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CFP: Book Reviews of Contemporary Poetry in English (journal)

Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 7:56pm
Kathryn Kirkpatrick

The editors of Cold Mountain Review are looking for reviewers of
contemporary poetry in English by practicing poets and scholars of
contemporary poetry. If you would like to join our reviewers list,
please send a cover letter and vita to

The Editors
Cold Mountain Review
Department of English
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

For queries about Cold Mountain Review and a sample issue, send an
e-mail message to

CFP: Book Reviews of Contemporary Poetry in English (journal)

Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 7:56pm
Kathryn Kirkpatrick

The editors of Cold Mountain Review are looking for reviewers of
contemporary poetry in English by practicing poets and scholars of
contemporary poetry. If you would like to join our reviewers list,
please send a cover letter and vita to

The Editors
Cold Mountain Review
Department of English
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

For queries about Cold Mountain Review and a sample issue, send an
e-mail message to

CFP: Book Reviews of Contemporary Poetry in English (journal)

Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 7:56pm
Kathryn Kirkpatrick

The editors of Cold Mountain Review are looking for reviewers of
contemporary poetry in English by practicing poets and scholars of
contemporary poetry. If you would like to join our reviewers list,
please send a cover letter and vita to

The Editors
Cold Mountain Review
Department of English
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

For queries about Cold Mountain Review and a sample issue, send an
e-mail message to

CFP: Mothering and Teaching in the Academe (5/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 4:02pm
Cheryl Dobinson


The editorial board is seeking submissions for Vol. 5.2 of the Journal
of The Association for Research on Mothering (ARM) to be published in
Fall/Winter 2003.

The journal will explore the subject:

Mothering and Teaching in the Academe

The journal will explore the topic of mothering and teaching in the
academe from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. We welcome
submissions from students, activists, scholars, artists and others who
work or research in this area. We also welcome creative reflections such
as: poetry, short stories, and artwork on the subject.

CFP: Sexualities, Technologies, and Writing (3/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:55pm
William P. Banks

Call for Papers
Computers and Composition
An International Journal for Teachers of Writing

"Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing"

We invite proposals for a special issue of Computers and Composition,
entitled "Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing," which will
explore the many varied and productive ways in which issues of sexuality are
discussed, debated, constructed, and critiqued in computer-assisted writing

The guest editors encourage submissions that explore a wide range of topics
from a variety of perspectives. The articles should be guided by, but are not
limited to, the following questions:

CFP: Sexualities, Technologies, and Writing (3/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:55pm
William P. Banks

Call for Papers
Computers and Composition
An International Journal for Teachers of Writing

"Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing"

We invite proposals for a special issue of Computers and Composition,
entitled "Sexualities, Technologies, and the Teaching of Writing," which will
explore the many varied and productive ways in which issues of sexuality are
discussed, debated, constructed, and critiqued in computer-assisted writing

The guest editors encourage submissions that explore a wide range of topics
from a variety of perspectives. The articles should be guided by, but are not
limited to, the following questions:

CFP: New Literatures in English (4/2003; special issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Francisco Yus

Dear all,

The Journal Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) seeks
submissions for the forthcoming special issue on "New Literatures in
English". The aim of this collection of essays is to explore the
different labels that have been used within the fields of the so-called
Postcolonial Studies, Commonwealth Studies and, more recently, New
Literatures in English. We particularly welcome scholarly manuscripts
both on creative writing and theoretical debates dealing with the
following topics:

-Nation, migration, diaspora



-Cultural identity


-Use of literary genres

CFP: New Literatures in English (4/2003; special issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Francisco Yus

Dear all,

The Journal Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) seeks
submissions for the forthcoming special issue on "New Literatures in
English". The aim of this collection of essays is to explore the
different labels that have been used within the fields of the so-called
Postcolonial Studies, Commonwealth Studies and, more recently, New
Literatures in English. We particularly welcome scholarly manuscripts
both on creative writing and theoretical debates dealing with the
following topics:

-Nation, migration, diaspora



-Cultural identity


-Use of literary genres

CFP: New Literatures in English (4/2003; special issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Francisco Yus

Dear all,

The Journal Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (RAEI) seeks
submissions for the forthcoming special issue on "New Literatures in
English". The aim of this collection of essays is to explore the
different labels that have been used within the fields of the so-called
Postcolonial Studies, Commonwealth Studies and, more recently, New
Literatures in English. We particularly welcome scholarly manuscripts
both on creative writing and theoretical debates dealing with the
following topics:

-Nation, migration, diaspora



-Cultural identity


-Use of literary genres

CFP: Global James (3/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Global James"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2003 Forum on "Global James."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

UPDATE: Derek Walcott Festschrift (5/2003; collection)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Robert Hamner

DEREK WALCOTT FESTSCHRIFT. Abstracts of 500 words or original papers of
20-25 pages in length are being solicited for a proposed festschrift
honoring Derek Walcott on the occasion of his 75th birthday, January
2005. Papers that are accepted are to be published in a special issue of
Callaloo before being printed in book form. Submissions will be accepted
through May 2003.
        The editors seek essays addressing specific poems, plays, collections
(especially those that have received little attention.) Walcott's
affinity for classical literature is manifest in works other than his
epic "Omeros." Editors also encourage broader theses on techniques,

CFP: Global James (3/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Global James"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2003 Forum on "Global James."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

CFP: Global James (3/1/03; journal issue)

Saturday, May 25, 2002 - 3:54pm
Service Account hjamesr

Forum on "Global James"

Submissions are invited for a Fall 2003 Forum on "Global James."
Contributions may address any aspect of the topic, including:

CFP: New Queer Studies CFP website (no deadline)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:40pm
D.C. Rose

May I draw your readers' attention to QUEER-E, a message board for CfPs for
any conference or journal where papers or articles that are written from a
queer/gay/lesbian studies viewpoint are welcomed; in any discipline and for
any period.

It is edited by Michael O'Rourke and Noreen Giffney of University College,

We should like to hear from any academic who is arranging such a conference
or editing a journal. We emphasise that this is only for notices of a
scholarly nature; we will not ourselves be publishing any material other
than calls for papers. These can be sent to

CFP: The Journal of New Media & Culture (e-journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:33pm
Jonathan Lillie


NMEDIAC : The Journal of New Media & Culture (, an online
peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is accepting paper submissions for its
second issue of 2002: Summer 2002 (August 15 launch date).

The submission deadline for materials to be considered for the Summer 2002
issue is July 1.

CFP: The Journal of New Media & Culture (e-journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:33pm
Jonathan Lillie


NMEDIAC : The Journal of New Media & Culture (, an online
peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is accepting paper submissions for its
second issue of 2002: Summer 2002 (August 15 launch date).

The submission deadline for materials to be considered for the Summer 2002
issue is July 1.

CFP: The Journal of New Media & Culture (e-journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:33pm
Jonathan Lillie


NMEDIAC : The Journal of New Media & Culture (, an online
peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is accepting paper submissions for its
second issue of 2002: Summer 2002 (August 15 launch date).

The submission deadline for materials to be considered for the Summer 2002
issue is July 1.

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

CFP: Technologies: Studies in Culture and Theory (ongoing; book series)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:25pm
gary hall

Call for Contributions

New Book Series from Continuum

Studies in Culture and Theory

Gary Hall & Chris Hables Gray

Parveen Adams, Keith Ansell-Pearson, Jim Falk, Steve Graham, Donna
Haraway, Deborah Heath, Manuel De Landa, Paul Patton, Constance Penley,
Kevin Robins, Avital Ronell, Andrew Ross, Allucquere Rosanne

CFP: European Medieval Drama (journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:17pm

X-posted from PERFORM

Dear Colleagues


I am writing (i) to inform you about major changes in the administration
and academic activities of the journal European Medieval Drama (EMD);
(ii) to invite all scholars who work on medieval drama to consider
publishing their work in EMD; and (iii) to urge you and your University
Library to take out a subscription to EMD.

CFP: European Medieval Drama (journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:17pm

X-posted from PERFORM

Dear Colleagues


I am writing (i) to inform you about major changes in the administration
and academic activities of the journal European Medieval Drama (EMD);
(ii) to invite all scholars who work on medieval drama to consider
publishing their work in EMD; and (iii) to urge you and your University
Library to take out a subscription to EMD.

CFP: European Medieval Drama (journal)

Friday, May 17, 2002 - 5:17pm

X-posted from PERFORM

Dear Colleagues


I am writing (i) to inform you about major changes in the administration
and academic activities of the journal European Medieval Drama (EMD);
(ii) to invite all scholars who work on medieval drama to consider
publishing their work in EMD; and (iii) to urge you and your University
Library to take out a subscription to EMD.
