Screen, Image, Psyche: On Film, Psychoanalysis, and Becoming Other
NeMLA's 56th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, March 6 to March 9, 2025
Julia Bruehne (University of Bremen)
Matthew Lovett (University of Pittsburgh)
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NeMLA's 56th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, March 6 to March 9, 2025
Julia Bruehne (University of Bremen)
Matthew Lovett (University of Pittsburgh)
Resurgens Theatre Company, along with the Georgia State University Department of English, is pleased to announce our third biennial conference on early modern verse drama by Shakespeare’s contemporaries, “A Marlowe for All Seasons.” We’re calling for papers that examine some aspect of Christopher Marlowe’s plays in performance, from the Elizabethan era through the current day, but also welcome topics involving Marlovian influence on the development of Renaissance drama and/or early modern print culture. The conference will be held on its NEW DATE, September 13 and 14, 2024, at the historic Pythagoras Masonic Temple (108 E.
This ACLA 2025 virtual seminar convenes scholars working in philosophy and literature, broadly construed. It harnesses the frisson between global modernist literature and global philosophies of mind. Seemingly remote from reality, how might the philosophy of mind illuminate the modern global metropolis? Do idealist theories of reality—German, French, or Indian—have a place in accounts of modernity that are so often dominated by Marxian materialism? How might philosophy reconcile, or extricate us from, the impasse between singular and multiple theories of modernity? How does non-European philosophy complicate our extant understanding of this concept?
The intersection of literature and heritage provides a rich tapestry for a nuanced interdisciplinary exploration of cultural narratives, historical contexts, and societal evolution. This symbiotic bond intertwines the text with the material and immaterial facets of the cultural identity. Literature engages in re/negotiating identity and re/imagining heritage in complying with the transformations of community over the ages owing to various factors. These narratives, having fictional or realistic bases, are the spaces that mirror the intricate collective memory of a community, regulating a dynamic reciprocity with the past and the present.
This proposal is for the Palgrave Studies in Global Literatures and Religion Series, edited by Heather Ostman and devoted to the literary examination of religion. The series intends to look into how literature has depicted and transformed the role of religion and divinity. However, this proposed book aims to contribute to the series by looking at how literary texts engage with religious ideology and their implications for surveillance.
What role do the genres autoethnography and/or memoir play in the revolution and evolution of Black women in the academy? How can they help instigate radical change and encourage sustainable practices for Black women who seek to thrive in higher education?
In a roundtable format, "Write Smack In the Middle: Black Women, Autoethnography, Memoir, and the Academy" will shift the conversation from studying others to reflecting on oneself. This interactive session aims to create an intentional space for Black women who serve in academia to reflect and center on their daily experiences in their own words.
Call for Papers: Book 2.0
Special Issue: ‘The Author’
View the full call here>>
Authors mean different things at different times and in different contexts. For example, the authoritative Oxford English Dictionary conceives it as ‘[a] writer, and senses relating to literature’ and ‘[a] creator, cause, or source’. In 2004, Andrew Bennett suggested that ‘questioning the nature of authorship’ can be a hallmark of crises and turning points in literature.
From the Indian boarding schools of North America to the English curriculum mandate of the British empire, formal education, and the various guises it assumed, was an important instrument for colonial powers to exert dominance over its colonized subjects. The afterlives of such an education continue today through dominant knowledge systems that benefit the few at the expense of the many. This panel seeks papers that aim to disentangle and liberate education from colonial control, so that education can be a vehicle for vital knowledge production and empowerment.
Call for Abstracts!
90s Alternative and Philosophy: Thinking Outside the Heart-Shaped Box
Edited by Joshua Heter and Richard Greene
Please note that all papers are accepted on a first come/first served basis so to guarantee the slot you want (subject to the paper being accepted), we recommend applying as early as possible.
I’m opening up the call for the 2025 Romancing the Gothic talk series! Each month has a theme but please interpret it liberally. We want a range of papers from different countries and traditions.
We welcome people from all stages of their academic career and from outside academia.
You can find a list of topics by month. If you don’t know where you’d fit, reach out anyway!
Conference online: 19-20 September 2024
Scientific Committee:
Professor Wojciech Owczarski – University of Gdańsk, Poland
Professor Polina Golovátina-Mora – NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
The biannual journal Studies in the Fantastic invites proposals for an upcoming special issue investigating the popular yet puzzling pairing of detective and speculative genres, guest edited by Christiana Salah and Steven Mollmann.
Films that seem to demand more than their “fair share” of their audience’s lives or are deemed not “worth” watching index the complex ways spectatorship, attention, labor, and biopolitics are imbricated in our treatment of moving-image media. This panel examines how exhausting, pointless, and/or somnolent cinema stages experiences of duration and endurance as feats of aesthetic difficulty. We invite papers that consider the relationship(s) between cinematic temporality, modes of diffused attention, and the affective labor of spectatorship. How might we expand beyond interpretations of such media as solely about refusal and negation? What interdisciplinary methodologies might help us approach this “difficult” cinema?
The Southern Humanities Conference, 2025
Call for Papers
Conference Theme: Real, Artificial, and Superficial
Greenville, SC, January 30- February 2, 2025
The Southern Humanities Conference offers an opportunity for scholars, artists, writers, musicians, performers, and humanists of all kinds to share their knowledge, research, work, and experiences in an interdisciplinary, welcoming, and engaging intellectual space.
Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities welcomes contributions for future issues. Ecocene is published by Cappadocia University, Environmental Humanities Center. Each issue has a general section and a section on creative writing (Storying Ecocenes), creative art (Ecocene Arts), and book reviews. The general section can contain 6-8 articles. These articles should be research articles with a length of 5500 words. The word limit for short fiction is 3000, 1500-2000 for book reviews.
The explosion of revolutionary literature in South Asia is traced back to the formation of the All India Writers’ Association in 1936. Within a few years, the Indian People’s Theatre Association was formed in 1943. Operating with a distinct socialist fervor partly inspired by the Bolshevik revolution, these umbrella organizations brought together hundreds of poets, writers, thespians, and musicians working in various languages across the length and breadth of undivided India to consolidate a consensus against colonialism and fascism. Although the 1947 partition soon separated them into India or East/West Pakistan, the polemics of their art could not be stopped from reverberating across borders.
Abstracts (200 words) due: August 30
Final essays (2500-3000 words) due: December 15
My So-Called Life at 30: An Introspective Retrospective
L’Afrique est un continent aux expériences historiques et culturelles diversifiées, aux contextes politiques, économiques et sociaux variés. Ce continent incarne également des disparités culturelles, politiques et économiques, notamment en matière de développement humain et d’égalités de genre. Dans la majorité des pays africains, il est possible de tracer les grandes lignes d’un état des lieux du genre dans sa complexité et ses contradictions.
Call for Papers
Evolving Manhood: Reframing Masculinities in South Asia
This panel seeks to explore and shed light to the multiplicity of voices and accounts that surround issues of memory and exile in Spain in relationship to the Spanish Civil War and its impacts as a reflection of unresolved issues that are portrayed in recent contemporary fiction. The goal is to foster an interdisciplinary discussion about how memory, and exile, that in many cases are intertwined in these narratives, deepen our understanding of how the female experience is portrayed. The intention of giving agency to the unheard women voices and those marginalized by normative discourses is prevalent in these counter discourses that, frequently, have an autobiographical component.
Can we have a Revolution in how we talk about women’s and femme-identifying bodies and minds? Can we write about disability, mental health, pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause, transitioning, chronic pain, and other health concerns in ways that build us up and unite us?
In Plant-Thinking: A Philosophy of Vegetal Life (2013), Michael Marder posits that plants “are agents in the production of meaning” (35), echoing Jane Bennett’s claim that “the concept of agency [is enlarged] once nonhuman things are figured . . . as actors . . . [and] affective bodies forming assemblages” (Vibrant Matters 21-24).
In recent years, the intersection of computational creativity and literature has gained significant attention. "Algorithmic Authors: Computational Creativity in Literature" aims to explore how algorithms and artificial intelligence are transforming the creation, analysis, and understanding of literary texts. This volume will investigate the roles of machine learning, natural language processing, and other computational techniques in generating and analyzing literary works, as well as their implications for the future of literature and authorship.
We invite proposals for 20-minute papers on any aspect of affective expression in medieval mystical and devotional texts. These papers will compose a series of panels to run at the International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, July 7-10, 2025.
Potential themes could include – but are not limited to – the following:
Experiencing divine grace/consolation
Longing for God
Compassionating Christ’s Passion
Mystical ecstasies and affective transports
External perceptions of mystics’ emotionality
Please submit via the official CAA portal here:
College Art Association Annual Conference 2025
12-15 February 2025, New York City
"Art as Shifting Knowledge?: Histories of Science, Medicine, and Sinophone Art"
Chairs: Yizhuo Li (Universität Wien) and Jiaqi Kang (University of Oxford)
Although some of the most iconic British fictional detectives—Marple, Poirot, and Holmes—are old-age pensioners, the 21st century is witnessing a proliferation of aging detectives in fiction, television, and film. Among recent novels are Jesse Q. Sutanto’s Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers (2023), Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club series (2021-), and Robert Thorogood’s The Marlow Murder Club series (2021-), but it is a growing trend that cannot be accounted for simply by demographics.
for the forthcoming issue of Jadavpur University Department of English Journal
Essays and Studies
Global South Conversations: Eco-Cosmopolitanism, Ethics of Proximity and Anthropocentric Anxieties in the Time of Climate Change
The next Northeast Modern Language Association (NeMLA) Convention will be held in Philadelphia, PA, from March 6-9, 2025. The roundtable "Storytelling in and about the Humanities: (R)evolving Disciplinary Discourses" is seeking abstracts (200-300 words) consistent with the conference theme of (R)EVOLUTION:
The Societas Ovidiana welcomes proposals for an in-person panel to be held at the International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS) on May 8-10, 2025.
This panel invites new perspectives on the relationship between Dante and Ovid.
Proposals might consider, but are not limited to the topics of:
The Societas Ovidiana welcomes proposals for a virtual panel to be held at the International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS) on May 8-10, 2025.
Given the global turn in medieval studies, it is important to reconsider the place of ancient authors beyond the sphere of European reception.
This panel invites global perspectives on the medieval reception of Ovid.
Proposals might consider, but are not limited to the topics of: