CFP: Paul/Jane Bowles (6/30/03; newsletter issue)
Editors of BOWLES NOTES invite studies and commentaries written in English on
the works of Jane and/or Paul Bowles for inclusion in up-coming issues of
this newsletter. Articles focused on bringing Jane and/or Paul Bowles to the
university classroom are especially welcome. Submissions should be typewritten and
documented in standard MLA style. Send essays (500 to 2,000 words in length)
to BOWLES NOTES, Post Office BOX 57073, Albuquerque, NM 87187-7073 by June 30,
2003. Please include 3 copies of materials to be considered. Materials will
not be returned unless an envelope with prepaid postage accompanies the
submission. Inquiries may be sent in writing to the address listed above or by email