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CFP: Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing (grad) (12/1/05; 3/3/06-3/4/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am
John Miles

=93Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing=94=20

The Southwest Symposium: A Graduate Student Conference at the =
University of New Mexico March 3 and 4


Featuring Keynote Speaker Gerald Vizenor (UNM professor and acclaimed =
author of such works as Manifest Manners, Trickster of Liberty, and =
Griever: An American Monkey King in China) on Friday, March 3rd.

With Special Guest Jack Loeffler (author of Adventures With Ed: A =
Portrait of Abbey) on Saturday, March 4th.


CFP: Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing (grad) (12/1/05; 3/3/06-3/4/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am
John Miles

=93Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing=94=20

The Southwest Symposium: A Graduate Student Conference at the =
University of New Mexico March 3 and 4


Featuring Keynote Speaker Gerald Vizenor (UNM professor and acclaimed =
author of such works as Manifest Manners, Trickster of Liberty, and =
Griever: An American Monkey King in China) on Friday, March 3rd.

With Special Guest Jack Loeffler (author of Adventures With Ed: A =
Portrait of Abbey) on Saturday, March 4th.


CFP: Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing (grad) (12/1/05; 3/3/06-3/4/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am
John Miles

=93Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing=94=20

The Southwest Symposium: A Graduate Student Conference at the =
University of New Mexico March 3 and 4


Featuring Keynote Speaker Gerald Vizenor (UNM professor and acclaimed =
author of such works as Manifest Manners, Trickster of Liberty, and =
Griever: An American Monkey King in China) on Friday, March 3rd.

With Special Guest Jack Loeffler (author of Adventures With Ed: A =
Portrait of Abbey) on Saturday, March 4th.


CFP: Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing (grad) (12/1/05; 3/3/06-3/4/06)

Monday, October 24, 2005 - 3:09am
John Miles

=93Intersections: Literature, Rhetoric, Theory and Creative Writing=94=20

The Southwest Symposium: A Graduate Student Conference at the =
University of New Mexico March 3 and 4


Featuring Keynote Speaker Gerald Vizenor (UNM professor and acclaimed =
author of such works as Manifest Manners, Trickster of Liberty, and =
Griever: An American Monkey King in China) on Friday, March 3rd.

With Special Guest Jack Loeffler (author of Adventures With Ed: A =
Portrait of Abbey) on Saturday, March 4th.


CFP: Nations and their Pasts: Representing the Past, Building the Future (UK) (11/1/05; 3/28/06-3/29/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:47am

16th Annual ASEN Conference:=20

"Nations and their Pasts : Representing the Past, Building the Future"=20

28-29 March 2006, London School of Economics=20



The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is
holding its 16th Annual Conference, entitled "Nations and their Pasts:
Representing the Past, Building the Future", on Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 28-29, 2006, at the London School of Economics.=20

CFP: Nations and their Pasts: Representing the Past, Building the Future (UK) (11/1/05; 3/28/06-3/29/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:47am

16th Annual ASEN Conference:=20

"Nations and their Pasts : Representing the Past, Building the Future"=20

28-29 March 2006, London School of Economics=20



The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN) is
holding its 16th Annual Conference, entitled "Nations and their Pasts:
Representing the Past, Building the Future", on Tuesday and Wednesday,
March 28-29, 2006, at the London School of Economics.=20

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (UK) (12/1/05; 6/30/06-7/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:38am
Robin Stephen Gilbank

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (abstract deadline =
12/1/05; conference dates 06/30/06-07/01/06)

This conference represents the first full-scale opportunity to examine =
the production and circulation of religious texts within the northern =
counties of England between 1100-1500. In recent years critical =
attention has focused on the role played by works by the Yorkshire =
hermit Richard Rolle (c. 1300-49) in revitalising lay spirituality. This =
interdisciplinary event widens the scope of the investigation to =
consider genres as diverse as drama and hagiography, which offer insight =
into religious devotion and practices in the region.

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (UK) (12/1/05; 6/30/06-7/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:38am
Robin Stephen Gilbank

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (abstract deadline =
12/1/05; conference dates 06/30/06-07/01/06)

This conference represents the first full-scale opportunity to examine =
the production and circulation of religious texts within the northern =
counties of England between 1100-1500. In recent years critical =
attention has focused on the role played by works by the Yorkshire =
hermit Richard Rolle (c. 1300-49) in revitalising lay spirituality. This =
interdisciplinary event widens the scope of the investigation to =
consider genres as diverse as drama and hagiography, which offer insight =
into religious devotion and practices in the region.

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (UK) (12/1/05; 6/30/06-7/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:38am
Robin Stephen Gilbank

CFP: Northern English Religious Writers Conference (abstract deadline =
12/1/05; conference dates 06/30/06-07/01/06)

This conference represents the first full-scale opportunity to examine =
the production and circulation of religious texts within the northern =
counties of England between 1100-1500. In recent years critical =
attention has focused on the role played by works by the Yorkshire =
hermit Richard Rolle (c. 1300-49) in revitalising lay spirituality. This =
interdisciplinary event widens the scope of the investigation to =
consider genres as diverse as drama and hagiography, which offer insight =
into religious devotion and practices in the region.

CFP: British, American Literature &amp; Culture (11/7/05; MASAL, 3/3/06-3/4/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:14am
Thum, Maureen

>Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters
>MARCH 3-4 2006, Location: Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan
>Grad Students Welcome!
>British, American, Ethnic, Comparative literature, literature and

CFP: Comic Art &amp; Comics (10/31/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Gene Kannenberg, Jr.

Comic Art & Comics Area
Popular Culture Association Conference, April 12-16, 2006
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel - Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

The Comic Art & Comics Area of the PCA invites all comics scholars to
participate in the 2006 meeting of the Popular Culture Association and
American Culture Association. Details of the conference can be found
at the conference website: <>.

CFP: Divorce in Film (ASAP; collection)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am

Divorce in Film

We are editing a book entitled After Intimacy: The Culture of Divorce in the
West since 1789, contracted for publication in 2006 and consisting of a
collection of commissioned essays from scholars in the US and the UK,
ranging across European and American literature and culture.

CFP: Comic Art &amp; Comics (10/31/05; PCA/ACA, 4/12/06-4/16/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Gene Kannenberg, Jr.

Comic Art & Comics Area
Popular Culture Association Conference, April 12-16, 2006
Atlanta Marriott Marquis Hotel - Atlanta, GA 30303, USA

The Comic Art & Comics Area of the PCA invites all comics scholars to
participate in the 2006 meeting of the Popular Culture Association and
American Culture Association. Details of the conference can be found
at the conference website: <>.

CFP: Divorce in Film (ASAP; collection)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am

Divorce in Film

We are editing a book entitled After Intimacy: The Culture of Divorce in the
West since 1789, contracted for publication in 2006 and consisting of a
collection of commissioned essays from scholars in the US and the UK,
ranging across European and American literature and culture.

CFP: Constance Fenimore Woolson and Trans-Atlantic Concerns (1/10/06; SSAWW, 11/8/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am

The Constance Fenimore Woolson Society invites submissions for its
panel "Trans-Atlantic Woolson" at the next Society for the Study of American
Women Writers conference, to be held in Philadelphia, PA, November 8-11, 2006.
Suggested topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Woolson's
international reception; her European fiction in American publications;
Woolson's travel literature in the context of US foreign policy; comparisons
with her contemporaries (like James or Wharton), perhaps regarding trans-
Atlantic concerns; Woolson and the fin-de-siecle; and Woolson in relation to
any timely European issue. Email proposals of no more than 300 words (within

CFP: Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity (Netherlands) (1/11/05; 3/29/06-3/31/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Firat, B.O.

Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity: Knowledge, Politics, Cultural =
Production <<ole0.bmp>> Wednesday, 29 March - Friday, 31 March 2006 =
<<ole1.bmp>> <<ole2.bmp>>=20
The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) invites proposals for =
the international workshop, Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity, =
to be held between 29th - 31st of March, 2006 in Amsterdam, the =
Netherlands. This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to =
exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest =
themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural =

CFP: Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity (Netherlands) (1/11/05; 3/29/06-3/31/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Firat, B.O.

Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity: Knowledge, Politics, Cultural =
Production <<ole0.bmp>> Wednesday, 29 March - Friday, 31 March 2006 =
<<ole1.bmp>> <<ole2.bmp>>=20
The Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) invites proposals for =
the international workshop, Trajectories of Commitment and Complicity, =
to be held between 29th - 31st of March, 2006 in Amsterdam, the =
Netherlands. This interdisciplinary workshop will be dedicated to =
exploring the concepts of commitment and complicity as they manifest =
themselves at the intersections of knowledge, politics and cultural =

UPDATE: Word and Image (grad) (UK) (11/13/05; 2/17/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
UCL Conference

The Mind's Eye: Perspectives on Word and Image
University College London English Postgraduate Conference
17 February 2006

UPDATE: The conference organizers are pleased to announce Dr Peter de
Bolla of King's College, Cambridge, as a confirmed keynote speaker.

The fourth annual postgraduate conference at University College London
seeks papers that address the relationship between the verbal and
visual in literary texts.

