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CFP: Theology and Religious Studies or Theology vs Religious Studies? (UK) (1/31/06; 7/6/06-7/7/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:45pm
Darlene Bird


Theology and Religious Studies or Theology vs Religious Studies?
St Anne's College, University of Oxford, 6-7 July 2006-01-18

Call for papers deadline: 31 January 2006

Keynote speakers: David Ford (Cambridge), Kim Knott (Leeds), Gavin
D'Costa (Bristol), James Cox (Edinburgh)

Papers are welcome on a range of topics including (but not limited to):
the Relationship between Theology and Religious Studies; the Future of
Theology; the Future of Religious Studies; the Place of Theology /
Religious Studies in the University; Teaching Theology (trends and
methods); Teaching Religious Studies (trends and methods).

CFP: Theology and Religious Studies or Theology vs Religious Studies? (UK) (1/31/06; 7/6/06-7/7/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:45pm
Darlene Bird


Theology and Religious Studies or Theology vs Religious Studies?
St Anne's College, University of Oxford, 6-7 July 2006-01-18

Call for papers deadline: 31 January 2006

Keynote speakers: David Ford (Cambridge), Kim Knott (Leeds), Gavin
D'Costa (Bristol), James Cox (Edinburgh)

Papers are welcome on a range of topics including (but not limited to):
the Relationship between Theology and Religious Studies; the Future of
Theology; the Future of Religious Studies; the Place of Theology /
Religious Studies in the University; Teaching Theology (trends and
methods); Teaching Religious Studies (trends and methods).

CFP: Victorian Symptoms (2/15/06; NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:16pm
Matthew Rowlinson

A special session at the 2006 meeting of the
North American Victorian Studies Association
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN
 31 August - 3 September 2006

CFP: Victorian Symptoms (2/15/06; NAVSA, 8/31/06-9/3/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:16pm
Matthew Rowlinson

A special session at the 2006 meeting of the
North American Victorian Studies Association
Purdue University, Lafayette, IN
 31 August - 3 September 2006

CFP: The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650 (UK) (2/28/06; 8/24/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm

The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650

Canterbury Christ Church University

Thursday 24 August 2006

This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the ritual and rhetoric of
queenship in late medieval and early modern England.

We hope to encourage debate on the image and representation of queens, and on
the cultural and political narratives of queenship. Possible themes might

the ritual construction of queenship;

queenship, identity and power;

holy and sainted queens;

royal motherhood;

queens as intercessors and patrons;

queens in translation.

CFP: The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650 (UK) (2/28/06; 8/24/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm

The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650

Canterbury Christ Church University

Thursday 24 August 2006

This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the ritual and rhetoric of
queenship in late medieval and early modern England.

We hope to encourage debate on the image and representation of queens, and on
the cultural and political narratives of queenship. Possible themes might

the ritual construction of queenship;

queenship, identity and power;

holy and sainted queens;

royal motherhood;

queens as intercessors and patrons;

queens in translation.

CFP: The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650 (UK) (2/28/06; 8/24/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm

The Ritual and Rhetoric of Queenship, 1250-1650

Canterbury Christ Church University

Thursday 24 August 2006

This interdisciplinary conference aims to explore the ritual and rhetoric of
queenship in late medieval and early modern England.

We hope to encourage debate on the image and representation of queens, and on
the cultural and political narratives of queenship. Possible themes might

the ritual construction of queenship;

queenship, identity and power;

holy and sainted queens;

royal motherhood;

queens as intercessors and patrons;

queens in translation.

CFP: MLA Prose Fiction Division (3/7/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm

The Prose Fiction Division of the MLA calls for papers for panels at the
2006 convention in Philadelphia, PA, on the topic of narrative and
community: narrative practices and reading modes that solicit, create,
represent, deny, evade, or reject sociability. 500-word proposals by 7
March to Laura Green (Department of English, Northeastern
University), Email submissions only, please; no

CFP: MLA Prose Fiction Division (3/7/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm

The Prose Fiction Division of the MLA calls for papers for panels at the
2006 convention in Philadelphia, PA, on the topic of narrative and
community: narrative practices and reading modes that solicit, create,
represent, deny, evade, or reject sociability. 500-word proposals by 7
March to Laura Green (Department of English, Northeastern
University), Email submissions only, please; no

CFP: Living at the Outskirts: Cinema and East European Countries (3/5/06; MLA'06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
catalina florescu

Proposals are invited for a special session organized by the Romanian Studies
Association of America at this year's MLA convention: "Living at the
Outskirts -- Cinema and East European Countries." Film and the Politics of the
Great Divide, the East European as Other, visual narrative of
integration/disintegration, and the cinematic screen as a divide and/or

Please e-mail 300 words abstracts with a short bio to by
March 5.

