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CFP: Benjamin and the Post-Secular (12/15/06; EGSA LSU, 2/16/07-2/17/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Matthew Landers

LSU EGSA Mardi Gras Conference on Language and Literature.
Feb. 16-17, 2007
Lod Cook Alumni Center
Baton Rouge, LA

Members Only: Gatekeepers and the Future of Literary Studies

Keynote Speaker: Timothy Brennan, Professor of Comparative Literature,
Cultural Studies, and English, The University of Minnesota.
Selected Publications: Wars of Position: Cultural Politics of Left and
Right (2005), Ed. Music in Cuba (2001), At Home in the World:
Cosmopolitanism Now (1997).

CFP: Benjamin and the Post-Secular (EGSA LSU 12/15/06; 2/16/07-2/17/07)

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (panel moderated by Bruce

CFP: Harriet Beecher Stowe Society (1/15/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Tess Chakkalakal

The Harriet Beecher Stowe Society at the ALA in Boston, May 2007

The recent publicaton of "The Annotated Uncle Tom's Cabin" edited by =
Henry Louis Gates signals the importance of Harriet Beecher Stowe on =
African American authors and the development of the literary traditio=
n as a whole. The Harriet Beecher Stowe Society invites papers for a=
 session that investigates the nature of Stowe's influence on African=
 American literary=20
production. Paper topics may consider Stowe's influence on any aspec=
t of African American literary production. Please email a 250-word a=
bstract to:=20
Tess Chakkalakal at by 15 January 2007.=20

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (panel moderated by Bruce

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Figures of Intellectual Labor (panel moderated by Bruce

UPDATE: Sports Culture, Film and Literature (12/1/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Gregory Thompson

Call for Papers: Sports Culture, Film and Literature

2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

28th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico


February 14-17, 2007


The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning
or first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at
this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at:


UPDATE: Sports Culture, Film and Literature (12/1/06; SW/TX PCA/ACA, 2/14/07-2/17/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Gregory Thompson

Call for Papers: Sports Culture, Film and Literature

2007 Southwest/Texas Popular Culture/American Culture Association

28th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico


February 14-17, 2007


The 2007 SW/TX PCA/ACA Conference will be held in Albuquerque, New
Mexico at the Hyatt Regency downtown. Join us this year, as a returning
or first-time participant, as we celebrate a new future on Route 66 at
this regional popular culture conference. Further details regarding the
conference (listing of all areas, hotel, registration, tours, etc.) can
be found at:


CFP: Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cultures (Australia) (1/20/07; 4/12/07

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Robert Clarke

Call for Papers for a Symposium on
"Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures"

Thursday and Friday 12-13 April 2007
University of Queensland

Deadline for Abstract: 20 January 2007

Colonialism produces its fair share of celebrities, yet the meanings, forms,
and functions of celebrities within colonial and post-colonial cultures have
received little scholarly attention.

The Postcolonial Research Group of the University of Queensland invites
proposals for papers for a symposium on Celebrity Colonialism to be held at
the University of Queensland in April 2007.

CFP: Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cultures (Australia) (1/20/07; 4/12/07

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Robert Clarke

Call for Papers for a Symposium on
"Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures"

Thursday and Friday 12-13 April 2007
University of Queensland

Deadline for Abstract: 20 January 2007

Colonialism produces its fair share of celebrities, yet the meanings, forms,
and functions of celebrities within colonial and post-colonial cultures have
received little scholarly attention.

The Postcolonial Research Group of the University of Queensland invites
proposals for papers for a symposium on Celebrity Colonialism to be held at
the University of Queensland in April 2007.

CFP: Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and Post-Colonial Cultures (Australia) (1/20/07; 4/12/07

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Robert Clarke

Call for Papers for a Symposium on
"Celebrity Colonialism: Fame, Representation, and Power in Colonial and
Post-Colonial Cultures"

Thursday and Friday 12-13 April 2007
University of Queensland

Deadline for Abstract: 20 January 2007

Colonialism produces its fair share of celebrities, yet the meanings, forms,
and functions of celebrities within colonial and post-colonial cultures have
received little scholarly attention.

The Postcolonial Research Group of the University of Queensland invites
proposals for papers for a symposium on Celebrity Colonialism to be held at
the University of Queensland in April 2007.