UPDATE: Word and Image (grad) (UK) (11/13/05; 2/17/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
UCL Conference

The Mind's Eye: Perspectives on Word and Image
University College London English Postgraduate Conference
17 February 2006

UPDATE: The conference organizers are pleased to announce Dr Peter de
Bolla of King's College, Cambridge, as a confirmed keynote speaker.

The fourth annual postgraduate conference at University College London
seeks papers that address the relationship between the verbal and
visual in literary texts.

UPDATE: Word and Image (grad) (UK) (11/13/05; 2/17/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
UCL Conference

The Mind's Eye: Perspectives on Word and Image
University College London English Postgraduate Conference
17 February 2006

UPDATE: The conference organizers are pleased to announce Dr Peter de
Bolla of King's College, Cambridge, as a confirmed keynote speaker.

The fourth annual postgraduate conference at University College London
seeks papers that address the relationship between the verbal and
visual in literary texts.

UPDATE: Word and Image (grad) (UK) (11/13/05; 2/17/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
UCL Conference

The Mind's Eye: Perspectives on Word and Image
University College London English Postgraduate Conference
17 February 2006

UPDATE: The conference organizers are pleased to announce Dr Peter de
Bolla of King's College, Cambridge, as a confirmed keynote speaker.

The fourth annual postgraduate conference at University College London
seeks papers that address the relationship between the verbal and
visual in literary texts.

UPDATE: 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature: Situated Knowledges (Taiwan) (11/15/05; 3/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Brian David Phillips

My apologies, there was a typographical error in the due date for abstracts in the previous CFP for the Wenshan Conference. The correct date for abstrats is Nov. 15, 2005. The conference date is March 11, 2006.

The correct CFP is as follows:

The 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature

English Department, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Conference Date: March 11, 2006
Abstracts Due: Nov. 15, 2005

Conference Theme: "Situated Knowledges: Literature of Belief, Believing, and the Unbelievable"

UPDATE: 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature: Situated Knowledges (Taiwan) (11/15/05; 3/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Brian David Phillips

My apologies, there was a typographical error in the due date for abstracts in the previous CFP for the Wenshan Conference. The correct date for abstrats is Nov. 15, 2005. The conference date is March 11, 2006.

The correct CFP is as follows:

The 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature

English Department, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Conference Date: March 11, 2006
Abstracts Due: Nov. 15, 2005

Conference Theme: "Situated Knowledges: Literature of Belief, Believing, and the Unbelievable"

UPDATE: 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature: Situated Knowledges (Taiwan) (11/15/05; 3/11/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 4:13am
Brian David Phillips

My apologies, there was a typographical error in the due date for abstracts in the previous CFP for the Wenshan Conference. The correct date for abstrats is Nov. 15, 2005. The conference date is March 11, 2006.

The correct CFP is as follows:

The 6th Wenshan Conference on English and American Literature

English Department, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan

Conference Date: March 11, 2006
Abstracts Due: Nov. 15, 2005

Conference Theme: "Situated Knowledges: Literature of Belief, Believing, and the Unbelievable"

CFP: Tomas Rivera Award in Critical Writing (12/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:54am
Nowell Marshall

CRATE journal is proud to announce The Tomas Rivera Award in Critical

Essays may explore or examine emerging writers, Latino/a contemporary works,
American landscapes, migrant issues that reflect global transformation,
power and the arts.

Total in Prizes $1,000:

1st Prize: $500 and publication in CRATE journal and on the CRATE website
2nd Prize: $250 and publication in CRATE journal and on the CRATE website
Honorable Mentions: $125 and possible publication on the CRATE website

Please limit your submissions to $3,000 words. All submissions must be
postmarked by Dec. 15, 2005 to be considered. CRATE only reads between
Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. Winners will be announced Winter 2005.

CFP: Tomas Rivera Award in Critical Writing (12/15/05; journal issue)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:54am
Nowell Marshall

CRATE journal is proud to announce The Tomas Rivera Award in Critical

Essays may explore or examine emerging writers, Latino/a contemporary works,
American landscapes, migrant issues that reflect global transformation,
power and the arts.

Total in Prizes $1,000:

1st Prize: $500 and publication in CRATE journal and on the CRATE website
2nd Prize: $250 and publication in CRATE journal and on the CRATE website
Honorable Mentions: $125 and possible publication on the CRATE website

Please limit your submissions to $3,000 words. All submissions must be
postmarked by Dec. 15, 2005 to be considered. CRATE only reads between
Sept. 15 and Dec. 15. Winners will be announced Winter 2005.

CFP: Communication in Crisis (1/6/06; 3/31/06-4/1/06)

Tuesday, October 18, 2005 - 3:53am

Call for Papers

Communication in Crisis
Conference hosted by the Graduate Program in Communication
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
March 31-April 1, 2006

Keynote Speaker: Mark Crispin Miller, New York University