CFP: Life Writing, Marginalization, Resistance (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Barbara Ciccarelli

CFP: Life Writing, Marginalization, Resistance
(3/15/06; MLA '06, 12/27/06-12/30/06)

Call For Papers for a proposed Special Session

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Annual meeting December 27-30, 2006, in Philadelphia

I am requesting submissions for a proposed
panel/special session entitled Life Writing,
Marginalization, Resistance for MLA 2006 in
Philadelphia, PA. Participants must be members by
April 7th and the complete panel with proposals must
be determined and submitted to the MLA program
committee for evaluation by April 1.

CFP: Life Writing, Marginalization, Resistance (3/15/06; MLA '06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Barbara Ciccarelli

CFP: Life Writing, Marginalization, Resistance
(3/15/06; MLA '06, 12/27/06-12/30/06)

Call For Papers for a proposed Special Session

Modern Language Association (MLA)

Annual meeting December 27-30, 2006, in Philadelphia

I am requesting submissions for a proposed
panel/special session entitled Life Writing,
Marginalization, Resistance for MLA 2006 in
Philadelphia, PA. Participants must be members by
April 7th and the complete panel with proposals must
be determined and submitted to the MLA program
committee for evaluation by April 1.

CFP: Big Tex[t] (ongoing; journal)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Lowell Mick White

Big Tex[t], an on-line journal, is accepting ongoing submissions of:
. Literary Criticism
. Creative Nonfiction
. Fiction
. Poetry
. Visual Art
. Audio/Spoken Word
While Big Tex[t] is not a regional publication, our editorial stance is
derived from our connection to the cultural and geographic shatterbelt
of Texas-
the complex mingling of races, ethnicities, cultures, and environments
that we observe each day.
Sixty-some years ago, folklorist J. Frank Dobie looked forward to a
day when the mesquite tree had as much poetic resonance as the English
yew. At

CFP: Medieval Lament and Elegy (3/30/06; collection)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Jane Tolmie

Paper proposals are invited for a volume of essays on medieval lament and elegy, specifically laments for dead sons. The deadline for proposals is March 30, 2006. Proposals may be from any area of medieval studies and should be one page in length. Please send your work to: Dr. Jane Tolmie, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, N6A 3K7, Canada. Email is acceptable also at Please send any attachments as .rtf documents.

CFP: Medieval Lament and Elegy (3/30/06; collection)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Jane Tolmie

Paper proposals are invited for a volume of essays on medieval lament and elegy, specifically laments for dead sons. The deadline for proposals is March 30, 2006. Proposals may be from any area of medieval studies and should be one page in length. Please send your work to: Dr. Jane Tolmie, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, N6A 3K7, Canada. Email is acceptable also at Please send any attachments as .rtf documents.

CFP: Medieval Lament and Elegy (3/30/06; collection)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:15pm
Jane Tolmie

Paper proposals are invited for a volume of essays on medieval lament and elegy, specifically laments for dead sons. The deadline for proposals is March 30, 2006. Proposals may be from any area of medieval studies and should be one page in length. Please send your work to: Dr. Jane Tolmie, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, N6A 3K7, Canada. Email is acceptable also at Please send any attachments as .rtf documents.

CFP: Changing the Subject: What is Called Theory (grad) (3/1/06; 4/22/06-4/23/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
EGSO Albany

Call for Panels and Papers: Deadline 3/1/06
The English Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) of
the University at Albany, SUNY announces its annual
graduate student conference Saturday April 22 and
Sunday April 23, 2006:

Changing the Subject: Poesis, Praxis, and Theoria in
the Humanities

Robert Scholes is the Keynote Speaker, presenting a
paper titled "Changing the Subject: Periodical
Call for Papers and Panels: What Is Called Theory?

CFP: Changing the Subject: What is Called Theory (grad) (3/1/06; 4/22/06-4/23/06)

Saturday, January 21, 2006 - 7:14pm
EGSO Albany

Call for Panels and Papers: Deadline 3/1/06
The English Graduate Student Organization (EGSO) of
the University at Albany, SUNY announces its annual
graduate student conference Saturday April 22 and
Sunday April 23, 2006:

Changing the Subject: Poesis, Praxis, and Theoria in
the Humanities

Robert Scholes is the Keynote Speaker, presenting a
paper titled "Changing the Subject: Periodical
Call for Papers and Panels: What Is Called Theory?