CFP: VIII Conference on Women's Studies (Spain) (12/20/06; 3/12/07-0/14/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Jornadas de la Mujer. Dp. Filología Inglesa

Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
March 12-14, 2007

The Departments of English Philology I and II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, are calling for papers on the topics listed below for the VIII Conference on Women's Studies. The Organizing Committee for this Conference, featuring national and international speakers, will publish selected texts in the Women's Studies Series, Vol. VI.

Sessions: 20 minutes, plus 10 for questions

Topics (suggested but not limited to):

CFP: Early War Films (UK) (1/15/07; Screen Conference, 7/5/07-7/8/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Philippa Gates

[Apologies for cross-posting]Call for Papers for Panel on Early War Films =
Screen Studies ConferenceUniversity of Glasgow, ScotlandJuly 6-8, 2007 =
Proposals are invited for a panel of papers on Early War Films for the =
Screen Studies Conference University of Glasgow, July 6-8, 2007 Recently, =
the war film has returned to popularity with Hollywood and its audiences =
and garnered increasing attention from scholars and critics; however, the =
focus has been mainly of the Second World War and the conflicts of the =
latter half of the twentieth century. It was not long after the birth of =
cinema in 1895 that the new medium was employed to capture international =

CFP: VIII Conference on Women's Studies (Spain) (12/20/06; 3/12/07-0/14/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Jornadas de la Mujer. Dp. Filología Inglesa

Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
March 12-14, 2007

The Departments of English Philology I and II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, are calling for papers on the topics listed below for the VIII Conference on Women's Studies. The Organizing Committee for this Conference, featuring national and international speakers, will publish selected texts in the Women's Studies Series, Vol. VI.

Sessions: 20 minutes, plus 10 for questions

Topics (suggested but not limited to):

CFP: VIII Conference on Women's Studies (Spain) (12/20/06; 3/12/07-0/14/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Jornadas de la Mujer. Dp. Filología Inglesa

Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
March 12-14, 2007

The Departments of English Philology I and II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, are calling for papers on the topics listed below for the VIII Conference on Women's Studies. The Organizing Committee for this Conference, featuring national and international speakers, will publish selected texts in the Women's Studies Series, Vol. VI.

Sessions: 20 minutes, plus 10 for questions

Topics (suggested but not limited to):

CFP: Early War Films (UK) (1/15/07; Screen Conference, 7/5/07-7/8/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Philippa Gates

[Apologies for cross-posting]Call for Papers for Panel on Early War Films =
Screen Studies ConferenceUniversity of Glasgow, ScotlandJuly 6-8, 2007 =
Proposals are invited for a panel of papers on Early War Films for the =
Screen Studies Conference University of Glasgow, July 6-8, 2007 Recently, =
the war film has returned to popularity with Hollywood and its audiences =
and garnered increasing attention from scholars and critics; however, the =
focus has been mainly of the Second World War and the conflicts of the =
latter half of the twentieth century. It was not long after the birth of =
cinema in 1895 that the new medium was employed to capture international =

CFP: VIII Conference on Women's Studies (Spain) (12/20/06; 3/12/07-0/14/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Jornadas de la Mujer. Dp. Filología Inglesa

Facultad de Filología, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
March 12-14, 2007

The Departments of English Philology I and II, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, are calling for papers on the topics listed below for the VIII Conference on Women's Studies. The Organizing Committee for this Conference, featuring national and international speakers, will publish selected texts in the Women's Studies Series, Vol. VI.

Sessions: 20 minutes, plus 10 for questions

Topics (suggested but not limited to):

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (panel moderated
by Marianne Hirsch)

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (panel moderated
by Marianne Hirsch)

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (grad) (12/31/06; 3/2/07-3/3/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm

Panel for Figures of Comparison in the Humanities and the Social
Sciences, the second annual graduate student conference of The
Center for Comparative Literature and Society (CCLS)

Date/Place: March 2nd-3rd, 2007/ Columbia University, New York

CFP: Unthinking Generations: Kinship and Comparison (panel moderated
by Marianne Hirsch)

CFP: Stephen Crane Sessions at ALA (1/1/07; ALA, 5/24/07-5/27/07)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 10:56pm
Donna Campbell

Call for Papers
ALA 2007

The Stephen Crane Society will sponsor two sessions at the American
LIterature Association Conference at the Westin Copley Place in Boston on
May 24-27, 2007.

1. Stephen Crane's Western Tales

2. Open. Any aspect of Crane's work or life will be considered.

Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes.

Please e-mail abstracts or papers of no more than ten double-spaced pages by
1 January 2007 to the program chair:

Patrick K. Dooley,
