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CFP: Bristol's Robert Southey (11/17/06; NASSR, 7/26/07-7/29/07)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:01am
Elisa Beshero-Bondar

Bristol's Robert Southey

The 2007 NASSR meeting in Robert Southey's native Bristol provides a perfect
opportunity to introduce fresh perspectives on his work and its increasing
importance to Romantic studies. Papers are invited on any aspect of
Southey's prodigious output during the Romantic era--as poet, prototype
anthropologist, historian, and political thinker. Papers addressing
Bristol's significance to Southey are especially welcome.
Send 300-word abstracts by e-mail to Elisa Beshero-Bondar (University of
Pittsburgh at Greensburg) at: by November 17, 2006.

CFP: 'Popular Romance' and 'Arthurian cities' at IMC Leeds (9/15/06; Leeds, 7/9/07-7/12/07)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:01am
Raluca Radulescu

14th International Medieval Congress, Leeds (9-12 July 2007)

Special sessions sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of
Wales, Bangor

Session titles: 'Popular romance: Cities and Merchants' and 'Arthurian cities'
Paper proposals on all aspects, literary, historical, cultural are welcome for
the above sessions.
Abstracts should be 250 words max. E-mail submissions are acceptable. Electronic
submissions to:

Deadline: 15 September 2006.


CFP: 'Popular Romance' and 'Arthurian cities' at IMC Leeds (9/15/06; Leeds, 7/9/07-7/12/07)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:01am
Raluca Radulescu

14th International Medieval Congress, Leeds (9-12 July 2007)

Special sessions sponsored by the Centre for Medieval Studies, University of
Wales, Bangor

Session titles: 'Popular romance: Cities and Merchants' and 'Arthurian cities'
Paper proposals on all aspects, literary, historical, cultural are welcome for
the above sessions.
Abstracts should be 250 words max. E-mail submissions are acceptable. Electronic
submissions to:

Deadline: 15 September 2006.


UPDATE: Morgan Spurlock (8/15/06; Film & History, 11/8/06-11/12/06)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:01am

Call for Papers
The Documentary Tradition:
Contemporary Documentary Maker â€" Morgan Spurlock
The Documentary Tradition - 2006 Film and History Conference
Dallas, Texas, United States

8thâ€"12th November 2006
Deadline now extended to 15th August 2006
The Documentary Tradition and its many permutations will be the topic of the
Fall, 2006 Film and History Conference.
Proposals are now being accepted for The Documentary Tradition looking
specifically at the contemporary documentary maker Morgan Spurlock.
Listed below are some suggestions for possible proposals, but all other
perspectives and aspects will be considered.

CFP: English-language Perspectives on Flemish Culture (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:00am
Christopher Lemelin

I am writing as an Associate Editor of Sirena, an international, =20
multilingual journal of poetry, art, and criticism. Our journal is =20
produced twice yearly by Dickinson College and is distributed by =20
Johns Hopkins University Press.

Within the next year we will be publishing a special edition of the =20
journal devoted to Flemish poetry, art, and culture. We have =20
received funding for this project from the Flemish Literary Fund for =20
the translation and publication of poems by Benno Barnard, Luuk =20
Gruwez, Stefan Hertmans, Roland Jooris, Leonard Nolens, Miriam Van =20
Hee and Stefaan Van den Bremt. I have included biographies of these =20
poets below

CFP: English-language Perspectives on Flemish Culture (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:00am
Christopher Lemelin

I am writing as an Associate Editor of Sirena, an international, =20
multilingual journal of poetry, art, and criticism. Our journal is =20
produced twice yearly by Dickinson College and is distributed by =20
Johns Hopkins University Press.

Within the next year we will be publishing a special edition of the =20
journal devoted to Flemish poetry, art, and culture. We have =20
received funding for this project from the Flemish Literary Fund for =20
the translation and publication of poems by Benno Barnard, Luuk =20
Gruwez, Stefan Hertmans, Roland Jooris, Leonard Nolens, Miriam Van =20
Hee and Stefaan Van den Bremt. I have included biographies of these =20
poets below

CFP: English-language Perspectives on Flemish Culture (no deadline noted; journal issue)

Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - 2:00am
Christopher Lemelin

I am writing as an Associate Editor of Sirena, an international, =20
multilingual journal of poetry, art, and criticism. Our journal is =20
produced twice yearly by Dickinson College and is distributed by =20
Johns Hopkins University Press.

Within the next year we will be publishing a special edition of the =20
journal devoted to Flemish poetry, art, and culture. We have =20
received funding for this project from the Flemish Literary Fund for =20
the translation and publication of poems by Benno Barnard, Luuk =20
Gruwez, Stefan Hertmans, Roland Jooris, Leonard Nolens, Miriam Van =20
Hee and Stefaan Van den Bremt. I have included biographies of these =20
poets below

CFP: Jews & Sex (9/30/06; collection)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Nathan Abrams

Proposals are sought for a new edited collection tentatively titled, =
Jews and Sex. Possible contributions could include, but are not limited =
to, the following:

CFP: Jews & Sex (9/30/06; collection)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Nathan Abrams

Proposals are sought for a new edited collection tentatively titled, =
Jews and Sex. Possible contributions could include, but are not limited =
to, the following:

CFP: Jews & Sex (9/30/06; collection)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Nathan Abrams

Proposals are sought for a new edited collection tentatively titled, =
Jews and Sex. Possible contributions could include, but are not limited =
to, the following:

CFP: Jews & Sex (9/30/06; collection)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Nathan Abrams

Proposals are sought for a new edited collection tentatively titled, =
Jews and Sex. Possible contributions could include, but are not limited =
to, the following:

UPDATE: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (8/15/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline extended to August 15, 2006

UPDATE: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (8/15/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline extended to August 15, 2006

UPDATE: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (8/15/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline extended to August 15, 2006

UPDATE: Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation (8/15/06; 11/9/06-11/11/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Robert Alexander

The Fletcher Lecture Series Committee of Nicholls State University is
pleased to announce the First Fletcher Lecture Series Conference,
featuring a keynote address by 2006 Fletcher Lecturer Henry Louis Gates,
Jr. The conference will be held November 9-11, 2006, on the campus of
Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana, located in the Bayou
Region of South Louisiana (1 hr. from New Orleans or Baton Rouge; 1 1/2
hours from Lafayette).

General Subject: "Crossings: Assimilation and Acculturation"

Submission deadline extended to August 15, 2006

CFP: Contours of Captivity (9/1/06; EGO, 11/2/06-11/3/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Horacio Sierra

The Sixth Annual English Graduate Organization (EGO) Interdisciplinary
*Contours of Captivity: Resignifying Expressions of Power*
November 2-3, 2006, at the University of Florida in Gainesville
Keynote Speaker: Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University

CFP: Contours of Captivity (9/1/06; EGO, 11/2/06-11/3/06)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 - 10:16pm
Horacio Sierra

The Sixth Annual English Graduate Organization (EGO) Interdisciplinary
*Contours of Captivity: Resignifying Expressions of Power*
November 2-3, 2006, at the University of Florida in Gainesville
Keynote Speaker: Marianne Hirsch, Columbia University
