA Convention being held in Toronto, Canada. Papers (15 minutes in length) should examine Milton’s writings through a lens of adaptation studies, media studies, or reception studies, or their appropriation (social, legal, or political). Send 150-word abstract and brief cv to
JANUARY 8-11, 2026
The Ernest Hemingway Society will sponsor a panel at the upcoming MLA Conference:
The Sun Also Rises at 100
The 17th Annual Conference of the Victorian Popular Fiction Association
Heights, Depths, and Extremes
The Birmingham & Midland Institute, Birmingham UK
14th-16th July 2025
The Victorian Popular Fiction Association (VPFA) is delighted to announce its 17th annual conference for 2025, inviting scholars, researchers, and enthusiasts of Victorian literature to explore this year’s theme, Heights, Depths, and Extremes. This theme encourages an examination of the limits, boundaries, and expanses of Victorian popular fiction, encompassing everything from physical and metaphorical heights to the extremities of human emotion, imagination, and social structures.
The Milton Society of America invites proposals for a sponsored panel at the 2026 MLA Convention being held in Toronto, Canada. Papers (15 minutes in length) should bring attention to new work in Milton studies by early career scholars and to innovative approaches by scholars of any rank. Send 150-word abstract and brief cv to
1st International Conference
Contemporary Art & Extractivist Culture
14 May 2025: Facultat de Lletres, Universitat de Lleida
15 May 2025: Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona
Keynote Speakers: Dr. Juan Martín Prada (Universidad de Cádiz), Dr. Rick Dolphijn (Utrecht University), Dr. Joaquín Barriendos (Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey), Dra. Bárbara Fluxá (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Dra. Paula Bruna (artist and researcher), Gabriela Bettini (artist and researcher)
The Korean Association for Feminist Studies in English Literature (KAFSEL, will host a one-day international conference on “Asian Feminisms and Contemporary Cultural Production” on May 10, 2025. The bi-lingual (Korean and English) conference will be held at Seoul National University. We hope to promote a wide-ranging and inclusive discussion on contemporary women writers and artists in and around Asia, the varieties of feminist and queer interventions in Asian contexts, and new challenges in contemporary feminist theory. We welcome proposals for 15-20 minute papers related to the topics above. Graduate students are also welcome to submit proposals. Keynote speakers TBA shortly.
Hi folks,
I hope everyone is happy and well.
I would like to announce that I am putting together a new edited collection on horror film promotion in the US. At present, I am sketching out a due date for chapter submissions of January 2027, but obviously this can only really be provisional at this point. For the record, once a line-up is in place, I will be approaching Anthem Press about including the book in its "Series on Exploitation and Industry in World Cinema", of which I am a board member.
Selling Scary Movies: Horror Film Promotion & the American Market
Edited by Richard Nowell
Call for Presentations – The Solarpunk Conference 2025: Collective Care, Collective Power
Solarpunk is a growing subculture, existing across various veins of human endeavors, such as fiction, media, politics, technology, agriculture and urban planning and development. Solarpunk imagines an accessible, equitable world either without systemic barriers, or with those barriers in the process of disassembly, while championing intersectional social and climate justice. Drawing on ideas from permaculture, post- and trans-humanism, social ecology, and anarcho-socialism, while reacting against late stage capitalism, Solarpunk declares that our world is worth saving, and that saving it is possible.
Special Session Title: Spectral Kinships—The Churail as Gothic Double in South Asian Literature and Film
MLA 2026 Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada, January 8-11, 2026
Religion and the Arts is issuing a call for papers on the theme “Buddhism and Literary Nonfiction” for a special issue to be published in March, 2026. We are looking articles on the topic of Buddhism and literary nonfiction: including memoir, biography, the essay, literary and art criticism, the diary, the handbook, and the sermon or dharma talk. Articles should be roughly 5,000-10,000 words long. Color and black and white Images are also welcome, and should be 300 dpi for the size they are to be reproduced for photography/ 600 for linework.
Articles are due 1 September 2025. For inquiries, please contact James Najarian, editor, at
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
*** February issue***